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Jesus explained that not a single sparrow “goes forgotten before God” or falls “to the ground without” the Father’s knowledge. (Matthew 10:29) Jehovah notices each time a sparrow falls to the earth perhaps because it is injured or alights on the ground in search of food. The seemingly insignificant birds that were not too little for Jehovah to create are not too little for him to remember. In fact, he values them, for they are precious living things. Do you see the point of Jesus’ illustration?


In his teaching, Jesus often used contrasts, reasoning from the lesser to the greater. For example, Jesus also said: “Ravens neither sow seed nor reap, and they have neither barn nor storehouse, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more worth are you than birds?” (Luke 12:24) Now the point of Jesus’ words about the sparrows becomes clear: If Jehovah cares for these tiny birds, how much more will he care for humans who love and worship him!

1 Moving Picture, Very Nice! ???


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@Martha Braun Amistadi Does this not touch your heart? I cried too. Some other good points I noted: “You are worth more than many sparrows” ??? We may wonder why anyone would buy a spar

KINDNESS ANIMALS HAVE BEEN TAUGHT! BY WHOM? JEHOVAH GOD, this Reminds me; ????? Jesus explained that not a single sparrow “goes forgotten before God” or falls “to the ground without” the Fat

Dear Bible Speaks, When I ponder on the magnificent size of the universe, and how small we are here on earth, and yet---our Creator so lovingly cares for us and all the creatures on the planet---well.

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Dear Bible Speaks, When I ponder on the magnificent size of the universe, and how small we are here on earth, and yet---our Creator so lovingly cares for us and all the creatures on the planet---well. I am nearly moved to tears by Jehovah's boundless love. We have an eternity to give deep meditation on what that love is all about. From the infintesimally small to the grand, astronomically large, the mark of God's loving signature is seen. We are in awe of the Maker and Sustainer of life. We should show one another the same kind  of love that he has shown us. Eternal life project. :D

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@Martha Braun Amistadi Does this not touch your heart? I cried too. Some other good points I noted:

“You are worth more than many sparrows”


We may wonder why anyone would buy a sparrow. Well, in Jesus’ day the sparrow was the cheapest of the birds sold as food. Notice that for one coin of small value, a purchaser got two sparrows. But Jesus later stated that if a person was prepared to spend two coins, he got, not four sparrows, but five. The extra bird was added as though it had no value at all. Perhaps such creatures were worthless in the eyes of men, but how did the Creator view them? Said Jesus: “Not one of them [not even the one added in] goes forgotten before God.” (Luke 12:6, 7) Now we may begin to see Jesus’ point. If Jehovah places such value on a single sparrow, of how much greater worth is a human! 


As Jesus explained, Jehovah knows every detail about us. Why, the very hairs of our head are numbered!


Why are we certain that Jesus was being realistic when he spoke of the hairs of our head being numbered?


Our hairs numbered? Some might assume that Jesus was being unrealistic here. Just think, though, about the hope of the resurrection. How intimately Jehovah must know us in order to re-create us! He values us so much that he remembers every detail, including our genetic code and all our years of memories and experiences. Numbering our hairs—of which the average head grows about 100,000—would be a simple feat by comparison.


Perhaps it is through the privilege of prayer that we experience Jehovah’s love in the most intimate way. The Bible invites each of us to “pray incessantly” to God. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) He listens. He is even called the “Hearer of prayer.” (Psalm 65:2) He has not delegated this office to anyone else, not even to his own Son. 


Just think: The Creator of the universe urges us to approach him in prayer, with freeness of speech. And what kind of listener is he? Cold, impassive, uncaring? Not at all.


Jehovah is empathetic. What is empathy? One faithful elderly Christian said: “Empathy is your pain in my heart.” Is Jehovah really affected by our pain? We read regarding the sufferings of his people Israel: “During all their distress it was distressing to him.” (Isaiah 63:9


Not only did Jehovah see their troubles; he felt for the people. Just how intensely he feels is illustrated by Jehovah’s own words to his servants: “He that is touching you is touching my eyeball.”*(Zechariah 2:8) How painful that would be! Yes, Jehovah feels for us. When we hurt, he hurts.

Who is like Jehovah? No God 
He shows us so much Loyal Love even though we are mere humans. We should appreciate Him all the more so, the Love also of Our Lord Christ and their Love extends beyond our imagination! 
Thank you for your comment, you help others here too! Agape, ?????
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