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MOSCOW – Tens of thousands of protesters have thronged Moscow this weekend to protest against a ban of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the country.

Bible Speaks

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MOSCOW – Tens of thousands of protesters have thronged Moscow this weekend to protest against a ban of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the country.  Organizers claimed over 150,000 people took part in the

The World is standing up for Jehovah's Witnesses. Our appeal is coming soon in June.... 

Even if we "lose" we WIN! Thank you Jehovah God! ???????

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Did you note these paragraphs?  Here are some of the websites that are not legitimate.

"Furthermore, all four of the web sites use misleading web site names and URLs in an apparent attempt to trick readers into thinking that they were visiting a legitimate news source. For instance, the first USA News web site uses the domain fox-news24.com. However, this web site is not affiliated with the real Fox News. USA Television also uses a suspicious URL: ab.cnewsgo.com. Again, this web site is not affiliated with ABC News (whose URL is abcnews.go.com), or the real USA television network. 

The URLs for Houston News and the second USA News web site are similarly deceptive. Houston News uses the domain Houstonchronicle-tv.com, though is not affiliated with the real Houston Chronicle, and the second USA News web site also had a name unrelated to its domain: states-tv.com."

Satan uses all sorts of means to deceive us.  if this story is true, our brothers will tell us about it.  

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I prefer to disregard fake news, and the nice thing about being a rascally curmudgeon with Barbarian overtones is that, being 70 years old, I can usually spot fake news. 

When I was younger the credibility gap was compensated for by my gullibility fill, but I got TIRED of being wrong ALL the time, and played for a fool by my own inexperience.  I suppose it's a skill that one has to get used to .... as sheep never figure it out that the reason they are being cared for is to shave them bald, and EAT them.

That analogy has ALWAYS bothered me ... I mentioned it in a comment at the Watchtower Study years ago, and a Brother,  sitting four rows behind me got the microphone and exclaimed "Jehovah does NOT eat his sheep!".

I recall a line from the 1978 "SUPERMAN - The Movie" that pretty much sums things like that up .....

Lex Luthor, speaking about his dull assistant Otis:  " It's amazing that brain can generate enough power to keep those legs moving.". ... or, as Abraham Lincoln once said: "Don't believe anything you read on the Internet!"

When I get discouraged, I go to YouTube and watch "COWS WITH GUNS".




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4 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I suppose it's a skill that one has to get used to .... as sheep never figure it out that the reason they are being cared for is to shave them bald, and EAT them.

All depends on who is shepherding according to Ezekiel 34:1-6

"The word of Jehovah again came to me, saying:

2 “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy, and say to the shepherds, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “Woe to the shepherds of Israel, who have been feeding themselves! Is it not the flock that the shepherds should feed?

3 You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, and you slaughter the fattest animal, but you do not feed the flock.

4 You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bandaged the injured or brought back the strays or looked for the lost; rather, you have ruled them with harshness and tyranny.

5 So they were scattered because there was no shepherd; they were scattered and became food for every wild beast of the field.

6 My sheep were straying on all the mountains and on every high hill; my sheep were scattered over all the surface of the earth, with no one searching for them or seeking to find them. "

Why not read on..............

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Is 'the news' another one of those mountains that are melting these days? It was only - what - two? three? years ago that if you read something in 'the news,' it was valid. (unless it was being spun by official liars)

Given the new reality that reading news is playing Russia roulette, I'll take the Trump story, fake though it may be. Okay, he didn't speak out against the Russian ban of Jehovah's Witnesses. But the story plants the clear notion that he should. 

Now it is only a matter of time before some poor body of elders must deal with NBC or someone trying to set up shop in their foyer so that they can broadcast "Live from the Kingdom Hall."

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11 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


The leading cow is spoken of as being a he but "he" has an udder, plus cows are never male :D

I mention this on purpose, because I feel that sometimes this is the kind of thing you do, focus on criticising some detail that is not teally important to the overal story or lesson, and then you miss out on the whole point. Which is a pity.

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On 5/14/2017 at 5:57 PM, Bible Speaks said:

Look at three other news sources then? 

Took me exactly 15 seconds to locate the picture here on the Daily Mail. As anticipated, it's not about the Witnesses in Russia at all. It's a picture about a protest against Putin.


Like many involved in this middle-class uprising, Chkhartishvili is new to politics but fed up with their posturing prime minister. ‘Putin is out of date, he is obsolete,’ he told me last week. ‘All of a sudden he looks ridiculous.’

Unrest: Ultranationalists try to break through a cordon during a demonstration against recent parliamentary election results

Unrest: Ultranationalists try to break through a cordon during a demonstration against recent parliamentary election results

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2078554/Russian-protests-Tens-thousands-thronged-Moscow-defiance-Vladimir-Putin.html#ixzz4hG4TmpPP 
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