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I suspect that it really is much worse in other religions. I have already seen people who take the data that comes out of the Australian studies to try to show that it must be about 10 to 50 times wor

I will not, for I can already spot a dissimilarity. Pedophile victims survive. First Degree Murder victims do not. Moreover, pedophile victims frequently recover. This is especially true when we

It is a classic example of getting slammed for doing the right thing, and it should not be spun any other way. The way to avoid such messy critiques is to preach to the congregation on Sunday and

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6 hours ago, Eoin Joyce said:

 the JTR thing is wasting time and space). :)

Well....it's true. But bits and bytes are cheap.

I do apologize to you, though. You are engaging with a slightly different aim and approach, and I allow myself to be distracted sometimes. I appreciate your bringing all of your talents to bear.

Sometimes I must limit my participation in this or that thread (not this one) rather than 'shooting from the hip.' If I am not prepared to follow comments reasonably closely, which I often am not - sometimes because I regard them as blowhards,  sometimes because I simply do not have the time, sometimes because I don't want to go the way of Jehosaphat, sometimes because I really ought be doing other things - I ought not intrude with flippant remarks of which I am not prepared to follow through. 

Though sometimes I throw in remarks just to see where it goes. Sometimes it goes places. Other times it dies an instant death.

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Hmmm. Let us ask @AlanF if he will put in a good word for Mommy Dawkins here. Heaven knows he praises him enough.

Let us direct him to the Atlantic article @Nana Fofana offered up.


Now, Mommy Dawkins  regards mild pedophila as no big deal. Since it happened to him as a boy and he survived it to turn out as fine as he has, his experience - having an adult put his hand down a child's pants - seems his definition of mild. Don't make an issue of it, he recommends. 

What you should make an issue of is passing on religion to a child. That, he says, is intolerable child abuse. Putting your hand down its pants is not.

He is in the company of those who he would consider his founding (fondling?) fathers, per The Sibylline oracles, which claims that only the Jews were free from this impurity.  "Phoenicians, Egyptians and Romans, spacious Greece and many nations of other, Persians and Galatians and all Asia." - depend upon it. These ones will have the hots for your children.

But the Jews - and the Christians that derived from them, per 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 - did not go in for that kind of thing. Doesn't matter, Alan sneers - they were young earth creationists. His heroes may make a grab down your child's pants now and then, but at least they know how old the earth is.





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On 5/27/2017 at 9:40 AM, Gone Away said:

Let's hope that no one here even inadvertently gives that impression.

How about completely abolishing unscriptural celibacy requirements for starters?


This is interesting. It is indeed a worldwide plague. So anyone, institution or individual, denying this fact is really deluded. Reminds me of Chechnya’s leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, who denies that persecution of gay men is taking place in Chechnya, saying there are no gay men living in the republic to be persecuted.

Noticeable too is the institutional pride that serves as an obstacle to combatting the plague even if recognised, exemplified in such responses as "other institutions have a worse record than ours" or "our awareness is higher, or policy is better, than theirs". Meanwhile the problem remains, still affecting all, regardless.

So is the crime the plague? Or is it the criminal?, or are these just symptoms of something deeper?

To be continued.....(I'm sure)

Ramzan Kadyrov isn't too kind to Christians that are not part of the Orthodox church, as well as not being very kind with Muslims. When you go to the Russian side of the net, even its media, a lot of things. For any friend of Putin is a friend of Ramzan.

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