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JW's in Malawi vs. Mexico: Why the Disparity?

Micah Ong

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11 hours ago, JW Insider said:

discrepancy between Malawi and Mexico

I can see a difference but not in the sense of discrepancy I'm afraid. Despite the volume of argument and background  presented, the only real similarity I can see here between Malawi and Mexico is in the purchase of a card. Apart from that, it seems like a case of "apples and oranges".

I can, however, see another parallel. Consider the activity of the muderous Malawi Young Pioneers (MWP), attempting to force Jehovah's Witnesses to purchase a card indicating complete support for a dictatorial, personality-cultist, psycopathic despot. Compare this with what Wikipedia (partly) describes under "Nazi salute":

"Jehovah's Witnesses came into conflict with the Nazi regime because they refused to salute Adolf Hitler with the traditional "Heil Hitler" salute, believing that it conflicted with their worship of Jehovah. Because refusing to salute Hitler was considered a crime, Jehovah's Witnesses were arrested, and their children attending school were expelled, detained and separated from their families."

Would we then by the same argument suggest that the Witnesses taking a stand against participating in the Nazi salute was somehow indicating discrepancy with the excercise of conscience by Mexican brothers? I fail to see a relevant comparison.

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.. and THAT is why we have a conscience ...... because the Governing Body, by their own recent admission forced by GB member Geoffery Jackson in the ARC hearings ... are neither inspired of God, or infallible.

If WE are wrong we have to pay the price.

If THEY are wrong ... we STILL have to pay the price.


Who knew?

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sigh ... let me rephrase that and add a short comment ...

5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

If WE are wrong we have to pay the price.

If THEY are wrong ... we STILL have to pay the price.


5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


If they are wrong ... WE still have to pay the price.

If the Collective Governing Body makes a mistake, and Brothers die or their lives are destroyed unnecessarily ... who fires the Governing Body?

They were FORCED by the Australian Royal Commission ( by being put under Oath ...) to admit for the first time that they were neither inspired by God, nor infallible.

They never even APOLOGIZE for being wrong.


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You sound exactly like the Israelites who complained about Moses on many occasions. It is almost like reading the Bible. Except you are not inspired - at least not inspired by God.

Squirrels trying to cross a road.

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No... there is no similarity ... Moses was not only inspired by God .. through an Angel he spoke directly with God, and God performed MANY bonafide miracles through him.

Neither I or the Governing Body is inspired by God or are infallable ... in BOTH cases its only a guess ... we are both blind.

However, every once and awhile ... even blind squirrels find an acorn ... and when they cross the road ... or cross roads at other squirrels' urging ... they get killed or maimed.

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Only a physical man would think it was about Moses

"And they kept on giving the Israelites a bad report." {Num 13:32}. But the report was TRUE. Those critical complainers did  tell the truth but Jehovah still says it is a "bad" report.

A physical person looks at things in a physical way and does not "understand". That is to stand under something to look at it from a different perspective.

Those who complain like many here are like squirrels trying to cross the road.



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Are you saying that if I am greviously injured, or any of my Brothers are greviously injured by some petty tyranny ( as opposed to grand tyranny .. like being taken outside to a pit and being shot in the back of the head...), by those charged with shepherding the congregation, that I am supposed to sit back and smile while or after a figurative corkscrew is or has been inserted in  my butt and rotated, or sit by and watch it being done without vehement protest?

.... I look forward to your answer.

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