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JW's in Malawi vs. Mexico: Why the Disparity?

Micah Ong

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7 minutes ago, Micah Ong said:

I didn't say Aaron wrote a book of the Bible.  Aaron was definitely appointed by Holy Spirit as High Priest!




I agree he is not inspired. I am going to follow the Scriptures now...the one you say is by the  " cultist" Apostle Paul and will not argue anymore except to quote the Scripture you now hate. " Do EVERYTHING without complaining and arguing", Phil 2:14

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6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


Are you saying that if I am greviously injured, or any of my Brothers are greviously injured by some petty tyranny ( as opposed to grand tyranny .. like being taken outside to a pit and being shot in the back of the head...), by those charged with shepherding the congregation, that I am supposed to sit back and smile while or after a figurative corkscrew is or has been inserted in  my butt and rotated, or sit by and watch it being done without vehement protest?

.... I look forward to your answer.

bruceq:  your answer was NOT really an answer to the question ... BECAUSE YOU CAN'T.


THAT IS WHY you did not directly answer the question.

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In imitation of Jesus I will allow the Scriptures to answer your opposition to Jehovah's Witnesses. So if you continue critical of the Scriptures then you are in opposition to God.

"Now do you also want to make yourself an ABSOLUTE RULER over us"? Num16:13  { tyranny... by those charged with shepherding the congregation"}  JTR quote in parenthesis!

"Be OBEDIENT to those who are taking the lead among you and be SUBMISSIVE" Heb 13:17. 


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14 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

The scripture in itself doesn't bother me, it is important when put in proper context.  It's when you apply it to following a group of men who are "not inspired or infallible" as Feb WT last study article points out, you are blindly following men as if they are appointed by God.

Forgive me for this. It is not to say anything about you. But some things strike me as too stupid to try to get my head around. 

It is no more than 'blindly following' the bus driver. I could have walked, but I am smarter to take the bus. Having done so, I do not feel I have to sit behind him and critique his every decision. Much less, having already left the bus, shouting as with a bullhorn at the passengers remaining. What is your interest in doing so?

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31 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It is no more than 'blindly following' the bus driver. I could have walked, but I am smarter to take the bus.

Jesus is the bus not man.  Everyone has freedom of choice, so good on you if it's working for you but don't act like everyone else is doomed for not getting on the WTS bus.

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What do you do when the bus driver is OBVIOUSLY lost?

Or he is driving at night, and says he can see perfectly well, but the headlamps are not working?

Or he is abusive to passengers who complain his driving is dangerous .. and he NEEDS TO TURN ON THOSE HEADLIGHTS! ?

Or you are aware of his LOOooong history of injuring passengers when they try to get on or off the bus?

And I think Micah's comment is quite pertinent, also ... don't confuse an imitation of a bus, for a real bus.  They are NOT the same, bold markings on the side to the contrary.



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14 minutes ago, Micah Ong said:

Jesus is the bus not man.  Everyone has freedom of choice, so good on you if it's working for you but don't act like everyone else is doomed for not getting on the WTS bus.

Then after 100 years and more, the bus driver is forced to admit by secular authorities that  it is NOT specifically  instructed in the route (inspired), and gets routes WRONG, and NEVER apologizes for trips that waste your time, wandering around in the dark .... (examples are legion ... "new light", means you are APOSTATIZING from what the bus driver knew and TAUGHT, yesterday...), it is best to know where the emergency exits are ... just in case .... if the company has not welded them shut!

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The previous were NOT rhetorical questions ... each person has an answer .... his or her survival and self respect depends on the correct one.

The Brothers and Sisters in Malawi chose badly ..... and the "Bus Driver" whistled as he went home and had a fine meal, and slept safely in a comfortable room with clean sheets, satisfied in a job well done.


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2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

What do you do when the bus driver is OBVIOUSLY lost?

Or he is driving at night, and says he can see perfectly well, but the headlamps are not working?

Or he is abusive to passengers who complain his driving is dangerous .. and he NEEDS TO TURN ON THOSE HEADLIGHTS! ?

You go berserk like William Shatner on the Twilight Zone plane, positively losing it on a flight no one else had any problem with.

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2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The Brothers and Sisters in Malawi chose badly ..... and the "Bus Driver" whistled as he went home

If people carry on too much about this stuff, I begin to wonder about their grasp of the Bible. Do they imagine that a competent Governing Body would prove Jesus wrong - would make the world love us? Do they imagine that the wicked thing people would lyingly say about us (Matthew 5:11) would be: “well, um, I mean….they woke me up when I was trying to sleep?”

If it is not Jehovah’s Witnesses who are described by this verse, who is it? Who else, attempting to do the work Jesus did, is “everywhere spoken against?” 

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3 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

 has freedom of choice, so good on you if it's working for you but don't act like everyone else is doomed for not getting on the WTS bus.

At first glance, it is not a bad answer.

However, it 'works for me' in the same way an actual bus works for me. I arrive at my destination, which I will not do in a timely way, and likely not at all, if I walk.

Knowing this, even if I choose to get off the bus, I do not hang out at the bus terminal haranguing boarding passengers about getting on board, I would have a screw loose to do that.

It is not as though the driver does not have a notable record of where he has driven, sights he has seen, deeds he has done.

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" for truly as regards this SECT, we know that it is SPOKEN AGAINST EVERYWHERE." including right here! Acts 28:22. 

Be OBEDIENT to those who are taking the lead among you and be SUBMISSIVE" Heb 13:17. 


   "Although you are fully aware of all this, I want to remind you that Jehovah, having saved a people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed those not showing faith...Despite this, these men too are...DESPISING AUTHORITY, and SPEAKING ABUSIVELY of glorious ones...they have perished in the REBELLIOUS TALK of Korah...stars with no set course...These men are MURMURERS , COMPLAINERS about their lot in life...RIDICULERS, following their own desires for ungodly things. These are the ones who CAUSE DIVISIONS, animalistic men, not having spirituality." {Most of the book of Jude}. B|

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