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Russell, The Egyptian Pyramids, Freemasons and Demonology

Micah Ong

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Hardy har har and a slap on the arse for @The Librarian, sending her sprawling over her card catalog and into the Children's Section stuffed animal bin! Vic Vomidog's the name. Disemboweling the

The entire set of quotations used in the post about Russell supposedly claiming to be a Freemason are presented in such as way as to imply a false narrative. You can actually pick out the true meaning

If there is one thing all should be able to agree upon, it is that nobody can tell Stephen Lett about gestures. He wrote the book. Look, I shouldn't comment on this topic because I am only barely

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57 minutes ago, Eoin Joyce said:

Actually, the development of this posting and it's excursion into Beth Sarim reminds me of the story of Archimede's Eureka moment. Can you see how this might apply here?

I'm glad your having fun Eoin! :)

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30 minutes ago, AllenSmith said:

OK, I got it, my photos are from the end while you're are from the beginning, you're referring to 8:03-05 minutes left while I was referring to 8:03-08 minutes passed.

Exactly where I was referring to and you show the picture to what is thought to be earlier

Anyhow at the very beginning of the broadcast brother Lett is standing.

All the best -  I appreciate you investigations! :)

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Is it not funny how two people can look at the same thing but one gives a bad report just like the spies in Numbers 13. {Except in this case its about jewelry - talk about trivial things. LOL}. 


You are still getting information [and conspiracy theories] from people who are not JW's. Here is the message from our previous discussion perhaps you did not see it in the other thread since you had left the thread:


On 5/22/2017 at 9:10 AM, Micah Ong said:

Yes thank you, I sincerely agree with you now.  Jesus is a separate being to to the Father.  That's how the scriptures read.  I'm enjoying the learning process though 


     We just have to make sure that when it comes to truth that we do not get our info from a biased source. It seems that some things you have pasted were from people or groups who are very negative to Jehovah's Witnesses. If you had lived in the First Century would you ask the Jews who were responsible for killing Jesus and who hated his followers for unbiased info on Jesus or the Christians? Of course not you would ask the Christians not some other group. If you want to know about Catholics then ask a Catholic. Same with any other group or religion especially since the true religion would be hated everywhere. Notice the principle of this Scripture :"But we think it proper to HEAR FROM YOU what your thoughts are, for truly as regards this SECT, we know that it is SPOKEN AGAINST everywhere." Acts 28:22. 

   Jehovah's Witnesses are "spoken against everywhere". A religion that is NOT "orthodox" according to the majority would be considered a "cult" or "sect" obviously a derogatory term as noted in this Scripture. Satan is "misleading the ENTIRE inhabited earth"{ Rev. 12:9} so the vast majority of religions would be mislead as well not just a small minority religion. Since the Trinity is the "central doctrine" of Christendom and the majority are being mislead then logic dictates that perhaps many other teachings of Christendom are also false. So please keep searching and if you have questions then ask one of Jehovah's Witnesses in person if you can as well as visit their website. May Jehovah be with your search for Truth. 

{And please remember that this is the Internet and not everyone here is a faithful and loyal Witness or faithful and loyal at all even if they pretend to be, that is why it is good to seek out the Witnesses in your own area where you live and not rely on bloggers for the right perspectives for remember the true religion is "spoken against EVERYWHERE".}

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8 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

 Anyone can play that section and see that he doesn't gesture like that in that time frame mentioned.

If there is one thing all should be able to agree upon, it is that nobody can tell Stephen Lett about gestures. He wrote the book.

Look, I shouldn't comment on this topic because I am only barely paying attention. But why would not the following common sense point apply? If the ring truly represented anything sinister, he would simply remove it and leave it in his locker before doing the broadcast, so as not to get guys like you going.

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13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I have never seen such detail. It holds special interest for me as I live in Rochester, and was once  withing 100 yards (but also 100 years) of Nelson Barbour. There are frequent mention of towns around where I live - some have merged into Rochester, some have grown, some have disappeared.

It's very, very good. I have both books by B. W. Schulz. I love the style. Not in it to find controversy. They just go wherever evidence takes them. A lot of it is trivial, but this is still the best type of research. They aren't trying to draw conclusions for you.

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19 hours ago, JW Insider said:

It's very, very good. I have both books by B. W. Schulz. I love the style. 

Participation here has a long last jarred my conscience to write the review I promised. I left this one with Amazon today:

This book resonated with me. I once lived within 100 yards (but also 100 years) of Nelson H Barbour’s Church of the Strangers. The tiny gazettes of the tiny towns surrounding Rochester, New York, from which the authors extract quotes as readily as a child extracts popcorn from the bag, vanished ages ago, and even some of the towns with them. Others have been assimilated into Greater Rochester.

These are the days when ‘many would rove about,’ as Daniel 12:4 states, free to explore biblical doctrines, free from the disapproving gaze of national European churches that they left not that many decades ago. C.T. Russell, ‘founder’ of Jehovah’s Witnesses, emerges as the main character by sheer force of output, but nobody of that era is ignored, both individuals the authors came to regard as likeable and those otherwise.

These are serious, no-nonsense researchers who dismiss Wikipedia as an “online ‘encyclopedia’ of doubtful worth.” Potential for disaster abounds, the shoals are treacherous here because most who have written of Russell and crew have beliefs, and in most cases their beliefs dictate their scholarship. The authors make no such blunders. As to religious motive, or who had God’s blessing, they don’t go there. “I question everything including commonly believed ‘facts,’” the co-author says. “many of those proved absolutely true. Some proved false.” It is clear that she savors separating the sheep from the goats and she thanks with gusto those who helped her in her quest.

The Watchtower organization cooperated to a degree with this book but ultimately declined to comment on it. The authors speculate it is because they are ‘incurious about their own history.’ As a practicing Witness today, I would agree with that. It is a ‘look forward, not backward’ type of thing. Broad strokes are enough when it comes to the past. Though I relish the detail exhaustively researched here, I am essentially that way, too. No matter. It serves as a reference work – and there are none better, IMO – even for the “incurious.” ‘A Separate Identity’ is a work I highly recommend.

Having reviewed their work, can I depend upon them to review mine? Will they, better yet, mentor me as a new author - show me the ropes? I'm not holding my breath. They have already said they would not do it, before I unconditionally said I would review theirs. They display little taste for the light style of writing that is mine, and none whatsoever for the zany. The few times I have corresponded with de Vienne, she answers me one word for every ten of mine. I think they even groused about Smashwords.

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7 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

It's good to see everyone doing solid research here.  I'm glad to see you all share your convictions and to have free open dialogue.

Actually, I think that few do. Most shoot from the hip. I do it myself.

de Vienne and Shultz's book is a chronicle for posterity. This is a here today, gone tomorrow thread. Unsurprisingly to participants here, I notified the author about this thread. Perhaps surprisingly to some, she remarked she had no interest in commenting, and made no further statement. 

Just because you can debate does not mean you do it at every opportunity, as though it were the essence of life - especially when it is with ones who have already demonstrated that they have minds like concrete - all mixed up and firmly set.

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On 6/5/2017 at 7:56 PM, Micah Ong said:

Do you understand how lighting affects material under the surface of the ring. 

How does lighting reflection create a square and compass?


Oh please!

Are you one of those conspiracy theorists by any chance?

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On 6/4/2017 at 4:09 AM, Micah Ong said:

"I said that I had been in conference with the Great Master Workman, the Lord himself, and I have secret information through the Holy Spirit and guidance in respect to what the Bible says, and that contains all the truth, I believe on every subject. And so if we talk to our Masonic friends about the Temple and its meaning, and about being good Masons, and about the Great Pyramid, which is the very emblem they use, and what the Great Pyramid signifies, our Masonic friends are astonished....We are going to discuss free and accepted Masonry--the Bible Masonry, my dear friends".

"...If you feel that you want to become a member of the Free and Accepted Order of Masonry, and do not feel free and masonic enough as a follower of Christ, God bless you, use your own judgement; that is yours to decide not mine. But now I am talking about this great order of masonry of which Jesus is the Grand Master. This Order is to be entered in a peculiar way. There are certain conditions--the low gate, the narrow way, the difficult path".

"Our Masonic friends have it down very fine. I do not know where they got it so well. I have often wondered where they found out so many of the secrets of our High and Accepted Order of Masonry. From the time you come in to be a member of the Royal Priesthood, a living stone, a member of the craft of Masonry, from the Lord's stand-point,...if any man will be a living stone in the Temple, if any man will be a member of this High, Free and Accepted Masonry--let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me".

"So you and I as under-masons are waiting for the return of our Master Mason, who gave his life on this very account in connection with this secret of the construction of the Temple, the Church".

Christ died for our sins to set us free from the condemnation of sin and death, not for some secret regarding the Temple. Russell is way off base from the gospel.

He goes on to equate the Christian walk with the degrees of Masonry saying, "...we must go on to higher degrees, because those who are in the first degree practically know very little".

He then states again how exclusive he is in his own opinion, how clever, and how full of secret knowledge he considered himself,



"...Not everybody has the hearing ear and the seeing eye. It is only those who have come into this divine masonry that have this spiritual insight, and this spiritual guidance, and may know the things that are freely given unto us. It is something that is freely given to one class, and not intended for anybody else".



Clearly evident from the context is that Russell was talking about a symbolic freemasonry.

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