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Russell, The Egyptian Pyramids, Freemasons and Demonology

Micah Ong

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   Actually the truth just came out as the President of Russia just exposed the lies and hypocrisy of all anti-cultist APOSTATES if you have been reading the news lately. Obviously no one is going to listen to your agenda against the Witnesses after this exposure of the lies and hypocrisy.

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14 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

The truth comes out


One can never say that God is not using other groups of people. Some he is using as toilet paper.

I rarely view any apostate source because hatred skews objectivity. It is like expecting CNN to give the lowdown on Trump, or Breitbart to do the same on Obama. At most, you say "Alright, just what 'fact' do these liars think they have uncovered?" Usually it is better to skip it entirely and wait for something from an impartial source.

A sound byte with no context, followed by reams of cherrypicked quotes? It reveals the mind of a 10 year old. 

These are exactly the same idiots who insist the Gospels are full of contradictions because they are too infantile (or deceitful) to realize the effects of time, perspective, purpose, and audience. The entire Bible is rife with contractions to persons of similar intellect, and especially ill motive.

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10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

One can never say that God is not using other groups of people. Some he is using as toilet paper.

If you listened to it, the question was: "do you view yourself as Jehovah God's spokesperson on earth?"

Then Geoffery Jackson answers: "That would be quite presumptuous to say we are the only spokesperson God is using."

This is not some news feed by the way, this is taken directly from the court-room at the 'Australian Royal Commission' into child abuse.

10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I rarely view any apostate source because hatred skews objectivity.

It's not out of hatred that I share this but I'm trying to show that it is a delusion to think this is the one true religion.  There is no true religion.  Jesus quite simply said that "I am the way the truth and the life."  No man has monopoly over peoples relationship with God.  The WTS try to dictate you're entire life including the bedroom. 

The WTS promote good bible principles but they also use mind control guilt, obligation and fear tactics.

You don't have to buy into that.

Unlike the Russian ban process, the Australian Royal Commission into child sex abuse did not make it to JW.ORG, wherein both cases a member of the Governing Body was a representative.  Hence the reason hardly anyone outside of Australia know about this.  There were over 2000 victims and 1000 perpetrators of pedophilia in Australia alone.

This shows the control and manipulation of putting first it's image instead of having transparency and candor.

The Bible is candid.

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2 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

The WTS try to dictate you're entire life including the bedroom. 

I have not found that to be true. Have you found it to be that way?


2 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

they also use mind control

I have not found that to be true, either. It is only the conclusions the Christian organization has reached that you object to, not the means of reaching it. 

An almost universal element of mind control is that the target is separated from all that is familiar. In the year or so it takes to qualify for baptism, the prospective Witness is 95% in the same surroundings he has always been in, at home, at work, among those with whom he is familiar. He goes to two JW meetings a week and has a personal home Bible study.

How does that stack up against, say - college, which is never presented as mind-control but which serves to plant many a foreign notion into the mind of emerging graduates? College, where students are completely separated 24/7 from all that is familiar - made to live in dormitories. 

Don't misunderstand. The point here is not to down college. The point is to show that your allegations of Watchtower mind-control are juvenile nonsense.

2 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

You don't have to buy into that.

Fortunately, I have never been asked to.

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3 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

No man has monopoly over peoples relationship with God.

"Not that we are the masters over your faith, but we are fellow workers for your joy..." 2 Corinthians 1:24.   The verse was discussed but a week or two ago, presented by the very ones you accuse of trying to monopolize persons' relationship with God.

3 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

The WTS promote good bible principles

You apparently do not believe your own statement, judging by what you say two paragraphs later. 

Just why are you here?

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54 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I have not found that to be true. Have you found it to be that way?

I have heard there is a talk out there: outline 13.  Not that I would pay attention to such a talk.


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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

"Not that we are the masters over your faith, but we are fellow workers for your joy..." 2 Corinthians 1:24.   The verse was discussed but a week or two ago, presented by the very ones you accuse of trying to monopolize persons' relationship with God.

So not being allowed to have a blood transfusion is not being a master over your faith, when Jesus healed a man on the sabbath.  Jesus said the law was created for the benefit of man and not man to benefit the law.  The doctrines and dogma of the WTS is in affect being masters over your faith.  I know how these articles snake around the vital issues and hide the truth of how they really are masters of your faith.

Anyone with sense can see the context in Acts is the recreational or ritual eating of blood that is forbidden not the life saving medical use of it.  The medical use of blood is in this sense sacred and showing appreciation for life.

1000's of JW's die each year because of the Pharisaic notion of a scripture. 

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11 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

  There is no true religion.  Jesus quite simply said that "I am the way the truth and the life." 

You just contradicted yourself in the same sentence. LOL

You say no true religion but Jesus said HE was the WAY!!! Not another religion.

And what WAY is that? You know as you found out a few weeks ago.

Remember our discussion on the Trinity and you said: 

"Yes thank you, I sincerely agree with you now.  Jesus is a separate being to to the Father.  That's how the scriptures read.  I'm enjoying the learning process though" 


Now let us put this all together shall we.

Before Christ the Jews were the ONE TRUE RELIGION.

Jesus was a JEW and said he was THE WAY

Jews do not believe in a Trinity. 

So the WAY Jesus believed would not teach a Trinity, so religions who do teach God as Trinity would not be THE WAY.

So which FOLLOWERS OF JESUS OR CHRISTIAN religion today does not teach a Trinity? :D JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES

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