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Russell, The Egyptian Pyramids, Freemasons and Demonology

Micah Ong

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Hardy har har and a slap on the arse for @The Librarian, sending her sprawling over her card catalog and into the Children's Section stuffed animal bin! Vic Vomidog's the name. Disemboweling the

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31 minutes ago, bruceq said:

Lets see 

In the end, the analogy of swatting flies is spot-on. You do it for a variety of reasons - to demonstrate your technique, and because you hate flies. 

You do not imagine that in so doing you are eradicating flies. In fact, one must be careful not to trigger a local brother's illustration: "Kill one fly, and 50 come to the funeral."

36 minutes ago, Micah Ong said:


It works for me.

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44 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It works for me.

So be it, I haven't sensed one iota of love, only intellect and dogma.  Intellect, self-righteousness and being smug doesn't impress our heavenly father.

My only intention was to warn you not to put your whole life and trust in a man made organization.  It was motivated out of a sense of compassion.

John 13:35

My job is done here, I won't waste my time around this anymore.

You can say what you want now.  I won't reply and it will just be water off a ducks back.

All the best

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Do you LOVE your God? Then DEFEND him and don't run away. 

"Love+ is patient*+ and kind.+ Love is not jealous.+It does not brag, does not get puffed up,+  does not behave indecently,*+ does not look for its own interests,+ does not become provoked.+ It does not keep account of the injury.*+ It does not rejoice over unrighteousness,+ but rejoices with the truth.  It bears all things,+ believes all things,+ hopes all things,+ endures all things.+ Love never fails" 1 Cor 13.

"always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have, but doing so with a mild temper+ and deep respect". 1 Pet 3:15.  Do you have deep respect or do you grumble and try and lure others away from Jehovah and his Word?

"dogma" ??? Is it not you who have to go OUTSIDE the Bible to find your false god of the Trinity? O.o

Micah said:" My only intention was to warn you"  

That is also what Korah's intention was and see how that worked out for him

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Hardy har har and a slap on the arse for @The Librarian, sending her sprawling over her card catalog and into the Children's Section stuffed animal bin!

Vic Vomidog's the name. Disemboweling the Seven Phonies is my game. There's a mighty big Apostate section in this library. That's just the way I like it. A lot of me mates are here.

 I despise that scurious weasel of a wannabe writer TrueTomHarley almost as much as I despise the Seven Phonies he shills for. He did nothing but slander me in his vile 'Tom Irregardless and Me' book. He will walk the plank for sure if ever I lay me hands upon him, he and that those rats @bruceq, @Eoin Joyce, some others, and even @JW Insider

I'm full of love, don't you see? Me and my mates on this thread. I'm just misunderstood 

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

In the end, the analogy of swatting flies is spot-on. You do it for a variety of reasons - to demonstrate your technique, and because you hate flies. 

You do not imagine that in so doing you are eradicating flies. In fact, one must be careful not to trigger a local brother's illustration: "Kill one fly, and 50 come to the funeral."

It works for me.

You are right! The dead flies who jumped "ship" just attracted more flies only his "mates" left. Perfect illustration.

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2 hours ago, Eoin Joyce said:

What's going on here......

Caution, my brothers. There is a FALSE APOSTATE in our midst. I know Vic Vomidog. We once pioneered together, before he went bad. He's as bad as they come now. If I am checking out a book from @The Librarian, he shoves me aside, me and all the other patrons!

If some, like me, have, for whatever reason, chosen to hang out where there are apostates,  it should at least be TRUE apostates. Vic Vomidog is a FALSE apostate!

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   Get out the bug spray. B|  I had a cousin once who was an Elder back in the late 70's who turned apostate around 1980 same time as Ray Franz and after that he and a bunch of buddies use to picket at our District Convention every year then they all stopped coming around 1983. The reason? Well his name came up in the newspaper for being a john for a prostitute. And for some reason they went away. LOL I am guessing the lies and hypocrisy of apostates are not confined to Dvorkin and the anti-cultist apostates in Russia.They will all be revealed soon enough.  Birds of a feather flock together.

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