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What is a Christian Man's MORAL responsibility to protect his own life, or that of his immediate or spiritual family?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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22 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

You have about 25 seconds to live, and the shooter walks over your paralyzed body and your pool of blood and continues firing. After you realize you will never move again, and your eyesight fades to black .. before you die your hearing still works for the next 15 seconds ... and you hear the screaming and terror of the Brothers and Sisters as they are systematically murdered, maimed and ruined for life.

Fade to black ..... you are DEAD.

This did happen at a Baptist church, remember. They must have disfellowshipped someone.

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12 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This did happen at a Baptist church, remember. They must have disfellowshipped someone.


You are making assumptions NOT in evidence ...

And, as usual, COMPLETELY ignoring the underlying principles of why this is even being discussed.

At least you are , as always ... 100% consistent.

Seagull-Free-Zones  600   .jpg

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On 5/29/2017 at 7:09 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I have carried weapons all my adult life, and my biggest crime was driving around a barricaded road when I knew the road construction to be completed, and good ( I designed roads for a living for many years...), and I got a ticket that cost $240.

Although my arsenal may scare the timid, I do NOT "live by the sword", and never have.  I even take spiders outside, assuming they are lost, so they do not starve to death.

Peter was being admonished not to GET INTO A BATTLE,  offensively,  and after he demonstrated that he was NOT going to let Jesus be murdered by an illegal night time mob (by cutting off the ear of the slave of the High Priest...) ... WITH THE SWORD HE WAS COMMANDED TO BRING WITH HIM ...  Jesus said the DEMONSTRATION was enough ... an ear cut off bleeds like a faucet turned on.

It has always been common knowledge that I "carry", and so far, to the best of my knowledge, in a half century, it has never stumbled ANYONE, even Elders who asked me about it, and in three different congregations throughout the U.S.A., I was called into "Room 101" before the triumvirate and questioned.

The last time it went something like this ...

"Um... Brother Rook, it has come to our attention that you carry a gun....um... is this true?"

"Yes, it is."

"Um, er... Brother Rook, uh.. are you carrying one now?"

"Yes, I am."

This is where they don't know what to say next ... there  are looks all around, and then after a pause,  they stand up, I stand up, they extend their hands, thank me for my time, and we all go out into the main Hall and go about our business.

When I go into a new Congregation, those elders that don't know I carry a firearm, I hand a prepared letter informing them that I do ... and it has NEVER, anywhere in the USA, created the SLIGHTEST ripple or complaint from ANYONE, in over 50 years. 

I have had elderly Sisters ask me about  security for them, and I always advise them NOT to be armed, as you have to have a certain mindset to use weapons responsibly.  

If you are scared of the responsibility, best to be a victim, than make someone else a victim by your own hand.

When we returned to the KH after Field Service, I did go to the trunk of my car and gave her a child's baseball bat I kept there, and explained how NOT to use it for self-defense ( a whole other story) ...

I agree with the Society's position that Elders, Ministerial Servants, and those in authority should NOT be armed ... I have yet to meet an Elder, etc., that could handle the responsibility necessary, or have the mindset.

I disagree with the rest that creates a mindset of cowardice.

I am un-apologetically NOT a sheep ... I am a Sheepdog, and all that implies.

It's even my job to protect Snowflakes, who think 7 minutes to an armed policeman  is faster than  a 1700fps defense, 30 feet away.




Out of curiosity...do you have privileges in the hall? Legally I don't think the elders can tell you not to carry, but I imagine this would interfere with your ability to take on a role in the hall.

I have no issue with a JW carrying a gun on their own time, but I don't know if I care for it in the KH. The KH is our safe, sacred space provided by Jehovah. If someone goes in and commits violence, they are attacking Jehovah on his holy ground. I put my full trust in God that justice will be served if someone "touches his eyeball". We should return good with evil--not evil for evil. We are in many ways "sitting ducks" (did you see the videos of KH invasions by police in Russia? Please look at how calm and respectful the JWs were) but we put our trust in Jehovah to make things right. That's a witness of faith for the world to see. Furthermore, are all JWs mentally qualified to carry a gun in the hall? What if a JW--angry about a counsel or judicial decision--decided to take vengeance into his own hands? 

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2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:



What this case illustrates has nothing to do with guns or no guns.

What it illustrates is that the world continues to go to hell in a hand-basket and that the stupidist thing anyone can do is to criticize non-stop the Witness organization that educates people as to the significance of it. 

Incredibly, I know of some who are that stupid.

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@TrueTomHarley yes our desire to be "slow to anger" and not loving violence sets us apart. It doesn't make sense from a worldly perspective!! Although I don't judge a Christian that carries a gun, I think of how Jehovah God asked the Israelites to go into battle with no weapons. What a message sent to the nations that God has a people that rely on HIM and not physical weaponry. I think of the future when nations will turn violent against us. Will we think this is our fight? No. Jehovah says vengeance is his. Jehovah will protect his people pure from the bloody violence of this world.

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4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

What this case illustrates has nothing to do with guns or no guns.

What it illustrates is that the world continues to go to hell in a hand-basket and that the stupidist thing anyone can do is to criticize non-stop the Witness organization that educates people as to the significance of it. 

Incredibly, I know of some who are that stupid.


I REALLY WANT TO BELIEVE that you are taunting me with the absurdity that you do not get the Meme about what sheep in a field with a "NO WOLVES" allowed sign has to do with gun control efforts by liberal Snowflakes .... but...sigh ... I will assume you do not get it.

Your comment reminds me of the girl who tells her father " Dad... I'm Pregnant!", and he looks dazed and asks "How did THAT happen?" (Answer: The usual way...).

You are a smart guy, TTH ... and I find it very VERY hard to believe you cannot make such a simple connection between what is similar between these two Memes. If this is actually TRUE, your natural intelligence has been subverted by external forces, and you are forbidden by agenda to make the connection.

To help you make the connection I am posting 3 memes 

1.) Thugs outside a Kingdom Hall "stymied" by a "NO GUN ZONE"" sign

2.) A bird sitting on a "NO BIRDS" allowed sign

3.) The grazing sheep in a field with a sign warning wolves they are not allowed in this area, as it is a "WOLF FREE ZONE"

I believe this also indirectly answers other's additional questions.

Making Kingdom Halls "Gun Free Zones" ONLY makes professional victims out of everybody inside, as anyone who is going to MURDER ... will be unconcerned with what he is "allowed to do", or NOT "allowed to do".

I am stunned that I ACTUALLY have to explain this to otherwise functional and presumably rational human beings!


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That Dumb   300   .jpg.jpg

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13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It wouldn't have been if Quick-Draw McGraw was there. What a grand witness that would have been.

The last part of the video showed everyone in the New System paradise .... the last part was edited out where all in the basement were shot to death ... moments after the bunker scene ended.

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