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Animals in Paradise - What Will They Eat?

The Librarian

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At the convention today there was mention of certain behavioral characteristics that animals have which help them survive. Some of these are instincts which protect them from predators. These behaviours are atributed to Jehovah's creative wisdom. However, this is obviously at odds with the idea that animals were created not to eat each other. How does one reconcile these two opposing ideas?

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We  don't  have  the  answer  today....  sorry   await  &  drinking  tea  ~~~~~

Interesting article and very carefully reasoned through. However, I couldn't commmit to his conclusions any more than agreeing that he raised some interesting possibilities. The author quotes Ewi

I do not know much, .....  but am sure THIS WILL HAPPEN IN THE NEW WORLD !!!    

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14 minutes ago, Anna said:

At the convention today there was mention of certain behavioral characteristics that animals have which help them survive. Some of these are instincts which protect them from predators. These behaviours are atributed to Jehovah's creative wisdom. However, this is obviously at odds with the idea that animals were created not to eat each other. How does one reconcile these two opposing ideas?



Use plain old common sense, and ALSO look at the differences between a cow's teeth ( and every other king of animal that eats vegetation ...) and a lion's teeth, or a crocodiles' teeth ( and EVERY other animal that eats meat ...), and notice the difference in DESIGN.

When I see large Tiger type incisors on a horse, (... like a tiger has ...  for those in Rio Linda ...) the only thing I can be sure of is that he or she has a Visa card, and has been shopping at a Halloween supply novelty store for vampire teeth. ( That was satire ... for those in Rio Linda...).

Good intellectual detectives detect much.

Bad intellectual detectives detect little.

About half the world's population don't intellectually detect at all.

That is what DEFINES average people.

These people are usually made into slaves, because they are unaware and have no powers of observation.

.They will believe ANYTHING!, no matter how irrational, if it's stuffed inside a  cuddly, huggable Teddy Bear.

Squirrel Butter  500 .jpg

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I wouldn't be shocked if all this animal stuff is blown out of the water someday, (probably in the new system, when reality confronts us all) with all that remains being animals retain their instinctive shyness to man. You'll be able to pal around with them, but only if you work at it.

All the hay that JTR is setting aside for them he will have to eat himself.

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20 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I wouldn't be shocked if all this animal stuff is blown out of the water someday, (probably in the new system, when reality confronts us all) with all that remains being animals retain their instinctive shyness to man. You'll be able to pal around with them, but only if you work at it.


To work with a horse, a great deal of training is required.  Some of them might be trainable, but not necessarily as pets. But there has to be room for "a little boy will lead (train?) them" but they will be free to be themselves; absolutely no circuses.

I still think they will eat vegetation though. Nothing is impossible for God. There is a reason God is not telling us everything.

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19 hours ago, ARchiv@L said:

seems there was no problem in the Ark.. 
and if the animals make many eggs in the future, 
who knows, perhaps the Creator can change that ! ( they will make less eggs)
thanks !

A very good point here.  God placed selected numbers in the Ark of every kind of animal living on dry ground. Clean animals in sevens, unclean animals in twos.   If he expected them to eat one another he would not have put such low numbers and Noah would not have had to gather food for them for roughly a year. No problems with the animals were reported.

Another good point here. God can control fertility.  Already we have animals which are not very fertile, e.g. the panda. (The animals will not have everlasting life nor will pets be resurrected.) However, God has everything at his disposal to bring about his purpose. 

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8 hours ago, Anna said:

At the convention today there was mention of certain behavioral characteristics that animals have which help them survive. Some of these are instincts which protect them from predators. These behaviours are atributed to Jehovah's creative wisdom. However, this is obviously at odds with the idea that animals were created not to eat each other. How does one reconcile these two opposing ideas?

That the interpretation that all animals were created as herbivorous is no longer held. 

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There were no problems in the ark because they were separated in cages. Also, one Watchtower said:


*** w13 8/1 p. 14 He Was Kept “Safe With Seven Others” ***
Some have raised the possibility that God kept the animals in a state of relative torpor, akin to hibernation, thus reducing their need for food. 

Also, any hypothetical carnivores on board did not require their same degree of energy in the ark that they needed on land. So any fodder given to them must have been satisfying before falling into a state of relative torpor.

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Well, all the animals cannot be eaten at the same time, so instincts will help them to     survive - finally to be eaten on another occasion if death doesn't precede.

Humans were meant to live in peace also. But we also still need instinctive wisdom in order to walk the streets and return safely from the human jungle cities and neighborhoods.

What is the scriptural authority for contradicting Genesis 1: 29,30?  Jesus was a Master Worker with God and he saw and knew everything but he said "It is written".

"That the interpretation that all animals were created as herbivorous is no longer held." BY whom? 


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1 hour ago, Melinda Mills said:

I still think they will eat vegetation though. Nothing is impossible for God. There is a reason God is not telling us everything.

You could easily be right. I sometimes think it is possible that 'eating straw' will go the way of the heart, once thought literal, later conceded as figurative. I will hunt you up in the new system to shake your hand if it turns out you are right. (and I will ride my giraffe to find you)

For that is the ultimate answer to many a question: 'Be there, and you will find out.'

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12 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

What is the scriptural authority for contradicting Genesis 1: 29,30?  Jesus was a Master Worker with God and he saw and knew everything but he said "It is written".

"That the interpretation that all animals were created as herbivorous is no longer held." BY whom? 

Gen 1:29 specifies vegetation for humans. Gen 1:30 is not stated as directly for animals who also ate carrion when Gen 1:30 was declared. Thus, it is not declaring that all animals were created as herbivorous. Stating otherwise, that it does, is a misinterpretation.

"BY whom?" The Governing Body. They used to teach that all animals were created as herbivorous. Apparently, not any more. Hurray!!! That's progress.

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3 minutes ago, Jim Seward said:

Gen 1:29 specifies vegetation for humans. Gen 1:30 is not stated as directly for animals who also ate carrion when Gen 1:30 was declared. Thus, it is not declaring that all animals were created as herbivorous. Stating otherwise, that it does, is a misinterpretation.

"BY whom?" The Governing Body. They used to teach that all animals were created as herbivorous. Apparently, not any more. Hurray!!! That's progress.

I just saw a fox wolfing down a Big Mac yesterday. Or was that a wolf foxing down one? :)

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2 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

To work with a horse, a great deal of training is required.  Some of them might be trainable, but not necessarily as pets. But there has to be room for "a little boy will lead (train?) them" but they will be free to be themselves; absolutely no circuses.

I still think they will eat vegetation though. Nothing is impossible for God. There is a reason God is not telling us everything.

Can God make a rock so big EVEN HE cannot lift it?


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