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Glassy Sea - before the Throne ? ??

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Glassy Sea - before the Throne


In Prophecy. This may provide a key for understanding the references in the book of Revelation to the “glassy sea” seen before the throne of God in the apostle John’s vision. (Re 4:6; 15:2) It was “like crystal,” perhaps having transparent sides (compare Re 21:18, 21) so that the contents could be seen. Those standing by it, persons victorious over “the wild beast” and its “image,” correspond to those “called and chosen and faithful” ones described at Revelation 17:14; 20:4-6. These serve as “priests of God and of the Christ” and as kings with Christ during his Thousand Year Rule. (Compare 1Pe 2:9.) The position of this priestly class next to the “glassy sea” before God’s throne calls to mind the apostle’s reference to the Christian congregation’s being ‘cleansed with the bath of water by means of the word.’ (Eph 5:25-27) Jesus also spoke of the cleansing power of the word of God that he proclaimed. (Joh 15:3) The ‘mingling of fire’ (Re 15:2) with the watery contents of the sea undoubtedly relates to judgments of God, for fire is frequently used in this connection and God himself is described as “a consuming fire” toward those rejecting his divine will.—Heb 12:25, 29


The symbolism of the “glassy sea” in John’s vision thus illustrates Paul’s inspired explanation that the earthly tabernacle and temple with their equipment and priestly functions served as patterns of heavenly things. (Compare Heb 8:4, 5; 9:9, 11, 23, 24; 10:1.) As to the significance of the figures of bulls on which the copper sea of Solomon’s temple rested. Apostle John was blessed with many visions when he was in confinement on the island of Patmos. He said :"And I saw what seemed to be a glassy sea mingled with fire, and those who come off victorious from the wild beast and from its image and from the number of its name standing by the glassy sea, having harps of GOD. And they are singing the song of Moses the slave of GOD and the song of the Lamb saying:


"Great and wonderful are your works JEHOVAH GOD The Almighty. Righteous and true are your ways, King of Eternity. Who will not really fear you JEHOVAH, and glorify your name, because you alone are loyal? For all the nations will come and worship before you, because your righteous decrees have been made manifest." From Revelation Chapter 15 verses 2, 3 and 4.


May all of you be among the ones who willingly and joyfully glorify JEHOVAH GOD's name today by worshiping him as the only loyal one who created us and maintains our life now and forever dear family and friends. ???????



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Hi Just want to inquire of this pic Glass sea.  There are no women angels in heaven . can you explain me and where in the bible of publication women angles  are shown. I only know the sons of the true

Glassy Sea - before the Throne ??? In Prophecy. This may provide a key for understanding the references in the book of Revelation to the “glassy sea” seen before the throne of God in the ap

@Tennyson It is true those in Heaven have no gender. Perhaps this will help understand?  New World Translation Revelation 15:22 And I saw something like a sea of glass+mingled with fir

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It is true those in Heaven have no gender. Perhaps this will help understand? 

New World Translation

Revelation 15:2And I saw something like a sea of glass+mingled with fire, and those who are victorious+ over the wild beast and its image+ and the number of its name+ were standing by the sea of glass, holding harps of God.A key for understanding the references in the book of Revelation to the “glassy sea” seen before the throne of God in the apostle John’s vision. (Re 4:6; 15:2) It was “like crystal,” perhaps having transparent sides (compare Re 21:18, 21) so that the contents could be seen. Those standing by it, persons victorious over “the wild beast” and its “image,” correspond to those “called and chosen and faithful” ones described at Revelation 17:14; 20:4-6. These serve as “priests of God and of the Christ” and as kings with Christ during his Thousand Year Rule. (Compare 1Pe 2:9.) The position of this priestly class next to the “glassy sea” before God’s throne calls to mind the apostle’s reference to the Christian congregation’s being ‘cleansed with the bath of water by means of the word.’ (Eph 5:25-27) Jesus also spoke of the cleansing power of the word of God that he proclaimed. (Joh 15:3) The ‘mingling of fire’ (Re 15:2) with the watery contents of the sea undoubtedly relates to judgments of God, for fire is frequently used in this connection and God himself is described as “a consuming fire” toward those rejecting his divine will.—Heb 12:25, 29.

The symbolism of the “glassy sea” in John’s vision thus illustrates Paul’s inspired explanation that the earthly tabernacle and temple with their equipment and priestly functions served as patterns of heavenly things. (Compare Heb 8:4, 5; 9:9, 11, 23, 24; 10:1.) 


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