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In a systematic biblical examination on the Deity of the Lord Jesus scholars look at three major contributing factors;

1.    Jesus’ names and titles which establish that He is God.

2.    Jesus’ attributes (the things that only God can do) validate He is God.

3.    Jesus’ abilities (the things that Jesus has done) confirm He is God.


There is more evidence about Jesus being God than there is that the Father is God. Is that not interesting? There are only a few passages that actually call the Father God.


Concerning the Deity of Jesus Christ, we have direct statements. This is what certain cultic groups say is not found in the Bible.


Jesus’ names and titles. This is an important and interesting study (recommended for all) about the names and titles that were given to Jesus, for example, in Matthew 1:21 it says that His name shall be called Yehoshua (Hebrew for Jesus), which means “Yahweh is salvation.”


Some of you will read that and say, in a nice way, “Well wait a minute. You could call somebody “Jesus” today (as some were named in Biblical times) and it is just a testimony to the fact that Yahweh (Jehovah) will save. It’s not saying that Jesus is Yahweh.”


Well only when on its own while ignoring the rest of the verse would this line of reasoning be valid, but we have a multitude of examples that show that the opposite is the case. So instead please read carefully what the verse actually says, note the specific personal pronouns that all refer to the one to be born.


“She will give birth to a son, and you are to name HIM Jesus, for HE (Greek αὐτὸς) will save HIS people from their sins” (Matt 1:21 NWT emphasis mine)


We note here that the word  αὐτὸς is emphatic; and rightly so “For it is He that (he is the one who) shall save his people from their sins.”


In this case the one to be born is being identified by His name. Who, in the eternal purpose He is, really and absolutely, in Himself; the very substance of His being, God the Saviour – God who saves, Immanuel (Matt 1:23).


I have been very, very brief here, maybe to brief, however I do hope to stimulate further interest, so may the Holy Spirit, who on this day set the church alight, bring you to the knowledge that salvation is by the Lord Jesus. <><

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