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Assange: Humanity is doomed once the media is run by artificial intelligence...


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I have already become disinterested in Facebook because of the 'patrolling' of what one says.  One cannot be yourself and express your fears or concerns to friends or family members if it is viewed as hate speech. Anything can be hate speech if it is offensive to any other person.... and certain false religions are being protected more than other religions. They have a special  status: - they can openly have hate speech against Jews or "unbelievers" on Facebook and their material is not removed. 

Preaching about the Kingdom will soon be hate speech because there is a "peace loving" religion which has a law which forbids proselytizing - one must be killed if you "proselytize"... and their influence is becoming exceptionally powerful all over the world. (Leaders are blinded by Satan.)

I saw this morning that 25 people were arrested in Britain for expressing concerns about the power behind the terrorist attacks.  The city has enough police patrols to watch what is said by individuals on public media ....but the mayor of London complained they do not have enough police to follow up on the terrorists. (The cut in the police force and the cut in social benefits was the reason May lost so badly. )

In all of these terrorist attacks I have never seen a media program for the hundreds of broken souls in hospital.  Some are still critical with most probably broken backs, amputated legs/arms, and all kinds of other injuries apart from the mental trauma.  The family life messed up and losing future income while dealing with rehab... and loss of a pain free future.  In all of this - to be politically correct - the media has not focused on the victims.  The living victims are forgotten.  The people go to vigils, put candles and teddy bears down for the dead, and the whole nightmare happens again a few weeks later......

The world has really gone mad.....no justice ...... and more is expected.  Soon we will all be too afraid to say anything about anything.  It will be a great test for our loyalty to speak out for the only true God, Jehovah. 

If anyone needs more proof that we are living in the time of the end .... you are not watching what is going on in the world.   The atrocities going on in the middle east and in north Africa is too horrific to mention - humans are worst than beasts when they think they have godly authorization to kill and abuse others.

And the leaders want to keep us in slumber land and pretend there is "peace" when there is no "peace".

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We are already being programmed without knowing it.... Thanks to Jehovah that we remain neutral and we do not participate in interfaith.  This Assange interview has made me more aware of being careful about being influenced by what we see on internet..... it is inevitable that we leave our footprints on the internet and AI figures out who we are. 

The masses can be manipulated and the new epoch of propaganda has begun.

The one thing I have thought about is that these people who control all of this think they are invincible - they are not.  The true reality is that they will answer to Jehovah.  The way that they have cheapened human life.  We are all expendable to the powers who are really controlling much of what is going on - the demons.

I have already met people in field service who have bought into this crazy idea that we will be in a matrix virtual world where we will get the everlasting "virtual paradise" of our dreams.... just like Assange said - similar to the '72 virgins and an eternal erection' - (or Nirvana) a teaching of Satan.... far removed from reality.

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