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Queen Esther

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I should have added that the WT society in the early days disliked the word, "Religion", which was the reason for publishing the book 'What has religion done for mankind."

I kept that (Yellow) book until 2012 when I moved to an old age home then gave my collection to a very devoted brother. Prior to that I also owned the Harp of God which was given to the congregation library. It belonged to my wife's grandmother.


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DO  YOU  REMEMBER  THESE  OLD,  RARE  DIFFERENT  BOOKS ? A  few  of  the  many  old  publications  from  my  friend's  library...  keep  them  safe !

Hi Colin and Queen Esther, Nice evolution from old books to beautiful birds and plants. I started to doubt myself but I found the link with the plant I mean.  I think it is the same plant.  

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My wife and I studied in the Paradise book and the United in Worship book. We also studied for a time the Truth book, but allowed family pressure to dissuade us from studying for a time. We have added some of the older books to our collection over the years just for the novelty of it. Sadly though, some apostates love to take what was spiritual truth at the time when the older publications were published and trash talk the society for some of their beliefs. It is time for friends to have these in their personal library, but there is a reason they are no longer in print and many are no longer cited in current articles at all. 

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WOW,  thats  so  nice,  study  together  as  couple :x   I  couldn't  do  that,  bec. my  husband  didn't  want  it :(  So  I  did  it  step by step  alone,  first  with  my  girlfriend.  But  he  was  very  cooperative, friendly  &  loving :)  Nice  books  you  got  for  study  the  truth  with  the  Bible...  Yes,  some  older  books  are  very  valuable  too !  But  the  most  JW  maybe  have  NO  place  at  home  for  many  books  -  today,  all  is  saved  in  their  tablets.  I  don't  know,  which  books  we  all  will  have  in  the  NW  and  paradise...   what  do  you  think  Brother  David ?@David Normand   -   With  the  apostates,  its  a  special  problem  -  they  like  it,  bring  us  in  conflict  with  Jehovah  and  always  working  against  to  bring  us  in  confusion !  We're  firm  in  the  truth  with  many  or  less  books...  Many  JW  on  little  islands  or  poor  countries,  have  of  sure  only  less  books  at  home.  The  heart  is  deciding  for  Jehovah  and  thats  perfect  I  think      Greetings  rom  Germany !

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Yes...  our  WT  society  was  making  some  mistakes  in  the  past  Brother  Colin,  we  all  knowing !  The  Bible  is  too  complex  to  understanding,  not  so  easy.   But  the  Brothers  always  made  it  public,  thats  good !

WOW,  very  old  books  you  got  in  your  life :)   Now  probable  a  'place - problem'  in  your  last  home ?

Do  you've  still  some  theocratic  books ?  But  you've  a  comp.  at  home,  so  you  have  alot  to  read  and  to  talk,  its  not  boring  around  you :D   Talking  with  others  is  very  importend !   In  some  old  age  homes  in  Germany,  living  Brothers  and  Sisters  and  they  have  regular  meetings  in  a  separate  room,  thats  very  nice !   In  your  home  similar ?     May  Jehovah  bless  you,  our  Brother  Colin ❤     @Colin Browne    Greetings  from  Germany !

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I did not see the Paradise Lost to Paradise Restored book there.  My parents studied that with me as well as Let God be True and Things in which it is Impossible for God to Lie.  I came across a fairly new looking copy of the Let God be True a few years ago, an in-law left it in the house. I am treasuring it.  I have books mostly from the late sixties and 70s, and bound volumes from the 60s, as there was a special reprinting in the 90s of the sixties bound volumes.  I have stopped keeping bound volumes from last year and hope the Watchtower CD would be adequate.


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Gracias  hermana  Wilma...     @Wilma

Esto  es  interesante,  ya  viejos  libros  que  consultaron  Su  padre,  que  nunca  tuvo  estos  antiguos  tesoros!

Tal  vez  va  a  encontrar  en  nuestra  Asamblea - biblioteca?   Pero  sin  duda  en  Bethel.
Gracias  por  su  comentario :)       Saludos  desde  Alemania !

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On 2017/06/19 at 5:15 AM, Queen Esther said:

My  books  all  younger.....   and  yours ?    These  maybe,  1930  - 1960 ?   Anyone  know  some  of  these  books ?  Thank  you :)

Yes, I do have a computer, and I'm still in the field ministry group. So, I only kept the more recent books, IE: Isaiah's prophecy, Pay attention to Daniel, God's word for us through Jeremiah, The Bible God's word or mans and the latest, Worship the only True God. I also have the 1973 Comprehensive Concordance which I consult almost daily.

It will be nice to know how many other of our spiritual family have the latter book.

The cover is dark red.


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On 2017/06/20 at 7:51 AM, Queen Esther said:

Thank  you  Brother  Colin...    I  have  to  answer  you  after  sleeping,  okay?   I  was  long  time  here,  now  I  need  to  rest,  sorry.  -   In  some  hours  I  come  back  again !  :)   bye  bye  for  now........

At a book sale a few years ago, I bought a book named "The 'Power and Glory' by Adam Nicholson 2002, its about the making of the King James version. (Authorised version) The notes were harvested from the remains of the great London fire. It's very interesting, and all references are quoted in the back pages. The era included the Guy Fawkes plot, the 1601 rebellion, and Milton who wrote Paradise lost and Paradise regained. James was no fool. All his bishops were in attention, and when the topic of baptism came up one bishop suggested that sand could be used if water was not available. James rebuked him saying that it would have been better had the chamber been emptied over him. The Puritans were also present but these hardly received a hearing. When one of these asked the king that the new bible rather be a Puritan bible, James said, "I'll give you the very opposite." It's history and it's all true. All the bishops were named. I no longer have the book.

By the way, flea markets often sell older copies of our books.

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