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DO  YOU  REMEMBER  THESE  OLD,  RARE  DIFFERENT  BOOKS ? A  few  of  the  many  old  publications  from  my  friend's  library...  keep  them  safe !

Hi Colin and Queen Esther, Nice evolution from old books to beautiful birds and plants. I started to doubt myself but I found the link with the plant I mean.  I think it is the same plant.  

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The problem with tablets and other electronic devices is they will eventually die without a power source. Books of course will get old and brittle with age, but it takes many years. No idea what books we will have in NW, but my goal is to be there to find out. 

When some apostate or other opposed brings up some older publication I generally say that I am not interested in what they we believed in the past, but am interested in what we believe now. I am very thankful that Jehovah's Faithful Slave is willing to admit mistakes of the past and move forward. 

Cheers my friends.

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16 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

Yes...  our  WT  society  was  making  some  mistakes  in  the  past  Brother  Colin,  we  all  knowing !  The  Bible  is  too  complex  to  understanding,  not  so  easy.   But  the  Brothers  always  made  it  public,  thats  good !

WOW,  very  old  books  you  got  in  your  life :)   Now  probable  a  'place - problem'  in  your  last  home ?

Do  you've  still  some  theocratic  books ?  But  you've  a  comp.  at  home,  so  you  have  alot  to  read  and  to  talk,  its  not  boring  around  you :D   Talking  with  others  is  very  importend !   In  some  old  age  homes  in  Germany,  living  Brothers  and  Sisters  and  they  have  regular  meetings  in  a  separate  room,  thats  very  nice !   In  your  home  similar ?     May  Jehovah  bless  you,  our  Brother  Colin ❤     @Colin Browne    Greetings  from  Germany !

I'm the only JW at this home among a mixture of other faiths. Some sisters regularly read to residents. The first was the entire 'Jesus the way, the truth, the life' book. Other ministers and priests also come to feed their flocks, but on different days. The book 'God's Kingdom Rules' paragraph 16 assures us that we will have everlasting security. All national barriers and passports will end.

Imagine how nice it will be to walk among wild animals and even sleep in the forests. (Eze. 34:25)



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Thanks very much for your answer-comment @butchsweet :)   All the old books ?  WOW...  from your parents or your own ?  Thats really rare,  similar by Brother Colin. Little treasures you have at home, but some things not so actual /current.  I mean the wrong knowledge to some Bible scriptures...  But the WT. org  made that all public, that was very good for us JW.  We have to be honest in all things !

Greetings from Germany ???

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Look the comment from our ARchiv@L on page 2,  @Melinda Mills ??  He posted your book there,  bec. he studied it as child ! I asked him for looking to some older books and he did it ! Thank you dear Brother @ARchiv@L  :)  Yes, we are a good team here :D   GREETINGS  TO  ALL......❤️

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Great,  Brother Colin...  you're a big example for us all here ?❤️   I appreciate your activity :)  thats very good for a longer life ! Do you want be alive by Armageddon ?  maybe YES !  Many older activ JW saying  YES :D   I remember your picture from the past...  cute animals, xD  I am also full of joy to see all our animals, wild and tender, yes and sleeping outdoor too !  Watching the stars and alot more...  I wish you always much joy together with your Brothers and Sisters serving Jehovah !  I will ask our Brother @ARchiv@L  if he still find some other old books for showing here....

Until next time  -  May Jehovah bless you, dear Brother Colin???

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On 6/20/2017 at 10:24 PM, Queen Esther said:

Yes...  our  WT  society  was  making  some  mistakes  in  the  past  Brother  Colin,  we  all  knowing !  The  Bible  is  too  complex  to  understanding,  not  so  easy.   But  the  Brothers  always  made  it  public,  thats  good !

WOW,  very  old  books  you  got  in  your  life :)   Now  probable  a  'place - problem'  in  your  last  home ?

Do  you've  still  some  theocratic  books ?  But  you've  a  comp.  at  home,  so  you  have  alot  to  read  and  to  talk,  its  not  boring  around  you :D   Talking  with  others  is  very  importend !   In  some  old  age  homes  in  Germany,  living  Brothers  and  Sisters  and  they  have  regular  meetings  in  a  separate  room,  thats  very  nice !   In  your  home  similar ?     May  Jehovah  bless  you,  our  Brother  Colin ❤     @Colin Browne    Greetings  from  Germany !

I've never even seen a printing error on our society's literature, only one mistake (In an 'very early' book) which was later corrected in a Watchtower issue later. Wikipedia pages once had many mistakes, but these were mostly user input.(Recently users need to login to add or edit)

According to this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion

there are over 10,000 religions. Which is why our society published the book "What has religion done for mankind". When we went from door to door in early days most people would tell us that they "had there own religion" Having no idea of what people believe in other faiths besides Christianity, the book mentioned in this paragraph was primarily designed to inform us as God's people, but also the public. It was not really a mistake to show the world the truth. The Jain 'religion' wear masks to avoid inhaling flying insects. We can now tactfully ask them, "What about the millions of creatures you trample on just taking a short walk". 

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Yes,  you  are  right   Brother  Colin,  in  many  things  I  agree !    Haha...  many  people  often  tell  us  the  same  like  in  the  past...  'we  have  our own  Religion',  YES !   Then  we  say,   well,  thats  very  nice  you  still  have  a  belief  in  that  crazy  time  today !   A  little  praise  and  then  we  have  a  basic  for  going  on :)

When  the  people  get  a  praise,  they  mostly  want  to  tell  more,  thats  good !

With  the  WT  mistakes  I  tell  you  tmw.  bec. its  little  different  to  your  understanding...  I  tell  you  what  I  mean,  okay ?  Now  its  too  late  again,  sorry :(  I  am  on  the  other  side  of  Earth,  yes,  always  day  and  night,  thats  a  problem  for  me,  I  don't  like  it !   But  I  like  your  writing...  its  sometimes  funny  -  with  our  tiny  insects  etc.xD       Until  tomorrow  Brother  Colin....   Take  care

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