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Queen Esther

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Brother  Colin,  I  not  meant  any  writing  mistakes  by  our  organisation....   I  mean  the  different  *new  lights*  we  got  and  still  get  step  by  step,  after  a  better  understanding,  example  1995,  the  new  generation...   and  now  our  last  anointed  Brothers,  not  coming  with  us  into  the  NW  !!   Until  Armageddon  they  now  all  completed  their  temporal  life...  so  we  learned  it  lastly !  You  now  understand  what  I  mean ?  These  mistakes  the  JW.org  always  made  public  for  all,  bec. stay  honest,  yes ?  Tell  me  please  your  opinion,  thank  you :)

Wish  you  a  great  weekend  and  stay  healthy !  We  had  very  hot  weather  last  days  here...  now  better !  How  is  the  weather  in  your  area ??

Until  to  next  time,  Brother  @Colin Browne  :D 

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DO  YOU  REMEMBER  THESE  OLD,  RARE  DIFFERENT  BOOKS ? A  few  of  the  many  old  publications  from  my  friend's  library...  keep  them  safe !

Hi Colin and Queen Esther, Nice evolution from old books to beautiful birds and plants. I started to doubt myself but I found the link with the plant I mean.  I think it is the same plant.  

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Yes it's difficult for you to convey your thoughts to English. As you said, the correct way is, to say, "We now have new light on the matter" Prov. 4:18.

Where I'm living, it's 10 degrees centigrade this morning and my fingers are frozen.

One of the old books I remember was made for publishers, "Equipped for every good work."

It was good news for us this time when our society explained "This generation." Before that we couldn't understand. But we maintained "A waiting attitude" knowing that Jehovah would give us 'new light'.


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Yes,  English  is  not  my  home - language,  sorry :(  But  we've  a  good  understanding,  I  think  so... :)   Your  Bible - scripture  is  working  right,   Prov.  4:18,

18 But the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light
That grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.

I  copied  your  study - book  titles  for  our  Brother  ARchiv@L...  maybe  he  find  it  in  our  Archives  here  for  showing ?  That  were  nice !

10  degrees  centigrade,  is  that  minus - 10 ?  bec. frozen  morning  hands...   Are  you  living  near  the  Arctis  or  similar ? :D  I  thought,  you  are  from  Australia,  perhaps ?  or  high  in  the  north  of  America ?  Tell  me  please....

I  can  see,  also  our  nice  older  JW.  ones  learned  alot  good  theocratic  things !   We've  today  many  video's  etc. more  technology,  but  the  old  teachings /doctrines  were  very  good.  "A  waiting  attitude"  was  of  sure  a  very  interesting  book !   Thanks  for  you  nice  explanations  Brother  Colin...   I  think,  some  of  us  enjoy  it !   Until  soon  and  bye bye  for  now  ~~~~~~

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We’ve been talking about our society’s older books. We are thankful that these have explained Jehovah’s original word from Moses’ time. The faithful and discreet slave deserve praise for explaining the things hidden to the wise and intellectual ones, but revealed them to us as "young children". A very important book was the first Bible we received. It was the green backed bound books we received in five parts during the early 70’s. I had mine bound by a local newspaper.

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I  answer  in  details  after  sleeping,  my  dear  Brother....   its  already  morning-time  and  time  to  go,  sorry !  Your  book - examples  I  sent  to  our  ARchiv@L  Brother  for  searching  the  books !  :)   I  hope,  he  will  find  some !   Until  sunday  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  :D    PS.  Which  time  is  it  now  in  YOUR  country ?  morning  or  afternoon ?  or  evening ?

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3 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

Yes,  English  is  not  my  home - language,  sorry :(  But  we've  a  good  understanding,  I  think  so... :)   Your  Bible - scripture  is  working  right,   Prov.  4:18,

18 But the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light
That grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.

I  copied  your  study - book  titles  for  our  Brother  ARchiv@L...  maybe  he  find  it  in  our  Archives  here  for  showing ?  That  were  nice !

10  degrees  centigrade,  is  that  minus - 10 ?  bec. frozen  morning  hands...   Are  you  living  near  the  Arctis  or  similar ? :D  I  thought,  you  are  from  Australia,  perhaps ?  or  high  in  the  north  of  America ?  Tell  me  please....

I  can  see,  also  our  nice  older  JW.  ones  learned  alot  good  theocratic  things !   We've  today  many  video's  etc. more  technology,  but  the  old  teachings /doctrines  were  very  good.  "A  waiting  attitude"  was  of  sure  a  very  interesting  book !   Thanks  for  you  nice  explanations  Brother  Colin...   I  think,  some  of  us  enjoy  it !   Until  soon  and  bye bye  for  now  ~~~~~~

In my younger days I sometimes surfed in 10 degree water in a wet suit. One hardly feels the cold while young. When I woke this morning the temperature was again 10 degrees - in my room, so I typing this with two frozen fingers. It's only as I grew older that I realised how much time was wasted which could have been put to better use.

It's unlikely that I will surf again in Jehovah's new earth. It's a passing phase which  I do not recommend to any young brother. I almost drowned once, and there are also other dangers such as sharks, drowning and injuries.

Some years ago at a surfing spot I watched a young man die when he lost blood after an attack by a great white shark. I stopped surfing and gave the booklet, "When someone dies" to his mother. Recently I took the revised copy.



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22 minutes ago, Queen Esther said:

I  answer  in  details  after  sleeping,  my  dear  Brother....   its  already  morning-time  and  time  to  go,  sorry !  Your  book - examples  I  sent  to  our  ARchiv@L  Brother  for  searching  the  books !  :)   I  hope,  he  will  find  some !   Until  sunday  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  :D    PS.  Which  time  is  it  now  in  YOUR  country ?  morning  or  afternoon ?  or  evening ?

It was an earlier message sent. At this moment it's 6:30am.

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Oh,  yesterday  I  saw  by  the  clock - time,  we've  ca.  2-3  hours  difference ?  You're  living  east-side  from  Germany ?  But  SO  cold  in  your  room,  in  summertime ?  I'm  puzzling  which  country  is  it... :)   May  you  tell  me ?  THANK  YOU !

Here  I  send  you  3  links  about  Bible books,  you  was  telling....  Brother  ARchiv@L  was  searching  for  me.  https://www.theguardian.com/books/2004/apr/24/featuresreviews.guardianreview26



Are  you  remember  these  books ?

PS.  You  was  very  sporting  in  younger  times,  like  me :)  In  the  school  I  had  always  the  best note  1 !  and  in  music  too...  I  play  some  instruments ! 

In  the  New  World  you can  surf  again,  NO  problems  with  sharks  etc.!  Then  you're  young  again...  more  fun  like  in  younger  years !    Latest  in  paradise,  all  humans  young  again  and  able  for  doing  all  good  things :D

I  agree,  we  must  be  careful  with  our  precious  time,  better  using  for  Jehovah ❤  Its  END-TIME  now !

bye  bye  for  today...   dear  Brother  @Colin Browne

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2 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

Oh,  yesterday  I  saw  by  the  clock - time,  we've  ca.  2-3  hours  difference ?  You're  living  east-side  from  Germany ?  But  SO  cold  in  your  room,  in  summertime ?  I'm  puzzling  which  country  is  it... :)   May  you  tell  me ?  THANK  YOU !

Here  I  send  you  3  links  about  Bible books,  you  was  telling....  Brother  ARchiv@L  was  searching  for  me.  https://www.theguardian.com/books/2004/apr/24/featuresreviews.guardianreview26



Are  you  remember  these  books ?

PS.  You  was  very  sporting  in  younger  times,  like  me :)  In  the  school  I  had  always  the  best note  1 !  and  in  music  too...  I  play  some  instruments ! 

In  the  New  World  you can  surf  again,  NO  problems  with  sharks  etc.!  Then  you're  young  again...  more  fun  like  in  younger  years !    Latest  in  paradise,  all  humans  young  again  and  able  for  doing  all  good  things :D

I  agree,  we  must  be  careful  with  our  precious  time,  better  using  for  Jehovah ❤  Its  END-TIME  now !

bye  bye  for  today...   dear  Brother  @Colin Browne

Hello sister, I'm in East London, not to be confused with the United Kingdom. In the early days South Africa was controlled by the UK. Our city lies at 28 degrees longitude and 38 degrees latitude. We are warmed by the down flowing Mozambique current. But there is also the counter cold Agulhas current flowing from Cape Town side. Depending on whether there's a west wind blowing which pushes the Agulhas current away, the sea is warm. When the East wind blows the cold water is pushed toward our coast.

Thank you the link which provided more information on 'The making of the King James Bible' It's been copied and added to my notes about the Jacobean Era. A horseman sent all the way from England to Scotland was kicked in the face by his horse and he arrived full of blood, only to find that King James was still in bed.

I suppose there will still be enough gas and vehicles after Armageddon to use for a few decades, after which we will have to wait and see.

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Yes,  we  will  see,  what  is  after  Armageddon....    But  I  can't  imagine,  we  using  gas  and  cars  in  the  NW  -  Maybe  we've  better  things,  wait  and  see,  yes :)

Good  to  hear,  you  like  one  of  the  links,  I  not  know  these  books,  sorry...

I  know,  now  is  winter  in  south  Africa  and  not  so  warm  -  I  saw  by  google, around  25'  degrees.  Area  Durban  warm  and  Kapstadt  only  17' degrees  tomorrow.  South  Africa  is  a  wonderful  area  for  living.   A  friend  was  gone  from  Hamburg  to  Johannesburg  before  many  years.   He  got  a  better  job  and  better  life  than  here.

In  the  NW  I  want  visit  south  Africa,  your  home - country :D   But  now  I  go  little  posting !  Good  Night...

PS.  Did  you  already  see  our  other  Forum - areas  with  interesting  themes ?  Example :  Experiences,  Illustrations,  Health  and  Medicine,  Religions,  Music,  Theocratic  and  more... there  is  alot  about  Jehovas  Winesses !  When  you  have  little  time,  perhaps  you  will  find  any  nice  things ?    Look  a  around  when  you  want,  Brother  Colin :)   Enjoy !

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5 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

Yes,  we  will  see,  what  is  after  Armageddon....    But  I  can't  imagine,  we  using  gas  and  cars  in  the  NW  -  Maybe  we've  better  things,  wait  and  see,  yes :)

Good  to  hear,  you  like  one  of  the  links,  I  not  know  these  books,  sorry...

I  know,  now  is  winter  in  south  Africa  and  not  so  warm  -  I  saw  by  google, around  25'  degrees.  Area  Durban  warm  and  Kapstadt  only  17' degrees  tomorrow.  South  Africa  is  a  wonderful  area  for  living.   A  friend  was  gone  from  Hamburg  to  Johannesburg  before  many  years.   He  got  a  better  job  and  better  life  than  here.

In  the  NW  I  want  visit  south  Africa,  your  home - country :D   But  now  I  go  little  posting !  Good  Night...

PS.  Did  you  already  see  our  other  Forum - areas  with  interesting  themes ?  Example :  Experiences,  Illustrations,  Health  and  Medicine,  Religions,  Music,  Theocratic  and  more... there  is  alot  about  Jehovas  Winesses !  When  you  have  little  time,  perhaps  you  will  find  any  nice  things ?    Look  a  around  when  you  want,  Brother  Colin :)   Enjoy !

Temperatures you saw were probably day time, and Cape Town has a different climate to ours. It's 15 degrees this morning and the forecast high is 29 degrees (in mid winter) because we get what is called 'Berg winds'. (winds that get hotter as they blow down the sun warmed earth)

East London S.A. was also home to German immigrants in the early days. There is a memorial for them opposite the aquarium. They set up towns here like Hamburg, Berlin, etc. See this website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stutterheim

Many of the descendants of the early settlers still carry German names. Thank you for suggesting other forums. This one is enough for me. Although retired my time is mostly taken up by study and reading. I'm almost finished studying August 28-September 24, 2017. It's better to be ahead because we receive so much spiritual 'food', once are behind it will be hard to catch up. (Psalm 72:16) Reading and meditating on the 'Scriptures Daily' is also very important because it helps us start the day in a spiritual mood.

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