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Queen Esther

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DO  YOU  REMEMBER  THESE  OLD,  RARE  DIFFERENT  BOOKS ? A  few  of  the  many  old  publications  from  my  friend's  library...  keep  them  safe !

Hi Colin and Queen Esther, Nice evolution from old books to beautiful birds and plants. I started to doubt myself but I found the link with the plant I mean.  I think it is the same plant.  

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8 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

Thanks  for  your  new  link,  dear  @ARchiv@L...   Lets  hope,  its  good  for  our  members  :D  and  Brother  Colin  too !

Here is something to interest you. In Germany and elsewhere it's either Winter or summer. (Gen. 8:22) But in our part of the Eastern Cape we have a unique weather system because we often experience four seasons in one day! In fact, one holiday resort, "Four Seasons" takes advantage of this. We can wake up to an icy morning, which later becomes warm. A few hours later temperatures may climb above 30 degrees. Which is why most residents say that they will never move away.

There are many hotels which share that name: https://twitter.com/FourSeasons?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author


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Hallo an euch dort in Deutschland. Dank moderner Technik ist es so einfach, Briefe an Menschen anderer Sprachen zu schreiben. Schauen Sie! Obwohl ich nur Englisch und Afrikaans fließend zu sprechen, sende ich eine Nachricht an Sie in deutscher Sprache.

Und Sie werden tatsächlich saugen die Milch der Nationen und die Brust der Könige, die Sie zu saugen. (Jesaja 60:16)

Dies ist wahrscheinlich, wie Sie auch kommunizieren. Colin Browne

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WOW...  das ist ja nett Bruder Colin, haha :)  Ja, mit dem Translater geht das prima !  Danke, für diese schöne Idee...  I use daily the google translater for working here. Mostly for Spanish to English. Yes, the technology is sometimes super !

I come back later,  now different duties !  Wish you a great day in far away south Africa. ???

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Thanks  for  your  good  explanation  dear  Melinda :)  The  last  one  looks  for  me  as  the  oldest  -  is  that  right ?

I  think,  our  87 year  old  Brother  Colin  from  south  Africa  will  remember  alot  of  these...  He  likes  it,  writing  on  and  off  here,  a  nice  Brother :D

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I don't know the order of the ones on the bottom row - they are very old, not of our time.  All I can tell you is that the red one in the second row is the oldest of the modern books. When I was very small my father had one that was well preserved, but from a child I can only remember using the one with the music notes on it. The green and cream one.

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THANK  YOU  SO  MUCH  FOR  THE  WONDERFUL  PICTURES  FROM  THE  NICE  *FOR  SEASONS  HOTEL*   Do  you  know  that  personal  from  inside?  Of  sure  very  expensive :)   WOW...  4  seasons  in  ONE  day ?  One  the  same  place ?  Thats  a  big  challenge  for  the  body  or  not ?  In  which  town  we  can  have  this ?  Tell  us  please...   :D    THANK  YOU  BROTHER  COLIN !

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1 hour ago, Queen Esther said:

THANK  YOU  SO  MUCH  FOR  THE  WONDERFUL  PICTURES  FROM  THE  NICE  *FOR  SEASONS  HOTEL*   Do  you  know  that  personal  from  inside?  Of  sure  very  expensive :)   WOW...  4  seasons  in  ONE  day ?  One  the  same  place ?  Thats  a  big  challenge  for  the  body  or  not ?  In  which  town  we  can  have  this ?  Tell  us  please...   :D    THANK  YOU  BROTHER  COLIN !

The town of East London in South Africa is precisely at the beginning of the sub tropical area up to Mozambique. It's where plants of the Strelitzia family and ferns begin to grow. This explains why we have drastic changes of weather.


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