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Queen Esther

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YES,  I  understand  you.  -  Oh  STRELITZIA  -  here  calls  Strelitzie,  one  of  my  loving  flowers / plants !  I  got  it  last  time  from  a  friend.  I  could  enjoy  it  for  2 - 3  weeks !   Looking  SO  beautiful  like  a  precious  birdy :x  with  a  long  beak :)  Thanks  for  your  answer,  Brother  Colin !   You're  living  in  a  wonderful  Continent  in  the  south :D  ENJOY  EVERY  DAY !  Do  you  want  live  in  another  country  in  the  NEW  WORLD  or  PARADISE ?  Or  driving  around  the  world  and  visit  alot  Brothers ?  

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DO  YOU  REMEMBER  THESE  OLD,  RARE  DIFFERENT  BOOKS ? A  few  of  the  many  old  publications  from  my  friend's  library...  keep  them  safe !

Hi Colin and Queen Esther, Nice evolution from old books to beautiful birds and plants. I started to doubt myself but I found the link with the plant I mean.  I think it is the same plant.  

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8 hours ago, Colin Browne said:

The plant you love is the orange variety of the genus. Here is a link to others:





Seems we share a love for plants - Happy viewing.


Hello Queen Esther, have a look at this fantastic spanner set made in Germany. It goes up in fractions of an inch. Has a feeler gauge as well as a small screwdriver. The Bible is 24cm top to bottom and the screwdriver set is 11cm wide. My youngest son's present.


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23 hours ago, Colin Browne said:

The plant you love is the orange variety of the genus. Here is a link to others:





Seems we share a love for plants - Happy viewing.

Had Adam and God’s covering cherub remained perfect, we would have eventually known the proper use of all plants, and also which may not be consumed.

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I  total  agree  Brother  Colin,  with  all  plants  Jehovah  made  it  perfect  for  us !   Nice  looking,  a  nice  taste  and  still  more.  Yes,  we  have  all  we  need  for  good  living...  and  still  much  more :)   I  want  answer  you  more  detailed  to  your  nice  postings !   But  before  I  had  to  rest  again,  bec. a  painful  foot - inflammation :(

But  I  want  say  a  BIG  *THANK  YOU  VERY  MUCH*   to  you ❤   bec. your  beautiful  Strelitzia  picture :D:x

Its  exactly  the  plant / flower  I  meant !   I  will  answer  Sat.day  late  evening,  yes?   Thank  you !   Wish  you  so  long  a  nice  day  and  take  care !       Yes,  I  also  love  flowers  and  plants :x:D   We  can't  live  without !

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By a stretch of the imagination Mel. As can be seen in the pictures below, even Google doesn't know what a bird of paradise looks like. They've even included a Lyrebird.

While on birds, in an article on evolution, a scientist admitted that there's no link from animals to birds, He said they could only have been created.

In the new cleansed earth, all flying creatures will be 'Birds of paradise'. :)


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1 hour ago, Colin Browne said:

By a stretch of the imagination Mel. As can be seen in the pictures below, even Google doesn't know what a bird of paradise looks like. They've even included a Lyrebird.

While on birds, in an article on evolution, a scientist admitted that there's no link from animals to birds, He said they could only have been created.

In the new cleansed earth, all flying creatures will be 'Birds of paradise'. :)


Hi Colin and Queen Esther,

Nice evolution from old books to beautiful birds and plants.

I started to doubt myself but I found the link with the plant I mean.  I think it is the same plant.  Here it is:



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12 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

Here is another link/video:



Thanks for the video. It is a beautiful plant. Even the leaves are pretty. Compare the plant to the Crowned crane in our country. It regularly feeds on open spaces in our suburb and they breed close to the marshes where we have a bird watching stand.

A similar bird, the Hoopoe feeds on insects on lawns in our suburb.




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