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Queen Esther

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Awww...  poor  brothers :(  not  an  easy  Kingdom-work  you  had  in  the  past !   You  was  young  and  it  was  a  very  good  train  for  your  whole  life  and  our  soon  hard  time...  I  appreciate  your  very  strong  work  with  alot  deprivations...   WHAT  a  wonderful  example  for  us  all  here !!   And  of  sure  you  was  learning  very  much,  dear  Brother  Colin.  -   I'm  feeling  so  small  when  I  hear  such  of  nice  old  experiences...  but  I  love  it :x  can  learn  from  other  JW !   PS.  I  would  give  away  your  precious  books,  but  only  to  the  right  Brothers  -  or  to  your  Bethel ?   I  can  imagine  how  you  feel  about  that !  My  time  again  little  reduced...  so  I  posted  our  song  No. 138  with  wonderful  flowers  for  you :)  Enjoy  it....     Next  time  more  to  your  comments,  okay ?     Take  care  my  Brother !

Best  wishes  from  Germany,  Agape !


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DO  YOU  REMEMBER  THESE  OLD,  RARE  DIFFERENT  BOOKS ? A  few  of  the  many  old  publications  from  my  friend's  library...  keep  them  safe !

Hi Colin and Queen Esther, Nice evolution from old books to beautiful birds and plants. I started to doubt myself but I found the link with the plant I mean.  I think it is the same plant.  

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Thanks sister for your kind words. My favourite song is "He will call" (Job 14:13-15) in expectation of my dear wife's resurrection. With regard to the book of Job, I often wonder whether Jehovah was referring to Job's hidden enemy, Satan, at Job 41. The crocodile is the true king of beasts. An unseen enemy that can even kill a lion, which the world considers to be the king of beasts.

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2  different  songs   of   *HE  WILL  CALL*   I  posted  for  you ....

JEHOVAH  WILL  CALL -  and  your  wife  will  healthy  running  into  your  arms ? 

Maybe  Afrikaans  is  there  too ?    36  languages  -  thats  alot ! 

I  am  waiting  first  of  my  Dad  and  my  own  brother...

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On 6/21/2017 at 2:12 PM, David Normand said:

The problem with tablets and other electronic devices is they will eventually die without a power source. Books of course will get old and brittle with age, but it takes many years. No idea what books we will have in NW, but my goal is to be there to find out. 

When some apostate or other opposed brings up some older publication I generally say that I am not interested in what they we believed in the past, but am interested in what we believe now. I am very thankful that Jehovah's Faithful Slave is willing to admit mistakes of the past and move forward. 

Cheers my friends.

> The problem with tablets and other electronic devices is they will eventually die without a power source.

                    How true brother, we should not be antique collectors.

Our collection of old books, bound WT,s etc.. were taken with us wherever we went since the 50's. By 1968 the list included The Harp of God in early Dutch. Circa 2012 these were all given to an elder friend a year before going to an old age home, including Byingtons Bible. (Only 100,000 were printed). He in turn gave half of these to other brothers. We kept only one old booklet and four of the later books.

          We would be just as happy using the Bible and the Watchtower Library.

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Thank  you, dear  Brother  @Colin Browne  and  yes,  I  like  a  Library  of paper - books  very  much  -  but  for  finding  many  things  very  quickly,  the  online - library  is  really  a  nice  blessing :x   Also  our  faithful  slave  is  working  per  online...  time  is  very  rare  and  precious, they  have  alot  to  prove  bec. SO  many  languages  we've !  The  silver  Bible  in  German  will  be  the  last  one,  I  heard  in  a  CO. Talk. But  it  will  be  the  best  Bible  *EVER*  he  said :)

We  already  waiting  since  ca. 4-5 years  and  I  ordered  before  3 years  an  English  specimen  for  me.

Many  of  our  congregation  now  having  a  silver  Bible  at  home 1f64f.png1f495.png1f601.png    *THE  BEST  BIBLE  EVER*.....

Yes,  my  goal  is  the  NW  too 1f601.png    FINALLY  LOVE  &  PEACE !

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On 8/3/2017 at 1:41 AM, Queen Esther said:

Oh  yes,  dear  @Noble Berean  I  remember  these  MC's  very  good !  With  Kingdom songs  and  many  Talks  too :)   My  girlfriend  did  the  same  with  her  children  and  they  loved  it  very  much...  That  was  a  good  train  for  bringing  the  truth  into  their  hearts ?

Later,  I  made  many  records  on  Cassettes  and  CD's  for  me  and  also  many  copies  for  interested  Sisters, all  appreciated  that  alot :x    I  still  have  many  Talks  at  home,  also  of  some  anointed  Brothers.  Very  nice  reminders,  yes.   Thanks  for  your  nice  comment  and  your  pictures.  Best  wishes  from  Germany !

I have a very good friend with whom I often work doing street work with the trolley. During idle moments we share scriptural thoughts. In this way we broaden our knowledge of Jehovah's word. (Psalm 17:27)

Many stop to examine the literature on display. Considering that the need is greater among the Black population, we try to draw their interest to God's kingdom with the brochure 'Who really controls the world', and 'Can the dead really live again'.

Watch the video and see how violent some can be in other countries. The perpetrator is actually a church minister. (Luke 23:34)

I had a problem sending this message. While keeping this website loaded, I briefly went back to the folder to check whether there were related incidents. When I returned the internet was dropped and it took a while to get back. Perhaps someone can explain what to do in such cases.

Minister destroys JW trolley.mp4

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It's this type of religious intolerance that will see us being banned by the UN:

United Nations to ban religion? http://able2know.org/topic/50801-1

Forums: United Nations, Spirituality And Religion, Religion, Un, Banning

This was a proposal submitted to the UN last year. The formulism site is now off line, but the formulism movement seems quite alive.

Source is PRweb.Com

The resolution is being proposed by Antony Last, founder of formulism.org, a site which claims that freedom FROM religion would be of far greater benefit to mankind than freedom OF religion.

Freedom from Religion | Proposed UN Resolution / Charter Amendment | Version 1.1

* to save succeeding generations from the scourge of organized religion, a folly which has brought untold sorrow to mankind through the division, hatred and conflict it engenders, and
* to reaffirm an individual's right to freedom of belief, freedom of conscience and freedom of prayer, and
* to establish conditions under which these freedoms can be privately exercised.
1. To outlaw, with immediate effect, the public expression of religious beliefs, including the use of symbols, clothing or markings which are synonymous with any currently or previously existing religions.
2. To outlaw, with immediate effect, public acts of worship or religious declaration.
3. To outlaw, with immediate effect, private gatherings of three or more people for the purposes of engaging in acts of worship or religious services.
4. To outlaw, with immediate effect, the publication of books, literature or articles which seek to promote religious beliefs or encourage adherence to religious doctrine.
5. To outlaw, after a period of amnesty, the personal ownership of books or materials which seek to promote religious beliefs or encourage adherence to religious doctrine. (Books of academic or social interest will be made freely available to schools, universities and public libraries).
6. To outlaw, with immediate effect, the celebration of religiously significant dates.
7. To begin, with immediate effect, the destruction or reassignment of predominantly religious buildings, such as churches, mosques and temples.



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The resolution is being proposed by Antony Last, founder of formulism.org, a site which claims that freedom FROM religion would be of far greater benefit to mankind than freedom OF religion.

JWJWJW - The banning of religion is foretold just like we have been telling everyone (Jehovah’s Witnesses) You can still save yourselves by getting out of all false religion and following Jehovah God and in...

Brahmin - no religion should be banned. but missionaries / those who try to hardsell their religion - of all religions should be punishable by law. if someone has to convert, he/she will - on his own.
in today's information age, the bull-crap of "the missionaries need to take the religion to the unsaved - how else will he/she know how ignorant he/she is" – don’t hold.

If you go to the link provided above you'll see reader comments on this.




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On 8/4/2017 at 7:05 AM, Queen Esther said:

2  different  songs   of   *HE  WILL  CALL*   I  posted  for  you ....

JEHOVAH  WILL  CALL -  and  your  wife  will  healthy  running  into  your  arms ? 

Maybe  Afrikaans  is  there  too ?    36  languages  -  thats  alot ! 

I  am  waiting  first  of  my  Dad  and  my  own  brother...

Your dad was probably a witness, then he will come back. So will my wife. She had arthritis and deformed feet, but we did our field ministry right until a few days before she died at 86 years old. She will also be pleased to know that I made enlargements of all her photos which she so much loved.

A recent Watchtower told us to be patient about the resurrection, it may take some time before that can happen. Armageddon survivors must first bury the bones of the dead, and destroy all weapons of war. No doubt all cemeteries will be destroyed so that the earth can be in a peaceful state with no signs of war, sickness and death.

Our Gonubie Kingdom Hall has three Sunday meetings. For Blacks, the Afrikaners and the English. The property adjacent to the hall also belongs to us. It's reserved for brothers sent from Bethel to build prefabricated homes for the poor in Black areas in the Transkei.

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On 8/3/2017 at 1:41 AM, Queen Esther said:

Oh  yes,  dear  @Noble Berean  I  remember  these  MC's  very  good !  With  Kingdom songs  and  many  Talks  too :)   My  girlfriend  did  the  same  with  her  children  and  they  loved  it  very  much...  That  was  a  good  train  for  bringing  the  truth  into  their  hearts ?

Later,  I  made  many  records  on  Cassettes  and  CD's  for  me  and  also  many  copies  for  interested  Sisters, all  appreciated  that  alot :x    I  still  have  many  Talks  at  home,  also  of  some  anointed  Brothers.  Very  nice  reminders,  yes.   Thanks  for  your  nice  comment  and  your  pictures.  Best  wishes  from  Germany !

This song no longer appears in the song book, but remains one of our favourites:

LetÂ’s watch How We Walk (Eph. 5:15) Previously song 106

1. LetÂ’s watch how we walk and watch how we talk - That thus we may be alert and wise.

Buying out the opportune time – Since this world in Satan Lies.

Yes, watch how we walk and watch how we talk – That thus we may be alert and wise.

2. Let’s watch what we preach and watch what we preach – Encourage meek ones to take their stand.

By our Bible study with them – Give them all a helping hand.

Yes, watch what we preach and watch what we teach – And thus help meek ones to take their stand

By our Bible study with them – Give them all a helping hand.

3. Let’s watch how we greet and watch how we treat – All those we meet in our ministry.

Like Christ Jesus, our Fine Shepherd – Care for his sheep lovingly.

Yes, watch how we greet and watch how we treat – And stumble none in our ministry.

Hear the tune at this website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l5s0jONWn8

It was uploaded by a sister who was also fond of it.

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Hello Brother @Colin Browne ... :)   Quickly a short answer, bec. I'm still very busy at home !

My dad was NOT a JW when he died....  but I know, Jehovah will bring him back,  bec. he paid with his death !  He must study the Bible in the NW????

Of course, your wife will come back to 100 % too,  she was a JW,  AND she died....  Maybe, she will come earlier, bec. we need many teacher for the later resurrected people.

Alot different work is to do in the NW?  Never a boring time...  and ALL in LOVE and PEACE :x ???

More details little later please?? :)  Agape and thank you ! 

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7 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

Hello Brother @Colin Browne ... :)   Quickly a short answer, bec. I'm still very busy at home !

My dad was NOT a JW when he died....  but I know, Jehovah will bring him back,  bec. he paid with his death !  He must study the Bible in the NW????

Of course, your wife will come back to 100 % too,  she was a JW,  AND she died....  Maybe, she will come earlier, bec. we need many teacher for the later resurrected people.

Alot different work is to do in the NW?  Never a boring time...  and ALL in LOVE and PEACE :x ???

More details little later please?? :)  Agape and thank you ! 

Those who died were acquitted from their sins (Romans 6:7) this includes all sins including those inherited due to imperfection, so be assured that your dad will definitely be resurrected.

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