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TRUMPOCRISY: When Russia, Saudi Arabia, and China are all great but you can’t have relations with Cuba


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Trump reflects a view of the world that US leaders have promoted for about two centuries. Internal documentation for U.S. political decisions are never released until many years later for "national se

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Trump reflects a view of the world that US leaders have promoted for about two centuries. Internal documentation for U.S. political decisions are never released until many years later for "national security" reasons. But after they are released, it's easy to see that, to some extent, at least after learning what is really going on in the world, all US leaders themselves have obviously "known better." It is clear that they had to use various propaganda tactics to foist a specific world view on US citizens that aligned with prejudices about "US/American interests." Facts they learned as leaders had to be suppressed, spun or re-packaged for the public in order to promote the necessary fears and prejudices that allowed the USA to position itself as those leaders deemed necessary.

The US public, as with most other "Western" nations by now (UK, France, Germany, Australia, Japan, Israel) is so well influenced by propaganda that the people in their blindness will only choose leadership who are already fooled and ready to fool them some more. Citizens generally don't want people who can see a need for justice in the world, because most voting citizens only watch corporate-sponsored news (including so called "public" radio/television) and already believe that if it's good for the USA, it's good for the world, no matter how unjust to the rest of the world, in actuality.

Saudi Arabia is the U.S.A.'s gas station. They buy US weapons for billions and the USA then helps them to abuse the rights of nations around them, creating as much chaos in that part of the world as the US believes it can possibly get away with. But I don't mean chaos through mistakes and blunders, which is how US history explains these messes after the fact. It is not by accident, but on purpose, that the USA has for example, supported terrorists around the world and even Al-Qaeda and Isis in Syria to keep the nation as divided as possible. Israeli news has not been as careful about hiding the same reasons their leaders have also pushed for support of Isis and Al-Qaeda.

By about this time in history, the current civil rights record in China is much better than the current civil rights record of the United States. It's true that China filters out porn and Western "news" propaganda from the Internet, for example, but it's the USA that leads in incarcerations, capital punishment, and even methods of suppressing political dissidents. As far as Middle Eastern countries go, Iran has been a civil rights paradise, just as was Syria before the outside attempts to create a long-term civil war succeeded. Israel has a civil rights record that is one of the worst in the world.

This doesn't mean that other governments are somehow "good" when compared to the US and its allies, but it means that there are complexities and prejudices that make a mess of the claim of hypocrisy. Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and Obama all ignored the abuses of Saudi Arabia and even encouraged many of them. The same people who call Trump hypocritical may be just as hypocritical in the type of government they would promote in his place.

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