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Why does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

You are very close to the correct answer .. the question is NOT "what" ..... but "WHY?"

As already stated, the only answer to your question Why....does Jehovah God forbid tattoos? is : Jehovah God does not forbid tattoos.  

The question could have been asked: 

"Why did Jehovah forbid the Jewish nation to tattoo themslves?" Or "Does Jehovah God forbid Christians to have tattoos? If Yes, Why?"

Different, more informative answers may then have ensued.

Another variation could have been Why....doesn't Jehovah God forbid tattoos? To which a JTR type response such as "Because He couldn't care less about tattoos" might have been suggested. 

As it is, those questions were not asked, and as the question that was asked is basically invalid, the answer given.....remains as: Jehovah God does not forbid tattoos.  

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Now that wasn't so difficult actually was it? I'll overlook the offensive bluster. I know you are capable of an entirely rational response (as in the first quote) when you are in a better frame

When you get old and fat and it stretches into something unsightly.

@AllenSmith. Sorry, can't quote you. It's just too lengthy to dissect! You are rattled, and, as you loose your command of language when that happens, I just do not really follow the syntax of you

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With outdoor temps in the 90s, I was at the swimming hole yesterday. A lot of young people were there. Tattooed have never offended me, but the kids do look like walking billboards these days. 

I once knew a young woman of artistic bent who was heavily tattooed, including her neck and face. She came to regret it because people formed an instant impression of her different from what she wanted to project.

I refuse to even wear a tee shirt with printing on it, though I may one day have one printed up with an image I like a lot.


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6 hours ago, Eoin Joyce said:

Maybe my earlier answer wasn't clearly stated.

No. He does not.

If anyone wants to explore the matter further and to get some guidance on how appropriate the modern (secular) fashion for tattoos would be for Christians then try:



I got your original answer :) but others evidently didn't :D

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Answer dutifully noted and appreciated. Now it is time to expand upon it with addendums, footnotes, and JTRisms. Time for anyone who has a lick of common sense to leave the room.

In a mellow mood, I once strolled into a tattoo parlor and asked the artist whether, when a tattooist is doing intimate areas of the body, they 'get off' on it. Or is it just art?

"It's art!" he responded angrily.

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@AllenSmith. Sorry, can't quote you. It's just too lengthy to dissect!

You are rattled, and, as you loose your command of language when that happens, I just do not really follow the syntax of your 90 word sentence. Take a step back and chill out, mate, and maybe some sense, which you are quite capable, of will ensue. 

Meanwhile, stop mixing the media with the message. An idol can be portrayed in any media but this does not taint the media itself necessarily, although the media itself can be idolised. 

And just keep your insulting rhetoric to either yourself, or those who want to lock horns with you on obscurity. I much prefer it when you reason clearly, which you do on occasion. 

If you are prepared to engage sensibly I will respond. Otherwise, don't waste your breath and bandwidth.


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2 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

The Watchtower "discourages" the use of tattoos, as it is left to one's own conscience and decision.

Now that wasn't so difficult actually was it?

3 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

This is from, a fool that just quoted me, being the first to start insulting. You're a silly fool! mate,

I'll overlook the offensive bluster. I know you are capable of an entirely rational response (as in the first quote) when you are in a better frame of mind.

You should try and get a handle on what stresses you out so much 'though. It can't be healthy! Are you holding a grudge or something??

Anyway, take it easy mate!  :)


PS. Could you like my comment please. I've just noticed my reputation figure stands at 666 and I don't like liking my own posts!!

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On 6/17/2017 at 3:35 PM, Melinda Mills said:

Make your own decision based on your faith and what you know about the God YOU serve.


I love this answer, not because I have tattoo's ( I don't) but because when it boils down to it EVERYTHING you do or do not do is between you and God. Each should make up his/her own mind on the things they choose in life and not let "man" decide for you. 

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