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2 hours ago, PeterR said:

you and the writing committee

You flatter me!

2 hours ago, PeterR said:

downplaying JWInsider's explanation because it was shared with a Baptist minister.

Not at all. I just find it curious how widespread these views are. I used to think (back in the day of course), they were just the province of people who had been Jehovah's Witnesses .

2 hours ago, PeterR said:

it's "us" with truth, and "them" who need to be taught.

 I  don't believe any human has a monopoly on "truth"per se. But I do believe I have some particular "truth" to share with, for example, my minister acquaintance. And I am more than happy to consider "truth" that he may be aware of, particularly of a spiritual nature.

2 hours ago, PeterR said:

I'm outa here!

Refers to the fact that I am (at this time) not inclined to get into protracted, repeat discussion on the bullet-pointed, off topic list in the post I was responding to.

6 hours ago, PeterR said:

So Satan is cast down. Again our difference is probably only over timing

Why? When do you think this takes place?

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@Eoin Joyce quoted one of the first real hints of the overlapping generation doctrine from the Feb 15, 2008 WT (above). Above, I also quoted a WT QFR that mentioned overlapping generations from t

I'm glad that The Librarian moved the "generation" posts from the unrelated topic over to this topic. It was clear that on this topic, the questions remain unsettled to some and unsettling to others.

Because knowing ... when others do not ... is what has given, scam artists, flim-flam men, shamans, priests, and ecclesiastical tap-dancers  power prestige, and money, and position in various societie

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On 20/6/2017 at 2:55 AM, Eoin Joyce said:

There's absolutely nothing wrong in being interested in these times and seasons, as long as we try to avoid (with difficulty on occasion) the snare of second guessing Jehovahs timetable.

I think JWs ONLY are interested in 1. reading and 2. explaning / trying to explain the words of the Bible.
if not so, WHY everyone else, when taking about "the last days" ...  always refering to the JWs ?!
I would like to think so. 

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On 20/6/2017 at 9:10 AM, Anna said:

are dead.

even if we are students of the Bible in different years, and some of us not old, but young in years, 
we still understand of what happened in the past years, because of history proof and prophecies.
and althought we had not witnessed things with our own eyes, this does not stop us from believing of what is coming ahead of us!

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On 20/6/2017 at 2:42 PM, bruceq said:

although some apostates may try to confuse and

even if we [jws] / (or some people say that we) do not fully understand "this generation", 
1. the truth is / the prophecies show that we are living in the LAST Days... 
2. this does not mean that the END is not coming!

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On 20/6/2017 at 9:45 PM, Eoin Joyce said:

“Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life." John 6:68.

(Matthew 24:6)
“. . .these things must take place, . . .”
even we do not understand why, some things must take place, ...B|

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On 25/6/2017 at 11:46 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I don't know why people don't just GET IT!


yI yI yI yI yiyiyi !


tHE HORNED BEAST  600  .jpg

yes, but in this last days seems that we all need a forum to discuss somethings.
otherwise, how do you explain all these fb pages, groups and e-pages that exist all over the internet?B|

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7 hours ago, ARchiv@L said:

even if we are students of the Bible in different years, and some of us not old, but young in years, 
we still understand of what happened in the past years, because of history proof and prophecies.
and althought we had not witnessed things with our own eyes, this does not stop us from believing of what is coming ahead of us!



w84_1914_generation - Αντιγραφή.JPG

yes, I read comments on the internet, (that they died), but this fact
1. does NOT make the prophecy invalid / without value, (the words will be fulfilled), ...nor
2. did not make any others to STOP believing the prophecies of the last days,
3. shows that they themselves, until the last moment of their lives, continued to BELIEVE in all the words of the prophecies. 

ask jehovahs witnesses about who really go to heaven, thanks.


Do All Faithful Christians Go to Heaven?
Is There Hope for the Dead?
When Did God’s Kingdom Begin Ruling?—Part 1


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20 minutes ago, ARchiv@L said:


On 6/25/2017 at 4:46 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I don't know why people don't just GET IT!


yI yI yI yI yiyiyi !



Read more  

yes, but in this last days seems that we all need a forum to discuss somethings.
otherwise, how do you explain all these fb pages, groups and e-pages that exist all over the internet?


You are "preaching to the choir"  here on that one ... an American English expression that means I am ALREADY a believer that what you say about this is true. 

Unfettered human communication is SO IMPORTANT that atheists ( as the classical extreme example)  will go into mortal combat against those who try to restrict the free exchange of ideas, and are willing to die FOREVER to defend free speech and expression ... they knowing that without it the human race will always be in bondage to those who want to maintain THEIR power ... by restricting what WE are allowed to know.

A GREAT movie about this is the 1997  "THE POSTMAN", starring Kevin Costner ... about children who know that there is NOTHING more important than family communication ...and other similar themes.

ThePostman8   600  .jpg

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4 hours ago, ARchiv@L said:

I think JWs ONLY are interested in 1. reading and 2. explaning / trying to explain the words of the Bible.
if not so, WHY everyone else, when taking about "the last days" ...  always refering to the JWs ?!
I would like to think so. 

I don't think this is objectively true at all.

Do a Google search on "the last days" or "the last days bible" (adding "Bible" focuses a bit better on what we're talking about).

Admittedly the JW team has done some good SEO work to get their own page near the top - but that is JW's talking about their own beliefs. It's not the "everyone else" you refer to.

Many people are talking about the last days, and in the first few pages of search results I couldn't find one non-JW source that was making reference to JW belief.

You can see from the results that lots of Christian groups in general are talking about the last days, and most of them believe that we are in them.

If you're convinced that when the average person hears "the last days" they automatically think of JWs and no other Christian denomination, how would you support that? I honestly think it's an impression given to JWs by JWs, and not an objective reality.

That's not to say that JWs aren't doing a decent job of talking about it. I'm just trying to put some perspective on it.

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4 hours ago, ARchiv@L said:

even if we [jws] / (or some people say that we) do not fully understand "this generation", 
1. the truth is / the prophecies show that we are living in the LAST Days... 
2. this does not mean that the END is not coming!

I'm not aware of one comment on here that disputes either point.

The difference is that some people here castigate others for not accepting specific human calculated dates as part of Jehovah's timeline, whereas others accept the idea that it's proven folly to ignore Jesus' words about this subject.


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7 hours ago, ARchiv@L said:



w84_1914_generation - Αντιγραφή.JPG

yes, I read comments on the internet, (that they died), but this fact
1. does NOT make the prophecy invalid / without value, (the words will be fulfilled), ...nor
2. did not make any others to STOP believing the prophecies of the last days,
3. shows that they themselves, until the last moment of their lives, continued to BELIEVE in all the words of the prophecies. 



Oh sorry everyone, I forgot …. 
Please ask Jehovahs Witnesses about the number 144000 in the book of Revelation. (are the dead?) 
Who will really go to heaven. 
And ask about the dead,… they have the answers !


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