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Let Jehovah Lead You to True Freedom! ???

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"[Peer] into the perfect law that belongs to freedom."—Jas. 1:25


Let Jehovah Lead You to True Freedom

To prepare his servants for that future freedom, Jehovah gave us what James called “the perfect law that belongs to freedom.” (Read James 1:25.) Other Bibles call it “the law that makes us free” (The New English Bible) and “the perfect law of freedom” (The New American Bible). When people think of law, they usually think of being controlled, not of having freedom. Then, what is “the perfect law that belongs to freedom”? And how does that law make us free?


At James 1:25, we read that “he who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and who persists in it” will be “happy in his doing it.” The Greek word translated “peers” means to bend down to have a closer look at something. This takes effort. 


So if we want the law of freedom to influence our mind and heart, we must make an effort to study the Bible carefully and regularly and to meditate deeply on what we read.


Paul wrote about the freedom that Jehovah will give his people on earth. He said: “The eager expectation of the creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God.” Then he added: “The creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God.” (Romans 8:19-21


“The creation” means humans who have the hope of living on earth forever and who will benefit from “the revealing” of the anointed “sons of God.” That revealing will begin when the anointed in heaven help Christ destroy all wicked people and bring “a great crowd” into the new system of things.—Revelation 7:9, 14.


Humans will then have a very special freedom. They will be free from the influence of Satan and the demons. (Revelation 20:1-3) What a relief that will be! From that time on, the 144,000 kings and priests will use the ransom sacrifice to benefit humans until mankind becomes completely free from sin and imperfection. (Revelation 5:9, 10


After their faith has been tested, obedient humans will finally have the perfect freedom that Jehovah originally wanted for them, that is, “the glorious freedom of the children of God.” Think! It will no longer be difficult for you to do what God says is right. Your body, heart, and mind will be perfect, and you will be able to imitate God’s qualities perfectly.


Do you want to have “the glorious freedom of the children of God”? If you do, let your mind and heart continue to be influenced by “the perfect law that belongs to freedom.” 

?Study the Bible carefully and regularly. 

?Make the truth your way of life. 

?Pray for holy spirit. 

?Benefit fully from the Christian congregation and the spiritual food that Jehovah gives us. 

?Do not let Satan deceive you, as he deceived Eve, and make you think that God’s requirements are too strict. Even though the Devil can be very clever, it is possible not to be defeated by him, “for we are not ignorant of his designs.” 2 Corinthians 2:11.


?The flesh: The imperfect human condition (Ephesians 2:3)

?The law of freedom includes everything that Jehovah requires of us

?We fully know the truth when we make it our way of life

?To be really free, we must work hard to have the right desires

?Humans will soon be free from the influence of Satan and the demons

?Do I still want some of the “freedoms” of the world?

?Have I made the truth my way of life?



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"[Peer] into the perfect law that belongs to freedom."—Jas. 1:25 ??? Let Jehovah Lead You to True Freedom To prepare his servants for that future freedom, Jehovah gave us what James cal

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