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Do You Have a Loving Atmosphere in Your Home? ?????

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Do you have a loving atmosphere in your home? 


Husbands do you so love, show kindness and have consideration to your Wife? 

Wives do you so respect and love to your Husband? 

Most importantly do you have Jehovah first in your Marriage together? 

That is the three-fold cord that will keep a marriage together! ~   

? (Ephesians 5:28, 29) . . .In this way husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself, 29 for no man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it, as the Christ also does the congregation."

? (1 Peter 1:22, 23) 22 Now that YOU have purified YOUR souls by [YOUR] obedience to the truth with unhypocritical brotherly affection as the result, love one another intensely from the heart."

? (Ecclesiastes 4:11, 12) . . .Moreover, if two lie down together, they also will certainly get warm; but how can just one keep warm? 12 And if somebody could overpower one alone, two together could make a stand against him. And a threefold cord cannot quickly be torn in two. . .'

The apostle Paul wrote that Christian husbands and wives would be “anxious for the things of the world,” having distractions not shared by single Christians. 

In the case of an unmarried person, what may be ample for personal and home care and life’s necessities—food, clothing, shelter—may fall far short of what is needed for a family. 

Because of the intimate relationship of husband and wife, both are rightly anxious or concerned about pleasing each other in providing that which will contribute to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual welfare of the entire family. 

Even without having to contend with sickness, emergencies, limitations, or handicaps, married couples with children are required to devote much more time to “things of the world,” that is, to nonspiritual activities related to human life, than would usually be true of single Christians.

It is particularly important to follow this example in the family. 

When parents show that they appreciate each other, they set the tone for the family. In this era of throwaway marriages, it is all too easy to take a spouse for granted and to magnify flaws and downplay good traits. 

Such negative thinking erodes marriage, turning it into a joyless burden. If your appreciation for your mate is on the wane, ask yourself, ‘Is my spouse really without good qualities?’ 

Think back on the reasons you fell in love and married. Have all those reasons for loving this unique person really vanished? Surely not; so work hard to appreciate the good in your mate, and put your appreciation into words.

Appreciation also helps marriage partners to keep their love free from hypocrisy. 

Such love, fueled by heartfelt appreciation, will allow no room for cruelty behind closed doors, no room for words that hurt and humiliate, no room for the cold shoulder treatment wherein days may pass without a kind or civil word being spoken, and certainly no room for physical violence. 

A husband and wife who truly appreciate each other honor each other. 

They do so not only when they are in public but whenever they are within Jehovah’s sight—in other words, all the time.



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Do you have a loving atmosphere in your home?  ?????? Husbands do you so love, show kindness and have consideration to your Wife?  Wives do you so respect and love to your Husband? 

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