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ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view

JW Insider

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29 minutes ago, The Virginian said:

I was just minding my own business in Sheol when someone summoned me up.

Sheol? I know that, although you call yourself a Virginian, you live near the Canadian border in Rochester, but Sheol is in Alberta, Canada not far from the Pope and the Devil, and a lake that I think is a shortened form of Lake Lucifer.


Are you sure you weren't in Hell, Michigan?


On an even more important note, I just noticed that Google says the Area Code for Hell is 734.


Don't know if that fact will ever come in handy, but I know it's going to be easy to remember because if you type in "734" on a calculator and turn it upside down, it spells"HEL" although "7734" is better:


Oh the things we will learn, the places we will go!  Might want to pass this bit of trivia on to Vic if you see him.

The Librarian will probably take away my new privileges for this, but what the .... what the ... hay.

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The best calculator ever designed was the HP-41C series, and the HP-41CX, which have alpha numeric capabilities. I entered a Brothers name in full ... Vernon Reece ... and toggled the alpha switch back to numeric.  

The brother was telling me about this "7734" trick ... so I handed him my calculator, and asked him to enter his birthdate ... and do perhaps a dozen arithmetical calculations, then divide it by his social security number ... then add his house number ... then several more multiplications and divisions.

Then I asked him to press the "alpha" toggle.

The look on his face was PRICELESS !


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 Â On 8/25/2017 at 6:03 PM, JW Insider said:

It's easy to understand that sentiment. What's hard to understand is why you claim that you will always prefer the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses even if you are aware that the Bible teaches something different. I'm really surprised that any Witness would admit that. Seriously!

You have admitted your thinking about Jehovah's Witnesses. Now its on record for all to see.

So you feel , after your edit, that its ok to pick and choose what to believe from Jehovah's Organization.

[edited to add the words in brackets] by "insider":

 "What's hard to understand is why you claim that you will always prefer the [certain, specific] teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses even if you are aware that the Bible teaches something different [about those certain, specific teachings]"

You even went so far as to say on 8/27 : "You obviously don't know that that my experience at Bethel makes me believe that I have "power" and "authority" to question the dispensation of spiritual food by God." Need I say more O.o You have more authority because you spent a few years at Bethel 40 years ago. LOL right. No wonder you believe you have as you say"special interpretation". O.o Rather haughty - no wonder you call yourself an "insider". Satan was an "insider" also, so I woundn't brag about it.

No reason to say further. Promoting the teachings of Christendom is wrong. Jesus said "by their fruits " you would recognize true from false religion.

The Bible teaches whatever our HEAD tells us we do = JESUS. NOT you and Christendom. LOL seriously O.o

This is a shipwreck in progress. All I have to say now is:

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35 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:

Publicly revealing members' IP locations is uncool - even if the members are being a pain in the rump. Tsk, tsk.

True. But TTH already revealed it about himself, and I just assumed that it was common knowledge that his close circle of acquaintances lived nearby.

On 3/5/2017 at 10:46 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

before I noticed it wasn't him at all, but the Uber guy. Here in Rochester, we don't have Uber.

Just did a quick search and counted about six more times in addition to this one. In a couple he mentioned it was the same Rochester where Barbour and friends started out, and the same Rochester where flooding from Lake Ontario is not under control, and the same Rochester where his ancestors crawled out of the sewer. Oh wait, sorry about that last one. I just looked that up again, actually it was a grandfather who designed the water distribution and drainage for the city.

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