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Take note that the Dead Sea was not always dead. At one time it was known as the beautiful land with great forests and trees. When Abraham and Lot first separated Abraham gave Lot the first choice of where he wanted to go. Lot said that that the land was well watered, like the garden of the Lord, Gen 13:10.


The first thing we notice here in these photos are the white ash figures as they compare to brown earth of the land. The rectangular white shapes are not made up of rock or dirt. It's white ash, made from materials completely burned through.


Carl found the area filled with millions of sulfur balls, small balls pressed with powder. They were all over the place. The sulfur balls had a brown burn ring surrounding them. It was like the sulfur ball was in an egg shell. After further scientific investigation. he figured out that these sulfur balls were burning between 4-5,000 degrees. It was so hot that they literally burned through everything. As the material they burned through turned into ash the ash smothered the sulfur balls taking all the oxegen away and leaving a smaller ball. The ash around the balls became so hot that it became liquefied ash turning it into an egg shell surrounding the sulfur ball.


This is the only place on planet Earth where sulfur balls have been found in Egg shell type coverings, which means that it does not follow the normal pattern for volcanic sulfur. As Jon was seeking the Lord in all this trying to understand it. He awoke in the morning after a rare desert rain. The rain was just enough to uncover millions of sulfur balls all through the city. They were shinning in the sun as the rain was just enough to wash off the ash. Gen 19:24 Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah.


Carl had his proof. These sulfur balls rained down out of heaven in four very particular spots; the four cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Zoboiim, and Admah. They still stand here today as a living testimony to God's righteousness. 











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WHAT ABOUT THE DEAD SEA? WHAT HAPPENED THERE?  ??????? Take note that the Dead Sea was not always dead. At one time it was known as the beautiful land with great forests and trees. When Abra


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