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How Does God Feel About Violence? — ⛓??⚔️??⛓

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How Does God Feel About Violence?


At Genesis 6:11, we read that more than 1,500 years after that incident, the earth was “filled with violence.” Again, what was God’s reaction? He commanded righteous Noah to build an ark that would keep him and his family safe while Jehovah brought a deluge on the earth, thus ‘bringing to ruin’ that violent society. (Genesis 6:12-14, 17) But what had caused the populace to be so bent on violence?


The Influence of Demons

The Genesis account reveals that sons of God, disobedient angels, had materialized as humans, married women, and produced offspring. (Genesis 6:1-4) The offspring, known as Nephilim, were men of extraordinary size and fame. Under the influence of their demon fathers, they became violent bullies. When the floodwaters rose and covered the earth, these wicked bullies perished. But the demons apparently dematerialized and returned to the spirit realm.


The Bible makes clear that since then, these rebel angels have exerted a strong influence on humans. (Ephesians 6:12) Their leader, Satan, is called the original “manslayer.” (John 8:44) Hence, the violence that takes place on earth could properly be referred to as demonic, or satanic.


The Bible warns of the seductive power of violence. At Proverbs 16:29, it states: “A man of violence will seduce his fellow, and certainly causes him to go in a way that is not good.” Many today have been seduced into approving of, promoting, or perpetrating acts of violence. Also, millions of people have been enticed into enjoying entertainment that glorifies violence. The words of Psalm 73:6 can accurately be used to describe today’s generation. The psalmist says: “Haughtiness has served as a necklace to them; violence envelops them as a garment.”


In harmony with these words, Christians avoid association with those who promote or perpetrate violence. Clearly, God hates those who promote violence. The Bible states: “Jehovah himself examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one, and anyone loving violence His soul certainly hates.” (Psalm 11:5) Christians are admonished to avoid all forms of uncontrolled anger, even verbal violence.—Galatians 5:19-21;Ephesians 4:31.


The Bible’s Viewpoint




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