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Does the Bible Condemn Gambling? – ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️

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1 hour ago, David Normand said:

At any rate, all accusations of wrongdoing should be based firmly on scripture and not convoluted reasoning. 




Test Question 1.) What in life is NOT a gamble?

Test Question 2.) What scripture in the Bible Prohibits taking known risks ?

... all else is drivel, and irrelevancy ...

Be a sport. (hahahahaha...) actually write down the questions, and under them .. WRITE DOWN the REAL answers!



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This is not true. Apparently somebody was sleeping at the latest regional convention when they specifically stated that there is nothing wrong with going to a medical professional for mental problems.

What does Chess have to do with gambling???

Bible Speaks: So far you have not shown me ANYTHING from the Bible that is wrong with taking calculated risks and gambling. By the way .. EVERYTIME YOU GET IN YOUR CAR TO GO ANYWHERE ... you

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On 7/9/2017 at 2:39 PM, Bible Speaks said:

“You men are those leaving Jehovah, those forgetting my holy mountain, those setting in order a table for the god of Good Luck and those filling up mixed wine for the god of Destiny.” (Isaiah 65:11)


Does the Bible Condemn Gambling?


The Lure of Luck

Since gambling involves betting on uncertainties, belief in luck—a mysterious force that supposedly controls random events—plays a large role, especially when money is wagered. For example, auspicious numbers are chosen for lottery tickets; the uttering of certain words is forbidden among superstitious mah-jongg players; and a puff of air is blown over dice before they are thrown. Why? Gamblers often believe that luck will, or at least might, influence the outcome.


Is it merely a harmless game to put one’s trust in luck? Some people in ancient Israel felt that way. They believed that luck could bring them prosperity. How did Jehovah God feel about the matter? In God’s eyes, belief in luck is a form of idolatry and is not compatible with true worship. It reflects trust in an imaginary force rather than in the true God. There is no reason to believe that God has changed his view.


There is a much more sinister side to gambling besides winning and losing. “Those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin,” says God’s Word. (1 Timothy 6:9


A snare is designed to entangle a victim. Countless numbers of people, determined to wager only a small amount of money or to try their hand at gambling just a few times, have become entangled and unable to escape gambling addiction. It has destroyed careers, hurt loved ones, and ruined families.


“Quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2) God’s will, not popular sentiment, should guide a Christian’s life. As “the happy God,” Jehovah wants us to enjoy life, free of the bitter fruitage that results from the snare that gambling is.—1 Timothy 1:11.


Servants of God earn money by honest work


The Excitement of Winning

Is gambling habit-forming, easily leading to addiction? Following a study of gamblers’ responses to winning and losing, Dr. Hans Breiter noted that “a monetary reward in a gambling-like experiment produces brain activation very similar to that observed in a cocaine addict receiving an infusion of cocaine.”



Thank you for your wise thoughts. We all know about those determined to get rich. (1Tim. 6:9)

No sense in debating on such matters - rather help the poorer brothers and sisters, then you are lending to Jehovah. (He will repay you)

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They are indeed wise thoughts .... but the fact remains that no one I have ever met, or even know about, worships any "god of luck", and I cannot even think of the name of such a god.  As to the other scriptures that were quoted, they are valuable and profound ... in the context they were written ... but here, they have been bent and stretched, and taken out of context.

Much like the argument that my dog is going to go to  Heaven, because, doesn't the scripture say "...after I leave, wolves will come in and among the flock"?

(yes, it says that (paraphrased), NO IT DOES NOT APPLY.)

As I previously stated .. EVERYTIME YOU GET IN YOUR CAR TO GO ANYWHERE ... you are gambling your life, health, and fortune. ... and the lives of those riding with you. ( and those on the highway as well ...)

EVERYTHING in life is a gamble ... Oh, and by the way, the Society has perhaps a HALF BILLION dollars in Stock Market Investments and invested trust funds ... and have a whole DEPARTMENT to TRY and manage those ...(oh, what's the word I am lookng for ... oh yeah! ...) GAMBLE.

Test Question 1.) What in life is NOT a gamble?

Test Question 2.) What scripture in the Bible Prohibits taking known risks ?

... all else is drivel, and irrelevancy ...

Be a sport. (hahahahaha...) actually write down the questions, and under them .. WRITE DOWN the REAL answers!

sheesh ....


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We often hear people respond with, "Well good luck to you" concerning any venture. Is it not better to say, "Jehovah willing", or similar?

We cannot blame our society for investing. Not all that many brothers donate to the World Wide Work. Why did our Society have have to sell it's magnificent building with, "Read the Bible today" and move to a cheaper area?

We ourselves are investing our money when we open a savings account.



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11 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

Games, life’s chances, life’s gamble, (gambling) What is the question?



Problem gambling (or ludomania, but usually referred to as "gambling addiction" or "compulsive gambling") is an urge to gamble continuously despite harmful negative consequences or a desire to stop. ... Severe problem gambling may be diagnosed as clinical pathological gambling if the gambler meets certain criteria.



Play in Tournaments. Magnus Carlsen won $1.5 million for placing first in the 2013 world chess championship — at the age of 22! That's about as good as it gets playing chess for money. However, you can win decent prize money at various lesser tournaments.



I believe someone here has said, my comments are unscriptural and not truthful, when it's quite the reverse. Who can that insider be?



Yet society has had to structure gambling anonymous for those that have fallen prey from ANY game by betting on it. That’s when scripture comes in and personals opinions fall short.



1-timothy 6:9



1-timothy 6:9 Translations



American King James Version (AKJV)



But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.



King James Version (KJV)



But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.



American Standard Version (ASV)



But they that are minded to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and hurtful lusts, such as drown men in destruction and perdition.



Basic English Translation (BBE)



But those who have a desire for wealth are falling into danger, and are taken as in a net by a number of foolish and damaging desires, through which men are overtaken by death and destruction.



Webster's Revision



But they that will be rich, fall into temptation, and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.



World English Bible



But those who are determined to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful lusts, such as drown men in ruin and destruction.



English Revised Version (ERV)



But they that desire to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and hurtful lusts, such as drown men in destruction and perdition.



Definitions for 1-timothy 6:9



Perdition - Destruction.



Clarke's Commentary on 1-timothy 6:9



But they that will be rich - Οἱ δε βουλομενοι πλουτειν. The words are emphatic, and refer to persons who are determined to get riches; who make this their object and aim in life; who live to get money; who get all they can, save all they can, and keep all they get; and yet are apprehensive of no danger, because they seek to be rich by honest means; for it is likely that the apostle does not refer to those who wish to get riches by robbery, plunder, extortion, etc.

By the term rich it is very likely that the apostle refers to what he had said above: Having food and raiment, let us be therewith content. He that has more than these is rich in the sense in which the apostle uses the term.

Fall into temptation and a snare - Του διαβολου, Of the devil, is added by D*FG, Vulgate, Itala, and many of the fathers. It is in consequence of the temptation of the devil that they have determined to be rich; this temptation once received, others quickly succeed: and when they have swallowed down the temptation to the thing, then they drink in a thousand temptations to the means; and all these lead them εις παγιδα, into an unforeseen and concealed trap. Παγις signifies a net, trap, gin, snare, spring, or pit dug in the ground filled with sharp stakes, and slightly covered over; so that when a man, or any animal, steps upon it, he tumbles in, and is taken or destroyed. Such a snare is that into which those who will be rich must necessarily fall. But who will believe this? See on 1 Timothy 6:10 (note)

And into many foolish and hurtful lusts - The whole conduct of such a person is a tissue of folly; scraping, gathering, and heaping up riches, and scarcely affording to take the necessaries of life out of them for himself. These lusts or desires are not only foolish, but they are hurtful; the mind is debased and narrowed by them; benevolent and generous feelings become extinct; charity perishes; and selfishness, the last and lowest principle in mental degradation, absorbs the soul; for these foolish and hurtful lusts drown men in destruction and perdition - the soul is destroyed by them here, and brought through them into a state of perdition hereafter. The apostle considers these persons like mariners in a storm; by the concurrence of winds, waves, and tide, they are violently driven among the rocks, the vessel is dashed to pieces, and in a moment they are all ingulfed in the great deep! Such is the lot and unavoidable catastrophe of them that will be rich, even though they should strive to accomplish their desires by means the most rigidly honest.

In this place I beg leave to refer the reader to a sermon on this text by the late Rev. John Wesley, in which the whole of this subject is treated by the hand of a master; and, for usefulness, the sermon is superior to every thing of the kind ever published. It is entitled, The Danger of Riches; and is found in his Works, Vol. 2, page 248, American edit.



Barnes' Commentary on 1-timothy 6:9



But they that will be rich - Further to enforce the duty of contentment, the apostle refers to some of the evils which necessarily attend a desire to be rich. Those evils have been so great and uniform in all ages, and are so necessary accompaniments of that desire, that, even amidst many inconveniences which may attend the opposite condition, we should he contented with our lot. Indeed, if we could see all, it would only be necessary to see the evils which the desire of wealth produces in the world, to make us contented with a most lowly condition of life. Perhaps nothing more would be necessary to make a poor man satisfied with his lot, and grateful for it, than to be acquainted with the perplexities and cares of a rich man. There is more emphasis to be placed on the word will, here, in the phrase, "will be rich," than might be supposed from our translation. It is not the sign of the future tense, but implies an actual "purpose" or "design" to become rich - οἱ βουλόμενοι hoi boulomenoi. The reference is to those in whom this becomes the object of earnest desire, and who lay their plans for it.

Fall into temptation - That is, they are tempted to do wicked things in order to accomplish their purposes. It is extremely difficult to cherish the desire to be rich, as the leading purpose of the soul, and to he an honest man.

And a snare - Birds are taken in a snare, and wild beasts were formerly; see the notes on Job 18:8-9. The net was sprung suddenly upon them, and they could not escape. The idea here is, that they who have this desire become so entangled, that they cannot easily escape. They become involved in the meshes of worldliness and sin; their movements are so fettered by cares, and inordinate desires, and by artificial needs, that they are no longer freemen. They become so involved in these things, that they cannot well break away from them if they would; compare Proverbs 28:20.

And into many foolish and hurtful lusts - Desires, such as the love of wealth creates. They are foolish - as being not such as an intelligent and immortal being should pursue; and they are hurtful - as being injurious to morals, to health, and to the soul. Among those desires, are the fondness for display; for a magnificent dwelling, a train of menials, and a splendid equipage; for sumptuous living, feasting, the social glass, company, and riotous dissipation.

Which drown men in destruction and perdition - The word which is here rendered, "drown" - βυθίζω buthizō - means, to "sink in the" deep, or, "to cause to sink;" and the meaning here is, that they become submerged as a ship that sinks. The idea of drowning is not properly that of the apostle, but the image is that of a wreck, where a ship and all that is in it go down together. The destruction is complete. There is a total ruin of happiness, of virtue, of reputation, and of the soul. The ruling desire to be rich leads on a train of follies which ruins everything here, and hereafter. How many of the human family have thus been destroyed!



Wesley's Commentary on 1-timothy 6:9



6:9 They that desire to be rich - To have more than these; for then they would be so far rich; and the very desire banishes content, and exposes them to ruin. Fall - plunge - A sad gradation! Into temptation - Miserable food for the soul! And a snare - Or trap. Dreadful covering! And into many foolish and hurtful desires - Which are sown and fed by having more than we need. Then farewell all hope of content! What then remains, but destruction for the body, and perdition for the soul?




11 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

Games, life’s chances, life’s gamble, (gambling) What is the question?



Problem gambling (or ludomania, but usually referred to as "gambling addiction" or "compulsive gambling") is an urge to gamble continuously despite harmful negative consequences or a desire to stop. ... Severe problem gambling may be diagnosed as clinical pathological gambling if the gambler meets certain criteria.



Play in Tournaments. Magnus Carlsen won $1.5 million for placing first in the 2013 world chess championship — at the age of 22! That's about as good as it gets playing chess for money. However, you can win decent prize money at various lesser tournaments.



I believe someone here has said, my comments are unscriptural and not truthful, when it's quite the reverse. Who can that insider be?



Yet society has had to structure gambling anonymous for those that have fallen prey from ANY game by betting on it. That’s when scripture comes in and personals opinions fall short.



1-timothy 6:9



1-timothy 6:9 Translations



American King James Version (AKJV)



But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.



King James Version (KJV)



But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.



American Standard Version (ASV)



But they that are minded to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and hurtful lusts, such as drown men in destruction and perdition.



Basic English Translation (BBE)



But those who have a desire for wealth are falling into danger, and are taken as in a net by a number of foolish and damaging desires, through which men are overtaken by death and destruction.



Webster's Revision



But they that will be rich, fall into temptation, and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.



World English Bible



But those who are determined to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful lusts, such as drown men in ruin and destruction.



English Revised Version (ERV)



But they that desire to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and hurtful lusts, such as drown men in destruction and perdition.



Definitions for 1-timothy 6:9



Perdition - Destruction.



Clarke's Commentary on 1-timothy 6:9



But they that will be rich - Οἱ δε βουλομενοι πλουτειν. The words are emphatic, and refer to persons who are determined to get riches; who make this their object and aim in life; who live to get money; who get all they can, save all they can, and keep all they get; and yet are apprehensive of no danger, because they seek to be rich by honest means; for it is likely that the apostle does not refer to those who wish to get riches by robbery, plunder, extortion, etc.

By the term rich it is very likely that the apostle refers to what he had said above: Having food and raiment, let us be therewith content. He that has more than these is rich in the sense in which the apostle uses the term.

Fall into temptation and a snare - Του διαβολου, Of the devil, is added by D*FG, Vulgate, Itala, and many of the fathers. It is in consequence of the temptation of the devil that they have determined to be rich; this temptation once received, others quickly succeed: and when they have swallowed down the temptation to the thing, then they drink in a thousand temptations to the means; and all these lead them εις παγιδα, into an unforeseen and concealed trap. Παγις signifies a net, trap, gin, snare, spring, or pit dug in the ground filled with sharp stakes, and slightly covered over; so that when a man, or any animal, steps upon it, he tumbles in, and is taken or destroyed. Such a snare is that into which those who will be rich must necessarily fall. But who will believe this? See on 1 Timothy 6:10 (note)

And into many foolish and hurtful lusts - The whole conduct of such a person is a tissue of folly; scraping, gathering, and heaping up riches, and scarcely affording to take the necessaries of life out of them for himself. These lusts or desires are not only foolish, but they are hurtful; the mind is debased and narrowed by them; benevolent and generous feelings become extinct; charity perishes; and selfishness, the last and lowest principle in mental degradation, absorbs the soul; for these foolish and hurtful lusts drown men in destruction and perdition - the soul is destroyed by them here, and brought through them into a state of perdition hereafter. The apostle considers these persons like mariners in a storm; by the concurrence of winds, waves, and tide, they are violently driven among the rocks, the vessel is dashed to pieces, and in a moment they are all ingulfed in the great deep! Such is the lot and unavoidable catastrophe of them that will be rich, even though they should strive to accomplish their desires by means the most rigidly honest.

In this place I beg leave to refer the reader to a sermon on this text by the late Rev. John Wesley, in which the whole of this subject is treated by the hand of a master; and, for usefulness, the sermon is superior to every thing of the kind ever published. It is entitled, The Danger of Riches; and is found in his Works, Vol. 2, page 248, American edit.



Barnes' Commentary on 1-timothy 6:9



But they that will be rich - Further to enforce the duty of contentment, the apostle refers to some of the evils which necessarily attend a desire to be rich. Those evils have been so great and uniform in all ages, and are so necessary accompaniments of that desire, that, even amidst many inconveniences which may attend the opposite condition, we should he contented with our lot. Indeed, if we could see all, it would only be necessary to see the evils which the desire of wealth produces in the world, to make us contented with a most lowly condition of life. Perhaps nothing more would be necessary to make a poor man satisfied with his lot, and grateful for it, than to be acquainted with the perplexities and cares of a rich man. There is more emphasis to be placed on the word will, here, in the phrase, "will be rich," than might be supposed from our translation. It is not the sign of the future tense, but implies an actual "purpose" or "design" to become rich - οἱ βουλόμενοι hoi boulomenoi. The reference is to those in whom this becomes the object of earnest desire, and who lay their plans for it.

Fall into temptation - That is, they are tempted to do wicked things in order to accomplish their purposes. It is extremely difficult to cherish the desire to be rich, as the leading purpose of the soul, and to he an honest man.

And a snare - Birds are taken in a snare, and wild beasts were formerly; see the notes on Job 18:8-9. The net was sprung suddenly upon them, and they could not escape. The idea here is, that they who have this desire become so entangled, that they cannot easily escape. They become involved in the meshes of worldliness and sin; their movements are so fettered by cares, and inordinate desires, and by artificial needs, that they are no longer freemen. They become so involved in these things, that they cannot well break away from them if they would; compare Proverbs 28:20.

And into many foolish and hurtful lusts - Desires, such as the love of wealth creates. They are foolish - as being not such as an intelligent and immortal being should pursue; and they are hurtful - as being injurious to morals, to health, and to the soul. Among those desires, are the fondness for display; for a magnificent dwelling, a train of menials, and a splendid equipage; for sumptuous living, feasting, the social glass, company, and riotous dissipation.

Which drown men in destruction and perdition - The word which is here rendered, "drown" - βυθίζω buthizō - means, to "sink in the" deep, or, "to cause to sink;" and the meaning here is, that they become submerged as a ship that sinks. The idea of drowning is not properly that of the apostle, but the image is that of a wreck, where a ship and all that is in it go down together. The destruction is complete. There is a total ruin of happiness, of virtue, of reputation, and of the soul. The ruling desire to be rich leads on a train of follies which ruins everything here, and hereafter. How many of the human family have thus been destroyed!



Wesley's Commentary on 1-timothy 6:9



6:9 They that desire to be rich - To have more than these; for then they would be so far rich; and the very desire banishes content, and exposes them to ruin. Fall - plunge - A sad gradation! Into temptation - Miserable food for the soul! And a snare - Or trap. Dreadful covering! And into many foolish and hurtful desires - Which are sown and fed by having more than we need. Then farewell all hope of content! What then remains, but destruction for the body, and perdition for the soul?



Whether fornication, swearing, gambling, etc, any witness who needs to go for counseling at a worldly institute has no faith in the power of prayer. He would be saying to himself, "I'm hooked and can't stop. I prayed, but God didn't help me. It's not just the prayer, it how one prays, how earnestly and in faith.

Although I too had a few addictions, I had faith - and patience. It it was noticed that Jehovah doesn't always respond immediately. He answers when the person is in a situation, place, time or a vicinity where attention to the person's needs will receive attention. It one case, it was flu which developed into bronchitis, then pneumonia. That helped me stop smoking. The doctor told me I'm in a terrible state which could end fatally. I stopped, and in six months I took up surfing. Yes, I did thank Jehovah.

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This is not true. Apparently somebody was sleeping at the latest regional convention when they specifically stated that there is nothing wrong with going to a medical professional for mental problems. They explicitly stated that some people have physical problems due to imperfection and seeding medical help is appropriate. 

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14 minutes ago, AllenSmith said:

I guess someone has missed the point that there are many variations of mental illness, However, if a witness has no “faith” in the power of prayer as stated, then they have NO faith in God and the inspired word of God by which many issues such as gambling can be remedied. There is, however, NO scriptural stance against someone seeking professional help, as was suggested earlier by which was met with a dishonest assessment with witnesses seeking outside sources lack faith in prayer.



@AllenSmith Many have diseases, we pray for God's Kingdom to remedy them. Prayer is essential in our life, not to complain or want something, but to grateful for all we have. Many don't have the necessities of the day. Prayer helps us through. Some serious problems like, Bipolar or Diabetes need Doctors. Extreme mental problems can be inherited not because of their way of life. It is correct at times health professionals are needed. Even mental health counselors. The Congregation Elders are not Doctors nor do they want to be. In EVERY SITUATION PRAYER MUST BE FIRST IN OUR LIFE! Gambling, vices for dishonest gain is what the article is about. Many also look to witches for their fortune on even gambling or making decisions. Many do say, GOOD LUCK!! We can get support with heath issues. Even mental health can be a chronic problem for some. If our lives are damaged due to disobedience to God's laws, then we pay the penalty. Let us not judge those that have either health issues or mental health issues. Disobedience to God's Laws are a whole different matter. One day we will say, sickness will be know more! Pray for yourself and others, the only solution is God's Kingdom. May it solve everything we need and hold out our promises for. 

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Test Question 2.) What scripture in the Bible Prohibits taking known risks ?

*** w17 February p. 6 par. 15 Jehovah’s Purpose Will Be Fulfilled! ***

15 Jehovah provided a perfect man who could become the ransomer. That perfect man would need to be loyal to Jehovah and be willing to give his life in exchange for doomed humanity. (Rom. 5:17-19) Jehovah transferred the life of his very first creation from heaven to earth. (John 1:14) Jesus thus became a perfect human, just as Adam had been. But unlike Adam, Jesus lived up to the standard Jehovah expected from a perfect man. Even under the most extreme tests, Jesus never sinned nor broke any of God’s laws.

   (Matthew 4:5-7) Then the Devil took him along into the holy city, and he stationed him on the battlement of the temple 6 and said to him: “If you are a son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written: ‘He will give his angels a command concerning you,’ and, ‘They will carry you on their hands, so that you may not strike your foot against a stone.’” 7 Jesus said to him: “Again it is written: ‘You must not put Jehovah your God to the test.’”

Unlike Adam who sinned at the slightest suggestion, Jesus our Eternal Father, did not put Jehovah God to the test. He respected the law of gravity and the written spiritual laws when living as a man on earth.  Therefore he did not throw himself down at at Satan's suggestion, thereby taking an unnecessary risk.



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