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Be Balanced? - How Amidst an Imbalanced World - is it Possible? – ?????

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Be Balanced? - How Amidst an Imbalanced World - is it Possible? - Much good advice on the thought of Balance... 


If we are to be happy even though we have much to do, we need to be balanced. And what is balance? It is “mental and emotional steadiness.” A balanced person strives to be orderly in his activities. He plans ahead, avoids procrastination, and is moderate in habits. He displays self-control in food, drink, recreation, hobbies, and entertainment. Actually, he demonstrates “self-control in all things”!—1 Corinthians 9:24-27


Prayer plays a vital role in maintaining Christian balance. A servant of Jehovah can pray for God’s holy spirit and for his heavenly Father’s help in cultivating its fruitage, including self-control.

 (Luke 11:13) . . .Therefore, if YOU, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to YOUR children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him. . ."

Especially should a Christian look to God in prayer when beset by trials that threaten to disturb his balance. “Roll upon Jehovah your way, and rely upon him, and he himself will act,” said the psalmist David. (Psalm 37:5) 


We may sometimes need to pray as David did when he pleaded: “O God, do act quickly for me. You are my help and the Provider of escape for me. O Jehovah, do not be too late.” (Psalm 70:5) Never forget that by prayer it is possible to maintain balance and to enjoy ‘the peace of God that excels all thought and guards our hearts and mental powers.’—Philippians 4:6, 7.

Because he depends on Jehovah and enjoys the peace of God, a balanced Christian is sound in mind. 


(Titus 2:11-14) 11 For the undeserved kindness of God which brings salvation to all sorts of men has been manifested, 12 instructing us to repudiate ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things, 13 while we wait for the happy hope and glorious manifestation of the great God and of [the] Savior of us, Christ Jesus, 14 who gave himself for us that he might deliver us from every sort of lawlessness and cleanse for himself a people peculiarly his own, zealous for fine works. . ."


This comes from having a good comprehension of Bible principles and by applying them in his life. Such a person is not hypocritical, nor is he hasty in judgment. Reasonableness keeps him from being opinionated or obstinate. He maintains a modest view of himself and his capabilities, and this enables him to cooperate with others. 


(Micah 6:8) . . .He has told you, O earthling man, what is good. And what is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God?"


In order to maintain balance, we should try to be prompt and organized in handling our personal affairs. We need to plan ahead, caring for matters in an orderly, systematic manner. Those lacking good organization and tending to procrastinate complicate their lives with increased levels of tension and anxiety. Success in this area of life will help us to feel that we are in control instead of feeling that we are helpless victims of circumstances.


We should not try to do everything ourselves. Those unwilling to accept help from others often pay a heavy price in exhaustion and frustration. There are various tasks that could be cared for by others. 


Therefore, it is wise to take advantage of the capabilities of those willing to lend a helping hand. Besides lightening our own load, this may be encouraging to those wishing to draw closer to us.


It is unwise to compare ourselves with those who may be able to do more. Trying to be like those apparently achieving more than we can is discouraging, making us feel inferior and unworthy. Such thinking is destructive, undermining our determination and self-confidence. “Let each one prove what his own work is,” wrote Paul, “and then he will have cause for exultation in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person.” (Galatians 6:4) 


We need to take good care of our health. It is one of our most valuable possessions, for without it we may be able to do very little. Hence, we should try to maintain a healthful diet by eating nutritious food. We ought to get the rest we need, going to bed at a reasonable hour at night. When we are severely fatigued or feel illness coming on, we should not keep on pushing ourselves; we may pay a heavy price.


It is important to guard against developing a complaining spirit. If we give free rein to negative thinking, we can find something wrong with almost anything or anyone. This is a sure way to rob ourselves and others of joy. Rather than gossip or complain about what we feel is not right, we should inform those responsible for handling the matter and leave it up to them to correct things. We are wise to maintain a positive outlook, always seeking and expecting to find good in others and in the events that shape our life.


Good judgment can help us to find a reasonable balance that permits us to get necessary things accomplished without losing our joy.

So, then, having much to do does not mean that we cannot be happy. The busiest people can be among the happiest if they are reasonable, maintain a fine outlook, and use good judgment so as to keep well-balanced. We can experience the greatest happiness possible if we display wisdom, perform good works, and rest our hope on Jehovah God.—


(1 Timothy 6:17-19) "Give orders to those who are rich in the present system of things not to be high-minded, and to rest their hope, not on uncertain riches, but on God, who furnishes us all things richly for our enjoyment; 18 to work at good, to be rich in fine works, to be liberal, ready to share, 19 safely treasuring up for themselves a fine foundation for the future, in order that they may get a firm hold on the real life."


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