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Winning the Battle for Your Mind – ⚔️??⚔️

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Winning the Battle for Your Mind 


YOU are under attack! And your chief enemy, Satan, is using a very dangerous weapon against you. What is it? Propaganda! A weapon specially designed to attack, not your body, but your mind.



What is propaganda? In this context, it is the use of biased or misleading information to manipulate the way people think and act. Some equate propaganda with “lies, distortion, deceit, manipulation, mind control, [and] psychological warfare” and associate it with “unethical, harmful, and unfair tactics.”—Propaganda and Persuasion.


How dangerous is propaganda? It is insidious—like an invisible, odorless, poisonous gas—and it seeps into our consciousness. Because we may not see propaganda for what it is, behavior specialist Vance Packard observed: “Many of us are being influenced and manipulated—far more than we realize.” Under its influence, says one scholar, men and women have been “quite easily led into the most preposterously dangerous behaviour”—such as ‘genocide, war, racist hysteria, religious intolerance and many other forms of irrational behaviour.’—Easily Led—A History of Propaganda.


Of course, the great propagandist, Satan, knows this. So he uses his system of things to discourage Bible reading and study. Do not fall for his devious schemes! (Eph. 6:11, ftn.) Become “thoroughly able to comprehend” the full scope of the truth. (Eph. 3:18) That will take real effort on your part. But remember this basic fact expressed by author Noam Chomsky: “Nobody is going to pour truth into your brain. It’s something you have to find out for yourself.” So “find out for yourself” by being diligent in “carefully examining the Scriptures daily.”—Acts 17:11.



Military strategists may use propaganda to undermine morale and weaken the fighting spirit. They may induce enemy soldiers to fight among themselves or fool them into isolating themselves from the main fighting force. A German general, it has been said, admitted that one reason for defeat in World War I was that the people “were hypnotized by the enemy propaganda as a rabbit is by a snake.” 


Satan uses similar tricks in his attempts to divide and conquer, trying, for example, to stir up contentions among Christian brothers and sisters or to induce them to isolate themselves from Jehovah’s organization because of some perceived injustice or grievance.


Do not be deceived! Let God’s Word guide you. For example, in the matter of maintaining unity with your brothers and sisters, the Bible encourages you to continue “forgiving one another freely” and to be quick to resolve matters of dispute. (Col. 3:13, 14; Matt. 5:23, 24) It strongly warns us against isolating ourselves from the congregation. (Prov. 18:1) Test your defenses against satanic propaganda. Ask yourself: ‘What governed my thinking the last time I faced such a situation? Was it the world’s spirit or God’s spirit?’—Gal. 5:16-26; Eph. 2:2, 3.



Keep in mind, though, that Satan’s propaganda is not always subtle. At times, he uses terror tactics—“one ofthe oldest of all forms of propaganda.” (Easily Led—A History of Propaganda) The Assyrians, for example, dominated their enemies with “a policy of terror coupled with one of propaganda,” wrote British Professor Philip M. Taylor. Satan will use fear of man, fear ofpersecution, fear of death, and any other kind of negative fear to try to dominate you and make you shrink back from serving Jehovah.—Isa. 8:12; Jer. 42:11; Heb. 2:15.


Do not let Satan use fear itself to weaken your morale or break your integrity. Jesus said: “Do not fear those who kill the body and after this are not able to do anything more.” (Luke 12:4) Have complete confidence in Jehovah’s promise to watch over you, to give you “the power beyond what is normal,” and to help you withstand any attempts to frighten you into submission.—2 Cor. 4:7-9; 1 Pet. 3:14.


You may, of course, encounter frightening, morale-weakening events. But keep in mind Jehovah’s words of encouragement to Joshua: “Be courageous and strong. Do not be struck with terror or fear, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go.” (Josh. 1:9


If anxiety strikes, go immediately to Jehovah in prayer with all your concerns. You can be sure that “the peace of God . . . will guard your hearts and your mental powers” so that you will have the strength to resist all of Satan’s propaganda.—Phil. 4:6, 7, 13.



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