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LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling

The Librarian

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16:20    Questions from the court to the representative of the Ministry of Justice no. The Court proceeds to study the case materials. Representatives of the defendants asked to announce the number of the case, but the judge Manohina strongly objected: "We have not got this thing yesterday. We were prepared for a long time. And with all these documents familiar. "
Declared the 20-minute break.

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16:50    After the break, the court asks the Ministry of Justice representative to express their opinion about the announcement of the case, which asks the respondent. The Ministry of Justice objected. Court decides to read out some of the statements of the case file.
16:54    The court read out the conclusions of the legal expert report, which analyzes the rules of anti-extremist legislation, namely, the concept of "structural unit" in relation to religious organizations. The conclusions arrived at by the experts, consist in the fact that from the point of view of the law, local religious organizations can not be attributed to the structural unit of the centralized organizations.

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Public statement of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia

February 24, 2017

Fulfilling the current legislation on countering extremist activity, centralized religious organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" makes a public statement that has no relation to the grounds of extremism and events described in the judicial acts on administrative liability, as well as the recognition local extremist religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, entering into its structure.

Religious organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" does not charge local religious organizations within its structure, as well as individual believers distribute, store or otherwise use literature after its inclusion in the federal list of extremist materials.

The program of worship of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia does not include a study of informational materials that are prohibited by law.

Religious organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" does not agree with the actions of individuals who bring in liturgical publications of Jehovah's Witnesses building, included in the federal list of extremist materials. For each fact planted the banned literature believers seek a statement to law enforcement agencies to prosecute those responsible.

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17:20 Novakov selectively representative drew the court's attention to the materials of the case in the 38th and 39th volumes of the case. Documents show false accusations of "extremism" against Jehovah's Witnesses. For example, in the case incorporates a wide range of documents, in which people who spoke "witness" against believers report that gave his testimony against the believers under pressure of law enforcement bodies, without warning about the responsibility for knowingly false denunciation.
17:27 Court turns to the debate. The first speaks little wife.
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Little wife: A lot of people outside the walls of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, and millions of citizens all over the world for today's decision will be to judge the entire justice system in Russia today - on its justice, its impartiality and its independence from any influential persons and public authorities. Why? Because organizations are judged today, belong to the religion known around the world.

This religion is known for its followers seek to live according to the commandments of Jesus Christ, in the Bible. They are under no circumstances do not take up arms, not to interfere in politics, does not aim to overthrow the government, trying to show love to all people, regardless of their religion, nationality or social status. Alien to them all that the Law "On Countering Extremist Activity" called extremism.
Lawyer little wife: All the civilized nations of the world are fighting against extremism, because it is well understood the essence of this phenomenon and its dangers. But no country in the world of Jehovah's Witnesses do not equate to the extremists. And Jehovah's Witnesses around the world profess the same doctrine, based on the Bible. In any country of the world, these Christians worship Jehovah God, in any country, a role model for them is Jesus Christ, who did nothing but good. Jehovah's Witnesses anywhere in the world is a source of wisdom, the same Bible. Therefore, if in their behavior, words and actions manifest extremism, it would have been seen throughout the world. But Jehovah's Witnesses around the world do not have the reputation of extremists. And in our country do not have such a reputation.
17:33    Lawyer little wife: Yes, in our country, people have different experiences about Jehovah's Witnesses, however as well as representatives of other religions. God Himself has given people freedom of choice. And under our laws we must respect the choice of the other person. Someone may not understand why Jehovah's Witnesses as strictly adhere to the biblical standards of morality. Someone may not like their active preaching. Someone may disagree with the way Jehovah's Witnesses understand the Bible. But none of the people, Jehovah's Witnesses do not associate with extremists. The history of Jehovah's Witnesses has proved that extremism and Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs - it is absolutely incompatible concepts.
17:35    Lawyer little wife: Why, then, the Court of First Instance 20 April 2017 made this unprecedented for modern Russia's decision - immediately forbade the existence of all legal entities of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, and there were 396? One reason - the wrong use of the anti-extremist legislation. Even the distinguished representative of the Ministry today incorrectly cited the law, "the superiority of one religion over another." In fact, in such there is no law. There is promotion of human superiority over the man on the grounds of religion.

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17:38 Lawyer little wife: I am in the court of first instance has already said, and I want to repeat here that this happened in the history of our state only once - shortly after the October Revolution. In 1918, based on the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of all religious organizations were denied the right of legal entities, all Orthodox churches and all the property of religious organizations were confiscated. These actions are the State recognized its mistake. But for some reason now, 100 years later, the Court of First Instance repeats that mistake, but now Jehovah's Witnesses.
17:39 Lawyer little wife: Fact rehabilitation of thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses in our country as victims of political repression shows that judicial mistakes in the past were expensive millions of innocent citizens of our country. You, dear court, there is a possibility, and the powers today to correct a judicial error, to cancel the decision of the trial court.
17:40 Lawyer little wife: Can there be a legitimate court decision, which eliminates 395 local religious organizations without their participation, not even giving them the opportunity to be heard and to defend himself in court? Can there be a legitimate decision to recognize the extremist entities in actions that do not have signs of extremism? Can there be a legal decision, the consequences of which translate into acts of violence, vandalism, hate people, which until recently were treated tolerantly, but now with hatred because they are the Russian Federation Supreme Court outlawed?
17:42 Summing up the debate, lawyer little wife: "Of course, each of us has the right to have their point of view in relation to any religious denomination or religion in general. But no one has the right to use the law to persecute dissidents. This persecution for the faith we can either stop, cancel the decision of the court of first instance, or ignite if left in place. Let your conscience, dear Judge, will tell you how to act. "
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The debate begins representative ax.

The representative of Ax: Is it possible to eliminate the Russian legal entity in the court without him? Ie without the involvement of the person as a defendant? Is this true? Legal? The Court of First Instance states that is possible. What is true and quite legally. Yes, not one, but just 395 in one fell swoop. And what does the law say? And what does the common sense? And that tells you a conscience? The law says that the liquidation of the legal entity in court is possible only if the person brought to court as a defendant, since solved the problem of the existence of this person. The law says that if the court decided the matter without the involvement of the cause of the liquidated legal entity, the decision is subject to unconditional cancellation. Why? It violates the fundamental right to a fair trial, to judicial protection.


The representative of Ax: What tells us the common sense? Clearly, if you judge, you have a right to at least participate in the trial, to defend themselves by all legal means. Otherwise, it turns out in the Russian proverb: "Without me, married me." Finally, it tells you a conscience? A conscience says, that any court without the involvement of one judge and want to eliminate this unfair trial. Jesus judged and condemned the Sanhedrin - the Jewish Supreme Court. It was an unfair trial. Illegal. But even he did not dare to judge Jesus without his participation. A Court of First Instance decided to do so.

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