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LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling

The Librarian

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32 minutes ago, tromboneck said:

Can't we all just get along? I would not impugn anyone's motives but my own!


 It is a Fair and Necessary thing to do to impugn someones competence and motives when they are disparaging you with irrelevancy, and THEN using an irrelevant (to the specific point) Scripture as a club to try and give credibility to their lack of reasoning ability, which does accuse by inference.

If we do it YOUR way, and have peace ... it will be the peace of mental enslavement for EVERYBODY, as the bullies win.

You want to let the superfine politically correct bullies win?


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3 hours ago, Eoin Joyce said:

Sorry James. I don't follow your reasoning this time. 

If you try, you may turn out like me.

"Oh Mother, tell your children not to doooo what I have done....And he's been the ruin of many a poor boy, and God, I know I'm one."

It's too late for me. It may not be for you.

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Cereally though Eoin:

Perhaps after you have read this thread over and over you will understand that I ONLY wanted you to reply using the scripture you quoted, which did not apply to ANYTHING under current discussion at the time, to what I had stated that you found unpleasant ..... and  even offered my other 7,000 or so posts so you could find SOMETHING to bolster your implied accusation, backed by a scripture that did not apply specifically to my postings in this thread ... because to the points being discussed, your quoted scripture was COMPLETELY irrelevant. .... almost as if it was a cut-and-paste from another discussion thread of a completely different subject ... which I bring up ... BECAUSE IT WAS.

I saw it there, exactly as seen here, as you well know.

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

your quoted scripture was COMPLETELY irrelevant

Dunno what your driving at mate. You're gonna have to be more explicit. I know you can do it if you try. You're an engineer after all and you talk a lot of sense..... sometimes.

However, your cut-and-paste innuendos are as old hat and irrelevant this time as they have been in the past, so just get real for a change and explain yourself clearly because I just do not "get yer drift".

The scripture I quoted applies to your spiritually jaded and sarcastic comments. You yourself stated that you are  "a man with no spiritual qualifications". You have furnished your own proof of this, so what's your gripe? I'm not getting it?

Have you decided that your own hat actually does not fit?? I know you can't be offended by and don't care about anything anybody could say to you about anything, as you have stated so clearly elsewhere. So just what are you getting at??

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