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SAVE US! – ???– How He Will Save All Animals

Bible Speaks

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Jehovah loves all his Bears and Creation, only He can save the damages the Earth has come under because of man. He has promised a New Earth were Righteousness is to dwell.


(Psalm 36:6-10) . . .Your righteousness is like mountains of God; Your judicial decision is a vast watery deep. Man and beast you save, O Jehovah. 7 How precious your loving-kindness is, O God! And in the shadow of your wings the sons of men themselves take refuge. 8 They drink their fill of the fatness of your house; And of the torrent of your pleasures you cause them to drink. 9 For with you is the source of life; By light from you we can see light. 10 Continue your loving-kindness to those knowing you, And your righteousness to those upright in heart. . ."


(Psalm 37:6-7) . . .And he will certainly bring forth your righteousness as the light itself, And your justice as the midday. ד [Da′leth] 7 Keep silent before Jehovah And wait longingly for him. Do not show yourself heated up at anyone making his way successful, At the man carrying out [his] ideas."


(Psalm 37:10-11) . . .And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. 11 But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace." 


Hence, the earth’s future is not hopeless. Plants and animals will be saved. Endangered species lists will be gone. Our air and water will be fresh again. Obedient humans will be there to enjoy it. Would you like to see that? You can. How? The Bible gives details on what to do. Why not make a systematic examination of the Bible to find out for yourself? Ask the publishers of this magazine to put you in touch with someone who can help you get started. Why pass up the opportunity to learn how you and your family could enjoy a pristine environment forever?




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Jehovah loves all his Bears and Creation, only He can save the damages the Earth has come under because of man. He has promised a New Earth were Righteousness is to dwell. ????? (Psalm 36:6-

Will Jehovah resurrect extinct animals? I would rather not have to contend with a straw eating Tyrannosaurus Rex. ..... they are ESPECIALLY cranky.

WE  NEVER  GET  A  DILUVIAN  AGAIN.....   so  Jehovah  not  resurrect  animals !  ONLY  humans Btw.  All  the  water - animals  didn't  die  by  the  diluvian,  they  lived  under  the  water... 

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WE  NEVER  GET  A  DILUVIAN  AGAIN.....   so  Jehovah  not  resurrect  animals !  ONLY  humans :x:)

Btw.  All  the  water - animals  didn't  die  by  the  diluvian,  they  lived  under  the  water...  NO  problem :D  ONLY  the  evil  humans  had  to  die  and  the  land - animals,  which  were  not  in  the  ark :(   The  polar - bears  not  die  by  Armageddon....  too  far  away  from  all  humans !    Sister  "Bible Speaks"  is  mostly  explaining  in  her  posts  for  Bible - beginners,  Brother  @James Thomas Rook Jr. :D  or  for  someone,  who  not  understand  this  and  that...  NOT  for  you  and  me,  haha   we've  the  perspective.   But  for  Bible-beginners  its  very  good  what  she  is  doing !

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Wooo.. this is gonna be hard!

Sean Connery is supposedly a Scotsman, with a very pronounced Scottish/English accent that is often parodied .. the same way that William Shatner's stop-and-start speech patterns are parodied when he plays Captain James T. Kirk, in Star Trek. He may live in Wales, England (?).

The joke has two parts, and is a "play on words" ... and is nested several layers deep.

It's a word play humor, making fun of the similarity of the words "save, and "shave" ... and the words "Wales" and "Whales". It's PHONETIC (how something sounds to your ears..) humor.

There are so MANY things going on in this joke that the stretch ( in English) throws the mind off balance trying to fit the pieces together, and the panic reaction of that is humor ... we laugh to relieve the pain of thinking too hard.

It's also funny just because it is so clever! (In English).

1.) There is ALSO the  parody of Sean Connery's heavy accent ....  that he would pronounce  the word "save", as "sHHave", and of course .... he has a beard.

1A.) Wales is an area of England, and the same word applies to people FROM that area ... " a Wale, from Wales"

The second part of the joke is that here in the USA, and elsewhere,  there is an animal rights and environmental activist group called "Greenpeace", with a LOT of money, whose goal, among others was (is) to "SAVE THE WHALES". They have a ship of their own and challenge Japanese Whaling ( killing whales) operations in the open Pacific Ocean.  20 and more years ago one might see "bumper stickers" on cars with the expression "SAVE THE WHALES", by people concerned that humanity was killing Earth's whales to extinction.

2.) So the expression "Shave the Wales"  ( with the letter "H") is funny (In English), because you are asking someone to shave a geographical area, or the people FROM that area, and

2A.) "Shave the Whales" ( with the letter "H") is funny because it parodies the wording of the car bumper sticker. 

It is PHONETIC humor.

So, with this  one joke you are going in about 12 different mental directions with very few words.

Humor often DOES NOT translate across languages.

Another example of PHONETIC HUMOR .... the Latin expression "Sempre ubi sub ubi" literally translated means "Always where under where", which makes no sense at in any language, including Latin and English, but because of how similar the word "where" sounds to "wear" in English, its funny for two reasons ...

1.) Latin Expressions sound so much more wise and profound in Latin, rather than English. They sound "wise", and smart.

2.) So, Phonetically, in English, it sounds like you are saying "Always wear underwear"... which is a wise thing to do, usually.

It is clever, and one of my favorites. Phonetic humor.

Now you perhaps can puzzle out the connections between bearded Sean Connery, and Whales, which do not have beards

It's a real STRETCH ....  but the mental snap back is what makes humor work.


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