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Would you like to know the truth about Hell?


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6 minutes ago, Brother Rando said:

The Dead Sea Scrolls proof that God's Name was used in the Greek Scriptures. It was the Hebrew Tetragrammaton which I already alluded to and provided proof. 

Again, you keep repeating something that has NOTHING to do with the insertion of YHWH into the NEW Testament. The Dead Sea Scrolls are the OT. 

8 minutes ago, Brother Rando said:

 YAWH is the Latinized version of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton.   You do realize that the Name 'Jesus' is absent from both the Hebrew and Greek Languages.  If you want curse the English Language then by all means stop using the English Language.

What part of this has anything to do with what we are talking about? Regardless of what  Hebrew, Greek or Latin words or letters  are for the name of God, it still is not found in any of the historical Greek manuscripts of the New Testament that we have today. 


That darn English, I curse you, you language of English people. There, now I made your statement have some sort of purpose. 

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Ok...then support that doctrine you claim.  That Hell is in Hebrew or Greek.  Not what the English translations put in later.  Show us from the Greek then.  Show me one Greek Scripture that contains the word HELL in it.  Just one.  If you want to teach that God tortures people like religion lies about, then go ahead, you will not receive a reward....

You would have to lie to say that (HELL) is in scripture, when it isn't.  It's in man made translations, not the original writings my dear... :D

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16 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

Again, you keep repeating something that has NOTHING to do with the insertion of YHWH into the NEW Testament. The Dead Sea Scrolls are the OT. 

What part of this has anything to do with what we are talking about? Regardless of what  Hebrew, Greek or Latin words or letters  are for the name of God, it still is not found in any of the historical Greek manuscripts of the New Testament that we have today. 


That darn English, I curse you, you language of English people. There, now I made your statement have some sort of purpose. 

Ahhhhh! I get it now.  You don't believe in Jesus either?  https://www.jw.org/en/publications/bible/study-bible/appendix-c/divine-name-new-testament/

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I think you've stepped off the deep end. It appears that you are reading into what I write much more than what is actually presented and basing an argument on that. It is called creating a strawman argument.  

If you would like to continue this discussion, lets do that without the unnecessary strawman. I'm not interested in going to the org website. You provide the proof. I asked what did Jesus say about hell? Plenty of scriptures have been presented, but you have refused to engage in a real discussion. 

23 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

Matt 5:29-30, Matt 10:28, Matt 11:23, Matt 16:18, Matt 18:9, Matt 23:33, Mark 9:43-47, Luke 10:15, Luke 12:5

 pick one and lets discuss. 


As a side note, We have discussed issues like this before. Allexperts or Askexperts? I can't remember exactly what it was called. I apologize if that wasn't you, but I distinctly remember the same name and pattern of discussion.


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I wanted a biography of Robert Heinlein, which I could not afford .... so I went to my Public Library, and asked THEM to buy it.  They did.

THEN I asked them to buy volume 2. They did. 

Saved me about a hundred dollars.

Perhaps that would work for you with Bedunns' book (?).

"Truth in Translation" is completely , absolutely unbiased ... it tells the good, and the not so good (from an AGENDA viewpoint ...) with a fair and accurate hand.

I am a retired engineer, and I think like Spock, in a sense, so The Simplified Watchtower for me seems to be missing the nuances ... which it is.


.... and I am a detail type person that would make you set your hair on fire and go screaming down the hallway to get away from the pain.

... and a detail oriented person in not necessarily an opposer ... although many people would think so.


.... expect NOTHING from them, and lower your expectations.

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Claiming Jesus spoke about Hell when the doctrine of hell was invented after the fact is simply an untruth.  Now if you claim you have such a scripture either put it up or please move on. I gave you plenty of opportunities.  Because you have been caught in a lie, you now refuse to quote a scripture knowing the scripture itself will expose your lies.  Still waiting Shiwiii


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    1 hour ago, Brother Rando said:

    Claiming Jesus spoke about Hell when the doctrine of hell was invented after the fact is simply an untruth.  Now if you claim you have such a scripture either put it up or please move on. I gave you plenty of opportunities.  Because you have been caught in a lie, you now refuse to quote a scripture knowing the scripture itself will expose your lies.  Still waiting Shiwiii


      I think we are done here, I gave to you a list that I posted on the first page and quoted myself just moments ago, and you still cannot contribute to a intellectual discussion. 


      Good day

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      4 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

      I think we are done here, I gave to you a list that I posted on the first page and quoted myself

      Apparently B.Rando has a style that doesn't lend itself to the kind of discussion I expected either. But it's not often anymore that I meet people who believe in a "literal" hell where a person's soul can be kept eternally tortured. Can you explain your own position on hell.

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      17 hours ago, JW Insider said:

      Apparently B.Rando has a style that doesn't lend itself to the kind of discussion I expected either. But it's not often anymore that I meet people who believe in a "literal" hell where a person's soul can be kept eternally tortured. Can you explain your own position on hell.

      This is something I tell me children each and every day: "everyone is different and each has different opinions/looks/manners/etc." 


      Sure, here is a brief description on how I see hell. Jesus spoke of Hell/Gehenna in the following verses,

      Matt 5:22-30, Matt 10:28, Matt 11:23, Matt 16:18, Matt 18:9, Matt 23:15&3, Mark 9:43&45&47, Luke 10:15, Luke 12:5, Luke 16:23

      When Jesus spoke of hell, He spoke about a place most of the time. It was a place of destruction and also an attitude or character flaw. The attitude portion is what He was speaking about in Matt23:15, saying that the Pharisees and hypocrites convert someone into their way of thinking or character and it makes them even more deceived than they themselves because the hypocrites already know the truth but yet stray away and draw others as well. As for a specific place? Well, I’m not really concerned if there is or is not a specific place under the earth or whatever. However, it is a place, a place in time. When Jesus spoke of being cast into hell without an eye or hand, it wasn’t about being tormented day and night forever with two eyes or hands, it was more about the time when hell and death are destroyed ( Rev 20) and Jesus wants NO ONE to have that fate.

      There are other verses which speak of hell and I think they elaborate a bit further on the explanation of hell. For instance in Rev 20, when death and hell are cast into the lake of fire. Is it tangible? Is it figurative? It is both? In Rev verse 13 speaks of those who are in hell being delivered up for judgement. So are they contained in some place? Peter in his second letter said that hell was a place of darkness with the capacity to hold those there in reserve until judgement. I do believe hell is a place and the torment is not inflicted by God, but by those persons themselves for winding up facing destruction at the second death and having to wait until that judgment.

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