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Would you like to know the truth about Hell?


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5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

1.) Can a God of Love, and who loves Justice, torture someone forever? NO.

2.) Would a Sovereign God allow his disobedient children to be tormented forever by his Arch Enemy, forever?  NO.

You can fill in items 3.) through 20+.) yourself .... what would a rational, thinking being do?

I will make the job easier by supplying #14 myself:

14.) "And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire...." (Rev 20:10)

That's supposed to bother him? I believe he has a summer cottage on the Lake of Fire.

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I will make the job easier by supplying #14 myself: 14.) "And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire...." (Rev 20:10) That's supposed to bother him? I believe he

Lengthy it is. Nonetheless, "if I want to do what is good with my own things, what is that to you?" It's not a reproof. Please don't take it that way. i just like that line.

It means nothing in itself. Laudable people are there. But also some scoundrels. It's a big enough place. Maybe someday there will be a hoeing out. But for now they remain even when in serious financi

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3 hours ago, Brother Rando said:

Here's info on the Dead Sea Scrolls and a Picture containing God's Name.

I don't think anyone had any trouble believing that Hebrew manuscripts contained the Divine Name. This has never been doubted by anyone I have ever read. But it is interesting to see that there is already a level of superstition about the Divine Name going on in this text from Psalms that appears to have come from about 100 years before Christ.

It reminds me of a preacher in a church who speaks in modern English but will only quote a scripture by using the archaic KJV English from 1611 CE. Here, we have text written in the current writing style, but every time the Divine Name shows up, it's put in a more archaic style from another 500 years further back.

If you were using this text to read out loud, it could very well have served the same purpose as the later elohim/adonai vowel-pointing techniques that the Mosoretes made use of, so that no one would pronouce the name out loud. The superstition this picture indicates about the Divine Name is an indication that the name might not have been pronounced even in the first and second century BCE, and that the practice was therefore common at the time Jesus read Isaiah in the synagogue. 

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Hey, you big so-and-so @James Thomas Rook Jr.. For all your carrying on about being prolific, I just noticed that I have more posts than you.* How did that happen?

Though, you get some sort of prize when your posts are liked here. I'm not sure if I have any of those. Have you?

And you once accused me of tracking you down via FB and I responded by asking what had you been smoking. But when, within a post, you referred to yourself as 'Tom Rook,' that rang a bell. I don't know from where, but it may be I have run across (not over) you elsewhere.

*That is NOT counting Vic Vomidog, A Nice Guy, and the learned Dr. Adhominum.

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Well, I am big .. 290 pounds, and tall, also .. 6'-6" tall ... and I have over the past five years or so posted about 7,000 comments on the archive ... but I do not care if anyone likes my posts or not, but I do smile when they do.

That is to say, I do not write for anyones' approval.

As far as a reward goes .. even when tied to a stake, and they stack brush and firewood around your legs, the reward for telling it like I see it ... is self respect. 

We are all, to the best of available information, going to die anyway .. so why fret about it.

Years ago (1969) while driving from Virginia to California, I stopped in Georgia at a random Piggly Wiggly convenience store to buy some milk and Hostess pies for breakfast, and some guy said to me "Hi Tom!, Howareya doing! Still taking photographs?" ( I used to be a professional photographer at that time.). It so startled me I mumbled something I do not remember. I remember the store  but I do not remember anything about the person except he was male, and about my age.

In 1977 Warren Publications put out a fictionalized version of my life's adventures, ( The Rook ) but other than getting the working  clothing correct, not much else had any relationship to this spacetime continuum. I still have the black vest and pants and hat, but nothing fits anymore except the hat.

I lament that if someone does visit parallel universes, that aging does not stop, and is cumulative.  Bummer!

Back when I had a beard, and looked quite a bit like former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, during the Reagan Presidency, I  was in a Home Depot in North Carolina, and I saw a black couple staring at me and talking to each other, and I grinned, knowing they were going to come up and ask if I was C. Everett Koop.

Sure enough, they came up to and asked "Are you Tom Rook?" . 

That disoriented me.

I replied I was, but had NO IDEA who they were. They told me, but I forgot ... but they said they had met me ten years before at a Kingdom Hall at "somebodys" wedding .. who I also forgot.

I guess I am just not a "people person".




 Oh .... and thanks for letting me live rent free in your head.



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56 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Oh .... and thanks for letting me live rent free in your head.

....That is to say, I do not write for anyones' approval.

It means nothing in itself. Laudable people are there. But also some scoundrels. It's a big enough place. Maybe someday there will be a hoeing out. But for now they remain even when in serious financial arrears.

I live and die for the 'like' meter.

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Not sure why so much time is spent on refuting something based on a questionable premise. It's like arguing whether someone stopped at a red light, when there is no traffic light there to begin with.

The idea for being tormented for all eternity in "hell" presupposes the idea that humans have an immortal soul. Do they? Because if there is no immortal soul, then there is nowhere but the common grave for them to go. (Thats where I usually start anyway when someone brings up this topic). True, some mix "soul" and "spirit" together to come up with some hybrid notion of what a human soul is; or even centuries after the fact invent the unscriptural idea of "resurrection of the body" to answer the thorny question of: "If a person (soul) never really dies, why doe the Bible refer to a resurrection - why would we even need one?

So I think a pertinent question worth asking is: Does the Bible teach that humans have a conscious immortal soul that survives the body after death that automatically floats to heaven or hell - thus making any form of torment even possible? Or does it teach that when you die, that's it - unless you are resurrected back to life?

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The "stoplight" analogy applies to many things.

Glad to see you are posting again (or maybe I havent been around much). I always enjoy your pictures, comments and offbeat humour. I don't even know where you come up with this stuff (ie X-ray head with fish floating around in it...high-healed flippers...) Always good for a smile - and some insightful comments and observations too. Was worried you were being "leaned on" by "the man" ;) when it seemed you had stopped posting. 

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Different cultures have completely different ideas about what constitutes "HELL".

In one of the RAMBO movies, Col. Sam Trautman, (played by Richard Crenna) John Rambo's former Delta Force superior officer in Vietnam, was explaining (paraphrased), " .... what you choose to call call Hell, he (Rambo, played by Sylvester Stallone) calls home!"

With that understanding about cultural differences in mind .....



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Actually, Hell is not a Biblical term. Hell was inserted into man made translations of the Bible. In order to believe in the Catholic dogma of an eternal burning hell, one must first reject the 'death' of Christ. It was and is a very successful dogma that leads Billions away from the 'salvation' of Christ.  Therefore, the dogma teachings are in contrast with the Resurrection that Jesus taught about.

Rip the Catholic Dogman of Hell out of the translations and see what happens.

"hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works." (Rev 20:13 KJV)

"Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice ?and come out," (John 5:28) 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 "And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous." (Acts 24:15)

Uh oh... likes like Hell loses again... :D




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