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Queen Esther

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CAN  WE  SPOT  A  LOST  SHEEP ?...... When she comes on Sunday, she is usually quite late. Is she baptized or inactive is the question for debate. Few people try to know her and some wonder and s

It is not rocket science of course. Unfortunately there exist some members of the congregation who are a little "different" and because of that don't get included, and sometimes get outright ignored b

For whatever it is worth, when I was an elder, I kept my own personal check list of all attendees. During the course of the meeting I would discreetly (I hope) look about and place a check/no check by

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15 hours ago, Queen Esther said:


When she comes on Sunday, she is usually quite late. Is she baptized or inactive is the question for debate. Few people try to know her and some wonder and stare. No one tries to dig down deep to see who's really there.

@Queen Esther,

Do you have any idea who wrote this?

I have a friend on facebook who is a witness that loves to write poetry but this isn't hers. I did a quick check on Google and it only comes up from 2009 on an "apostate" site and no where else. The ex-JWs who posted it and commented on it were mostly making fun of it, but it really does come from a serious place as JTR pointed out, too. Thanks for posting.

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17 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

And that there might be a lost sheep sitting there in  YOUR  Kingdom Hall

Well - it's very touching but it's hardly rocket science. There are not 500 people in a Kingdom Hall. There are usually under 100. I look around, and when I see someone I don't know, I walk up and talk to them.

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Importend is the learning point of that story and not the source where I got it !  I am never on any apostate page !  I remember this story from the past...  and read it now again. Why you guys watching to any silly, weird mistakes?  I'm since 20 years a baptized JW and working since 6 years together with our Librarian, WITHOUT any problems !  Best wishes from Germany :)

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1 hour ago, Queen Esther said:

Importend is the learning point of that story and not the source where I got it !

Agreed ..... Bro. Charles Taze Russel in the FIRST issue of the Watchtower stated that if the Truth came from Satan, it would still be the Truth ... which of course is self evident ... UNLESS ....

Something did not go someone's way, and said something that was "unapproved" ... or from an "unapproved" source.

THEN  they start collecting fire wood and start chanting  "She's a WITCH ... BURN HER !".

... or "him", as the case may be.

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Thank  you  very  much  dear  sister  @Ma Ai  :)  Yes,  a  very  needed  reminder  for  us !  We  must  look  with  our  eyes  and  with  our  heart :x  Not  all  JW  able  for  that,  but  we  all  can  try  it  and  inform  us  by  an  elder  or  other  sisters.  With  a  good  will  we  can  find  a  good  way !  We  all  can  suddenly  fall  in  a  deep  hole :(  and  we're  of  sure  so  glad,  when  anyone  can  help  and  bring  us  out  there...

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19 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

Importend is the learning point of that story and not the source where I got it !  I am never on any apostate page !  I remember this story from the past...  and read it now again. Why you guys watching to any silly, weird mistakes?  I'm since 20 years a baptized JW and working since 6 years together with our Librarian, WITHOUT any problems !  Best wishes from Germany :)

So sorry. I was concerned about the source, and KNEW instantly that it was not from an apostate source. In fact, it sounded familiar. You probably know that there are a couple of Witnesses who write some very good poetry from the heart. They share their poems on facebook pages and probably some other Witness-run web pages.

As JTR said, it wouldn't matter if this was found on an apostate web page, and I would not have been concerned if you had found it there, either. That's because I can tell you have such a good heart and a kind of youthful excitement about the Christian brotherhood (and "sisterhood") even though you also have a spiritual maturity at the same time. So I suspect you are pretty much immune to things that might disappoint and discourage other people.

I think you are doing a great job of putting up great positive items of interest. I have a background that includes being an researcher, editor, proofreader, so I'm sorry if it looks like I focus on mistakes. It's been my "job" since I was 19 years old, and I stayed in related occupations for nearly 30 of the next 40 years.

I didn't see any silly or weird mistakes in what you posted, although it would have been better if you had said "source unknown" because it looks like you are saying that you were the source when you give no other.

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