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The Great Shepherd and Fine Shepherd and the Sheepfolds – ??☘️?☘️??

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The Great Shepherd and Fine Shepherd and the Sheepfolds

JOHN 10:1-21

  • ??☘️?☘️??

As Jesus continues teaching in Judea, he now draws on something that his listeners can easily picture—sheep and sheepfolds. But he is speaking illustratively. The Jews may recall David’s words: “Jehovah is my Shepherd. I will lack nothing. In grassy pastures he makes me lie down.” (Psalm 23:1, 2) In another psalm, David invited the nation: “Let us kneel before Jehovah our Maker. For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture.” (Psalm 95:6, 7) Yes, the Israelites under the Law were long likened to a flock of sheep.


These “sheep” have been in a “sheepfold” in that they were born under the Mosaic Law covenant. The Law served as a fence, separating them from the corrupting practices of people not under this arrangement. Some Israelites, however, mistreated God’s flock. Jesus states: “Most truly I say to you, the one who does not enter into the sheepfold through the door but climbs in by another way, that one is a thief and a plunderer. But the one who enters through the door is the shepherd of the sheep.”—John 10:1, 2.


The people may think of men who have claimed to be the Messiah, or Christ. These are like thieves and plunderers. The people should not follow such impostors. Rather, they should follow “the shepherd of the sheep,” about whom Jesus says:

“The doorkeeper opens to this one, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought all his own out, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice. They will by no means follow a stranger but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers.”—John 10:3-5.


Earlier, John the Baptist, like a doorkeeper, identified Jesus as the one whom those symbolic sheep under the Law should follow. And some sheep, in Galilee and right here in Judea, have recognized Jesus’ voice. To where would he ‘lead them out’? And what would result from following him? Some hearing this illustration may wonder, because ‘they do not understand what he is saying to them.’—John 10:6.


Jesus explains: “Most truly I say to you, I am the door for the sheep. All those who have come in place of me are thieves and plunderers; but the sheep have not listened to them. I am the door; whoever enters through me will be saved, and that one will go in and out and find pasturage.”—John 10:7-9.


Clearly, Jesus is introducing something new. His listeners know that he is not the door to the Law covenant, which has existed for centuries. So he must be saying that the sheep he ‘leads out’ are to enter another sheepfold. With what result?

Further explaining his role, Jesus says: “I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance. I am the fine shepherd; the fine shepherd surrenders his life in behalf of the sheep.” (John 10:10, 11


Jesus had earlier comforted his disciples by saying: “Have no fear, little flock, for your Father has approved of giving you the Kingdom.” (Luke 12:32) Indeed, those who make up the “little flock” are ones Jesus will lead into a new sheepfold, so that they may “have life and have it in abundance.” What a blessing to be part of that flock!



?How Is Jehovah a Shepherd??


“In his bosom he will carry them”

By comparing himself to a shepherd, Jehovah assures us of his heartfelt desire to protect us. (Ezekiel 34:11-16) Recall the description of Jehovah found at Isaiah 40:11,  “Like a shepherd he will shepherd his own drove. With his arm he will collect together the lambs; and in his bosom he will carry them.” How does the little lamb come to be in the shepherd’s “bosom”—the folds of his upper garment? The lamb might approach the shepherd, even nudge his leg. However, it is the shepherd who must bend over, pick up the lamb, and gently place it in the security of his bosom. 


What a tender picture of the willingness of our Great Shepherd to shield and protect us!

JEHOVAH compares himself to a shepherd. (Ezek. 34:11-14) That is significant because it helps us to understand what Jehovah is like. A loving human shepherd takes full responsibility for the survival and welfare of the flock of sheep under his care. He leads them to pasture and to water sources (Ps. 23:1, 2); watches over them by day and by night (Luke 2:8); protects them from predators (1 Sam. 17:34, 35); carries the newborn (Isa. 40:11); searches for strays, and cares well for sheep that are injured.—Ezek. 34:16.


Because Jehovah’s people of ancient times lived in a predominantly pastoral and agricultural society, they readily understood the significance of comparing Jehovah God to a loving shepherd. They knew that sheep need care and attention in order to thrive. In a spiritual sense, it is the same with people. (Mark 6:34) Without good spiritual care and leadership, people suffer. They become vulnerable and stray morally—just as the “sheep that have no shepherd” scatter. (1 Ki. 22:17) However, Jehovah lovingly provides for the needs of his people.






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