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What has been your actual experience about what kinds of movies the Brotherhood actually see ?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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My wife and I are planning to see the movie  "DUNKIRK" this weekend, and I have seen "Saving Private Ryan", and "Schindler's List", all very violent war movies, and in my opinion very IMPORTANT movies to see. 

The list of incredibly important movies could fill a notebook.

I could probably list 10 off the top of my head .. some important for very different reasons.

"The Notebook" comes to mind.

Some, merely cultural icons, like the entire STAR WARS and STAR TREK franchises, etc.

What has been your actual experience about what kinds of movies the Brotherhood actually sees ?


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I liked the part when they glimpse in the sideview mirror the Tyranasaurus chasing them. It is close enough that it looks like it may swallow their Jeep, and the mirror caution says: 'Objects in mirro

I ALSO BURST OUT LAUGHING at the "mirror scene", and again when the Lawyer was in the Porta-potty, and the T-Rex ate him. If it had been a shark, the Lawyer would not have been eaten, as he would

No, and I hope you have not, either.

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2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

What has been your actual experience about what kinds of movies the Brotherhood actually sees ?

In my experience many brothers will have seen most major movies of the type to which you refer

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For years I was steamed that Bethel so universally spoke ill of R rated movies, when PG-13 movies might easily be more objectionable. They outmaneuvered me by saying 'alrght, PG-13 movies are also no good.'

I had a friend high up in a theater chain and during 1971-1972, saw virtually everything coming down the pipe for free. Recently, via Netflix, I revisited 'Colossus: the Forbin Project,' a sci-fi offering in which computers took over the world (I hate when they do that). "I enjoyed this drivel?" I asked myself.

I continued watching many a movie after baptism (Network was a favorite, despite abysmally foul language), but gradually tapered off from lack of interest, and now become impatient with putting in the required two hours, unless a film is truly excellent. 

Dunkirk sounds like a film I might like. I've not seen Private Ryan or Schindler, not because of any particular principle, but because I never got around to it. The most recent current movie I've seen was Captain Fantastic, which played into some themes I like.


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Most of the ones I went to in recent years were to accompany my children. When I was growing up it was not the norm for my family to seek out movies. I saw Sound of Music and Big Fisherman, which left a good impression, only because the school took me.

I saw quite a lot when my children were growing up but the only ones that stand out were Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion and Father of the Bride.  That was some time ago.  I recently saw Jurassic Park, the new movie which was a lot of nonsense. I went to accompany my son and his family just before he went to Australia.  Won't leave home to go to a movie unless I was going with someone in the family. Won't look at it on Youtube either. I like Youtube though, but not for the type of movies you are talking about.  Never saw any of the major movies you mentioned above apart  from isolated episodes of 24, Star Trek and Star Wars and a few others on TV. Some of them could be quite educational but generally I don't think I am missing out on anything.  But then I am not an American and our culture is a bit different.

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2 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

I recently saw Jurassic Park, the new movie which was a lot of nonsense

I liked the part when they glimpse in the sideview mirror the Tyranasaurus chasing them. It is close enough that it looks like it may swallow their Jeep, and the mirror caution says: 'Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.'

My kids gave me a dirty look on this one. The heroes were clambering atop the false ceiling when a mean dinosaur lunged at them. It was so over the top that I burst out laughing at what was supposed to be a very frightening moment.

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On 7/24/2017 at 0:29 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

My wife and I are planning to see the movie  "DUNKIRK" this weekend,

My hubby and I saw it last week. Very well done, like a lot of British movies are. I recommended it to a couple at the KH who asked about it.

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I personally was STUNNED by the quality of the computer animations, the direction, and the continuity.

Understand from Internet a new Jurassic World picture (involving a volcano) coming out soon, trailer to be ready in November.

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