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What has been your actual experience about what kinds of movies the Brotherhood actually see ?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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I liked the part when they glimpse in the sideview mirror the Tyranasaurus chasing them. It is close enough that it looks like it may swallow their Jeep, and the mirror caution says: 'Objects in mirro

I ALSO BURST OUT LAUGHING at the "mirror scene", and again when the Lawyer was in the Porta-potty, and the T-Rex ate him. If it had been a shark, the Lawyer would not have been eaten, as he would

No, and I hope you have not, either.

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Tonight, in a few hours my wife and I will see the circa 1973 John Wayne Movie "Big Jake", which I have seen three times over the years.

A very fine "morality play" about an old man  making personal decisions about being a "busybody", and when it is and is not appropriate to interfere in other people's lives ... people you have never even met., and when what is going on is your business, and when it is NONE of your business.

I learn something new every time I watch it.

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@James Thomas Rook Jr. You wouldn't believe it if I told you, I rarely watch television or watch movies. More of a book person, however at rare times I am usually invited to watch something, that is, if it is acceptable. That being said, if I had to watch anything, it would be independent sources in related to current and or recent events, past, and or upcoming; breaking, etc. Now, if we step back in time, in my younger days, I spent no more than an hour and 30 minutes watching television, mostly cartoons, and at rare cases, documentaries, dramas. One drama in particular I can't remember clearly, but it lasted like 6-8 hours, had to watch parts of it, and even during my teenager years, that same drama was an assignment. There's also a black and white movie, can't remember the name, about a man about to be hanged for a crime he did not commit, and suddenly he escaped, only to realize that it was all a dream, other things pertaining to history, etc.

That being said, I keep such to a minimum, for nowadays, time can be spent doing other things, that sitting in a theater or a couch.

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On 8/8/2017 at 1:11 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

Notice how the T-Rex cocked its head like a puppydog.

Everyone loves/hates CGI in this day and age. Back in the 90s, even in the 80s you have special effects with puppet costumes, now you got 3D and green screens doing more of the work for you.

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