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Did Noah have brothers and sisters?

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So this weeks watchtower study mentioned lemech Noah's father.  And it got me wondering if Noah had siblings? And was his father alive when the flood came. Genesis 5:30 answers some questions. 30 After becoming father to Noah, Laʹmech lived for 595 years. And he became father to sons and daughters.  31 So all the days of Laʹmech amounted to 777 years, and then he died. It appears that Noah may have been the oldest of the siblings and since Laʹmech is said to have sons and daughters Noah would have had at least 2 sisters and 2 brothers. According to genesis 5:32 Noah became father to his 3 sons after the age of 500. So Laʹmech was around for their births. Genesis 7:11 states Noah was 600 when the rain began. If it took 40-50 years to build the ark....Laʹmech was around for much of the building but since he lived another 595 years after Noah's birth he would have died 5 years before the flood came. But still Noah's brothers and sisters were likely around. Unless of course they were casualties of nephillim violence. I wonder if they thought about getting on the ark. Obviously they didn't but I wonder what Noah will tell us about preaching to his family. Just thoughts are rattling around my brain.
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So this weeks watchtower study mentioned lemech Noah's father.  And it got me wondering if Noah had siblings? And was his father alive when the flood came. Genesis 5:30 answers some questions. 30 Afte

Lamech had given his son the name Noah—probably meaning “Rest; Consolation”—and had prophesied that Noah would fulfill the significance of his name by leading mankind to a rest from toiling on cursed

Yes, Noah had family. Brothers and sisters. Uncles aunts, cousins, just like any of us. The question could be asked was his mother alive, since we do know his father was dead! The writer was only reco

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34 minutes ago, AveragePub said:

True, there are many unknows. God has given us what we need to know.  

Yes Averagepub there are many unknowns but are there some lessons here for us? After all, Noah's siblings did "miss the boat". They were raised by the same worshipper of Jehovah as Noah, Lamech. Did they think their brother was nuts? Were they embarrassed by him? Did they rationalize that yes there was badness all around them...but they don't get involved in that stuff. They live their lives right, why would Jehovah destroy them?

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Lamech had given his son the name Noah—probably meaning “Rest; Consolation”—and had prophesied that Noah would fulfill the significance of his name by leading mankind to a rest from toiling on cursed ground. (Genesis 5:28, 29) Lamech did not live to see this prophecy fulfilled.

1. The son of Methushael and a descendant of Cain. (Ge 4:17, 18) His lifetime and Adam’s overlapped. Lamech had two wives, Adah and Zillah, at the same time and is the first polygamist of Bible record. (Ge 4:19) By Adah he had sons named Jabal, “the founder of those who dwell in tents and have livestock,” and Jubal, “the founder of all those who handle the harp and the pipe.” (Ge 4:20, 21) By Zillah, Lamech became the father of Tubal-cain, “the forger of every sort of tool of copper and iron,” and a daughter named Naamah.—Ge 4:22.
The poem that Lamech composed for his wives (Ge 4:23, 24) reflects the violent spirit of that day. Lamech’s poem ran: “Hear my voice, you wives of Lamech; give ear to my saying: A man I have killed for wounding me, yes, a young man for giving me a blow. If seven times Cain is to be avenged, then Lamech seventy times and seven.” Evidently Lamech was presenting a case of self-defense, pleading that his act was not one of deliberate murder, like that of Cain. Lamech claimed that, in defending himself, he had killed the man who struck and wounded him. Therefore, his poem stood as a plea for immunity against anyone desiring to get revenge against him for killing his attacker.
It appears that none of Cain’s descendants, which would include Lamech’s offspring, survived the Flood.
2. A descendant of Seth; son of Methuselah and father of Noah. (Ge 5:25, 28, 29; 1Ch 1:1-4) The lifetimes of this Lamech and Adam likewise overlapped. Lamech had faith in God, and after calling his son’s name Noah (probably meaning “Rest; Consolation”), he uttered the words: “This one will bring us comfort from our work and from the pain of our hands resulting from the ground which Jehovah has cursed.” (Ge 5:29) These words found fulfillment when the curse on the ground was lifted during Noah’s lifetime. (Ge 8:21) Lamech had other sons and daughters. He lived 777 years, dying about five years before the Flood. (Ge 5:30, 31) His name is listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ at Luke 3:36.


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11 minutes ago, Pierre MAJCHERCZYK said:

Dear Marijke:

You have an answer in the Watchtower issue of August 15, 2014 page 6 § 9


Greetings Pierre .  Lame ch uttered  the words: “This one will bring us comfort from our work and from the pain of our hands resulting from the ground which Jehovah has cursed.”  He was revering to the new baby that was born, if you say "this one", then there must have been other children too. It´s also possible that the other children of Lame ch were not alive anymore, the bible doesn't specifically mentions anything about Noah´s family.


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Lame ch uttered  the words: “This one will bring us comfort from our work and from the pain of our hands resulting from the ground which Jehovah has cursed.”  He was revering to the new baby that was born, if you say "this one", then there must have been other children too. It´s also possible that the other children of Lame ch were not alive anymore, the bible doesn't specifically mentions anything about Noah´s family.

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 In Noah´s days there was lots of immorality end sin, maybe there members of his own family among those people. The bible does not say anything about that.  Important is now that we pay attention in these days, about what Jesus said about the last days. He took that as an example for us, to give a warning. Lets stay close to Jehovah God and his organization. Agape!

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Yes, Noah had family. Brothers and sisters. Uncles aunts, cousins, just like any of us. The question could be asked was his mother alive, since we do know his father was dead! The writer was only recording the heads and the lineage after them, not giving names to the female offspring. So even if girls were firstborn, we would not know it. But I want to ask these ancient ones these type of questions in the new system.

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Interesting question. I always wondered why Noah's sons and their wives did not have any children until AFTER the flood? Did Jehovah cause this to allow them to focus on building the ark? The bible does not say, of course. One more question to ask of them in the resurrection.  

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John...I didn't think of that...was his mom alive? It's so exciting to think about the conversations we will have in the new order. When all the puzzle pieces will be put together clearly.

Yes Ann....I have a list of questions I want to ask of resurrected ancient faithful ones...and the great thing is I will have a perfect memory to remember them!

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