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Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW

Bible Speaks

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That comment doesn't work to your other right minded postings...  I'm really shocked. Whats happend to you all ?  We should try thinking like Jehovah?❤️  HE is a funny God, but HE has especially rules for us all. The adults of us JW should be a good example for our children and for the people we go preaching !  Thats my opinion.

Its for sister Bible Speaks....

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Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA #JW ???

I never saw a sister with so much 'Make up'  while serving for Jehovah....  also not by our meetings. It makes no sense for me. Not a nice witness with so red lips like a model,  also for our younger

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2 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

Your kind of comments not my style !  Its all told in my comments. ------

Your comment "I never saw a sister with so much 'Make up'  while serving for Jehovah" those were your comments you're the one that said it. And it was rude. Did you ask the sister if you could post her picture on the internet? Do you think Jesus is happy with the comment you made? What would happen if she saw the comment that you made how would she feel? Remember what Jesus said about not stumbling one of his sheep.

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Bible  Speaks  posted  that  picture  on  the  internet,  NOT  me !   Your  questions  really  silly...  you've  to  learn  the  right  behavior  for  comments  on  our  website !   Otherwise,  our  Librarian  must  give  a  warning  to you.  You  were  not  the  first,  getting  a  warning.    TAKE  CARE  please,  okay? 

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Customs and sensibilities vary from time to time ... culture to culture .. and by location.

Today (our weekend meeting is on Saturday ..) we learned in paragraph 17 that a Brother "remembered" that the Book of Daniel was written in Aramaic... who knew?

Let me tell you about Ahab the Arab
The sheik of the burning sand
He had emeralds and rubies just drippin' off 'a him
And a ring on every finger of his hand
He wore a big ol' turban wrapped around his head
And a scimitar by his side
And, every evenin', about midnight
He'd jump on his camel named Clyde, and ride
Silently through the night to the sultan's tent where he
Would secretly meet up with Fatima of the Seven Veils,
Swingingest grade "A" number one US choice dancer in
The sultan's whole harem, 'cause, heh, him and her had
A thing goin', you know, and they'd been carryin' on
For some time now behind the sultan's back and you
Could hear him talk to his camel as he rode out across the
Dunes, his voice would cut through the still night desert
Air and he'd say (imitate Arabic speech and finish with "Sold! American)
Which is Arabic for, "Stop, Clyde!" and Clyde'd say, (imitate camel sound),
Which is camel for, "What the heck did he say anyway?"
Well, he brought that camel to a screechin' halt (verbal screeching sound)
In the rear of Fatima's tent
Jumped off Clyde, snuck around the corner
And into the tent he went.

There he saw Fatima layin' on a zebra skin rug with...
"Rings on her fingers and
Bells on her toes and a bone in her nose ho, ho."
There she was, friends, lyin' there in all her radiant
Beauty, eating on a raisin, grape, apricot, pomegranate,
Bowl of chittlin's, two bananas, three Hershey bars,

Sipping on a RC co-cola listenin' to her transistor,
Watchin' the Grand Ole Opry on the tube, readin' a Mad
Magazine while she sung, "Does your chewing gum lose
It's flavor?" Yeah, Ahab walked up to her and he say,
(imitate Arabic speech), which is Arabic for "Let's twist
Again like we did last summer, baby.!!" Ha, ha, ha!!
You know what I mean! Whew! She looked up at him from off the rug,
Give him one of the sly looks,
She said (suggestive giggles, then outright laughter) "Crazy, crazy, crazy baby!"
Yeah, and that's the story 'bout Ahab the Arab
The sheik of the burnin' sand
Ahab the Arab, the swingin' sheik of the burnin' sand
(Songwriter: Ray Stevens)
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1 hour ago, Queen Esther said:

Bible  Speaks  posted  that  picture  on  the  internet,  NOT  me !   Your  questions  really  silly...  you've  to  learn  the  right  behavior  for  comments  on  our  website !   Otherwise,  our  Librarian  must  give  a  warning  to you.  You  were  not  the  first,  getting  a  warning.    TAKE  CARE  please,  okay? 

You said the awful sayings about the sister quote Not a nice witness with so red lips like a model"

Yes bible speaks posted the beautiful picture.... 

 do you think she's not a nice Witness? You yourself said it. Just like Jesus said it one time you yourself said it. I asked you a question if this was your website you didn't want to answer. Why don't you answer? What gives you the right to say that she can only wear light rose color? What happens if she read this comment that you posted would she be offended? Yes I did say you posted the picture and I'm sorry you didn't post the picture you just posted the comments.

Maybe you should ask Bible speaks if and why he was posting the picture? In the meantime do you want to answer my question is this your website?



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Dear  sister  @devarajjh....  You're  the  first  seems  to  understand  my  point.  You're  also  right,  the  Bible  doesn't  say  about  our  looking.  Many  JW  having  more  wisdom  for  all  that,  other  cultures  need  longer  time,  all  okay.  But  you  said  very  importend  words,  we  all  represent  Jehovah  God  ? :x   That  must  be  in  our  mind  and  heart !  Then  Jehovah  is  of  sure  happy  of  HIS  folk :)   AGAIN,  THANK  YOU  SO  MUCH  FOR  YOUR  GREAT  COMMENT ;-))


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