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Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW

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Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA #JW ???

I never saw a sister with so much 'Make up'  while serving for Jehovah....  also not by our meetings. It makes no sense for me. Not a nice witness with so red lips like a model,  also for our younger

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@Queen Esther

I am writing this to you to let you know I have prayed how to respond to you and to say what needs to be said. 

I post here to encourage others and hopefully bring Good News to some Friends and Family worldwide. Our messages must be encouraging and show kindness for others.

I work some days posting 4-5 hours a day for my Father Jehovah God and my Lord Christ Jesus. My hope is to share the joys I find in God's Word and around the earth.

I request that if you disagree with a person on a post that you do not speak out publicly about this. This is not kind or loving. Natalie here from Russia is a wonderful Sister and loves Jehovah very much. The struggles in their country make them good examples for us and Jehovah God. 

If you don't like something please keep this to yourself, if she reads this she would be upset and of course we here must be loving and kind. If you were in a KH would you say this to a person?

Perhaps not, so please don't not do this and upset others.

"Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, And do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, And he will make your paths straight. Do not become wise in your own eyes.."

Proverbs 3:5-7.

"Likewise, let the older women be reverent in behavior, not slanderous, not enslaved to a lot of wine, teachers of what is good."

Titus 2;3.

Thank you for your support and love to you.

Let's just move ahead and encourage and help others, ok? Final comment. 

May Jehovah bless you in your endeavors.

Agape, ?????

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1 hour ago, Queen Esther said:

I not agree with some points !   and....  that comment belongs to the PN and not under your posting ;-(   I know the reason why you posted it here...  The Librarian is informed since yesterday, he has all comments !

Thats all I have to say,  Agape ???


The whole problem started when you judged your sister's makeup.... That is where the thread took a down turn. What about all the sisters in this world that where hair extentions or hair braiding. Would you say the same about them? Do you color your hair? What about the millions of sisters that color thier hair? 

You should think twice before judging and saying things about your sisters dress and grooming. 

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Well done brother & sister. Father & daughter. It's the father's place to correct / encourage his daughter.

With all that our brothers in Russia are going through I commend them on all they continue to do.

Only Jehovah knows who belongs to him. We are not their judges.

Love to each & everyone of them.

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On 8/12/2017 at 3:25 AM, Queen Esther said:

I never saw a sister with so much 'Make up'  while serving for Jehovah....  also not by our meetings. It makes no sense for me. Not a nice witness with so red lips like a model,  also for our younger girls in the cong.  A light rosé color were okay.  Such of red we can see in TV in the 'red light' milieu...  or its okay on a party, wedding, holiday or other celebrations. Thats my view of things - how are thinking other sisters about that?  Importend is always Jehovah's view of things!  

To each his own. We share our meeting space with a Spanish group so we frequently come into contact with brothers and sisters with different background than "typical American". My wife and have noticed over the years that sisters at the Spanish hall tend to wear more makeup than sisters at the English language meetings. Not all mind you, but some. They actually blend in with the Latin American culture in our area. Maybe not our cup of tea, but as long as it does not distract from their effectiveness in the field ministry then it is fine. 

Recall earlier there was an article about brothers and facial hair. The bottom line is how are they perceived in the field ministry. And, that really is the standard by which we judge dress and grooming. 

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I was thinking that maybe best not to put any news or pictures of anything or anyone in Russia  before or after the ban. Please remember thst country is very good at digging for secrets which could cause our brother/sisters lasting harm. Best Russian news in any other country/congregation 

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