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Will Monday’s Total Eclipse Change Your Life? ?Will the Heavens Declare the Glory of God??

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Will Monday’s Total Eclipse Change Your Life? ?Will the Heavens Declare the Glory of God??


By: Bob King | August 16, 2017

Total solar eclipses have the power to touch us deeply and reverberate through our life in unexpected ways.


Whether this is your first or your 30th total solar eclipse, we all share one desire — to let the awe of this extraordinarily rare experience wash over us. You never know how 161 seconds of darkness in the middle of day may change your life. I've attempted to see five solar eclipses and succeeded three times. Each one has enlarged my spirit, become a touchstone moment, and set me off on new adventures as I confidently predict the August 21st event will for you.


My best memory of the eclipse was viewing the corona through binoculars that gently bounced to the rhythm of my pumping heart. It looked alive! I couldn't believe the detail, the silkiness of the thread-like streamers. Few photos show this well, but wait till you see this silvery diadem for yourself — you'll never forget it. I know this sounds impossible, but I could have sworn the streamers were moving like glowing tentacles quivering in ultra-slow motion. Has anyone else experienced this or was it just my overactive brain?


"It is the only natural event that I have experienced that felt supernatural." That's how my friend Greg Furtman described the 1998 eclipse we saw from Renaissance Beach on the island of Aruba.


But moments before totality, we both experienced another emotion: terror. Cooling temperatures brought on with the approach of totality caused masses of clouds to materialize in the blue sky only minutes before the total eclipse. Suddenly, it became apparent that we might miss the best part of the show. Luckily, the clouds only partially eclipsed the totally-eclipsed Sun — we still got great views of the prominences and corona in the sucker holes.


Up to this time, I'd viewed solar eclipses — two totals and two annulars — from a frozen lake, a hotel beach, a science museum, and a cemetery, but this was my first experience at a beach. Eyes may have wandered during the partial eclipse, but all were transfixed on what was happening overhead for 3 minutes and 45 seconds.


If all goes well, this will be my fourth totality, and I'm looking forward to every second of it. I'm sure you are, too. Every total eclipse is a personal journey. I hope the August 2017 eclipse will reverberate through your life in ways you never expected.





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Enjoy! The Miracles of Jehovah God Our Creator








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Will Monday’s Total Eclipse Change Your Life? ?Will the Heavens Declare the Glory of God?? ????????? By: Bob King | August 16, 2017 Total solar eclipses have the power to touch us deepl

Check how to view safely if you value your eyesight.   https://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/safety  

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