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Clarification of Field service time

The Librarian

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Hi there, My name is RJ and for two days I have been nonstop searching for clarification on counting time with unbaptized children. The organized to do Jehovah's will briefly talks about it. It states that a family head can count the time, study, and return visits for family worship. I understand that part. 4 hours per month, 4 return visits per month, and one study. Here is my dilemma, under the same sub-heading as that part it states that we count time, return visits, and bible studies for any one whom we study with that is unbaptized. I have four children and not only do we have our weekly family worship but each child also has their own independent study as well, age appropriate material for each child. So my question is, where can I find clarification of the situation? I was told no matter what you do with your family max is 4hr/ month, 4R.V./month, and one study/ month, however they are all unbaptized bible students. Thank you for your time and patience. - Brother RJ

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Yes... please only ask elders in your area so that they can wield their own opinions about these weighty matters. Oh wait... elders are under strict orders to not offer their opinions.... So

You answered you own question, so bright! No matter how many in the family you have reached the max. The family head, father or mother, whatever that situation, the family is a unit, not to broken int

I too had four children. You do what you need to do for your children. Yes, it takes time, but it is time well spent. You are not limited to 4 hours a month just like any other study. If you regularly

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I'd ask my service overseer and follow his direction. The Elders are there to guide us and although they aren't perfect and may get it wrong they are still the appointed shepherds of the congregation. Obedience to Jehovah's arrangement is much more pleasing to Jehovah than how many hours you can count.

I hope this helps.

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Yes... please only ask elders in your area so that they can wield their own opinions about these weighty matters.

Oh wait... elders are under strict orders to not offer their opinions....

So.... pray about it and come up with your own scheme?


Wait.... I just got an answer from above .... you are only allowed 3 hours per month per child .... and Jesus says he agrees.

but it must be in lunar minutes.

or was that just my "opinion"? :D

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THIS is a Primary Example of Exactly WHY We are Strongly Cautioned From the Faithful Slave, as to Always Apply The UtMost Discernment, With Any Theocratic Teachings; Amidst Our Own Family Members in the Faith ONLINE.

We are NOT ALL ONLY Absolute Witnesses of Jehovah and of Jehovah's Loving Children...a/k/a Actually Good Standing before Jehovah, Active JW's. 

That having been shared...There's Always the Opposition & Even Worst...Some May even be of Our Former Brother's &/or Sister's...

Therefore, there are Always Going to be The Possible Sad, and even Mis-Informed, or even the Very, Most Hateful of Apostates being Used by satan and his follower's, right  Out Here, on the Web, too...just "food for thought" for a time of absolute meditation. ;0(  

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I too had four children. You do what you need to do for your children. Yes, it takes time, but it is time well spent. You are not limited to 4 hours a month just like any other study. If you regularly study on say Friday evening then some months you will have 5 studies some months 4. Just be regular at it.

Also, as an elder told me many years ago, the Society could just as well said you cannot count any family study time. After all, most people don't have children so all their bible studies are with truly interested not captive family members. 

Be glad you have the time to study with all of them and make the best of what you have. To soon the time will be when they don't have time for you and will have their own families. 


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On 8/17/2017 at 1:50 AM, The Librarian said:

So my question is, where can I find clarification of the situation?

"These words that I am commanding you today must be on your heart, and you must inculcate them in your sons and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up." De. 6:6-7.

"For hardly would anyone die for a righteous man; though perhaps for a good man someone may dare to die." Rom.5:7.

The rules have been neatly clarified above, but meditating yourself on the principles in scripture should help you to avoid being flummoxed by these kind of issues. The two above help in this case.


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On 8/16/2017 at 8:50 PM, The Librarian said:

Hi there, My name is RJ and for two days I have been nonstop searching for clarification on counting time with unbaptized children. The organized to do Jehovah's will briefly talks about it. It states that a family head can count the time, study, and return visits for family worship. I understand that part. 4 hours per month, 4 return visits per month, and one study.

The reason you have to look hard is that it is not very important and nobody harps on it. Throw in a few hours for the kids and be done with it.

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