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Are binaural beats bad or sinful for Jehovah's Witnesses?

The Librarian

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Dear Librarian question submitted...... I will have to research what binaural beats even are before answering to be honest. Agape!

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1 hour ago, Birdie said:

However, Binaural seems to be similar to a hypnotic kind of music, if so, then it may come under spiritism since hypnosis is "spell-binding" Deu 18: 11. But we can do this consciously or unconsciously, letting others control us. So, thinking ability is important here, and according to knowledge greater accountability. 

IF ... kissing a frog will turn them into a handsome Prince or Princess ... then I will believe that two tones of music has something ... ANYTHING AT ALL .... with the "spirit world".  And for those in Rio Linda .. IT DOES NOT ... and neither does binaural sounds of ANY type.

When I was a young teenager ....  when there was no such thing as stereo music ... there was ONE channel, and that was it.  

I STILL remember the phenomena as if were yesterday of putting on earphones from a transistor radio, and having the sound ... for the very first time ... spring forth from the MIDDLE of my head instead of at the ears.  It had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the occult, spiritism, or the like ... and neither does binaural beats.    ZIP   ZERO  NADA   NOTHING   GOOSE EGGS.

Merely an auditory illusion.

... And if you knew ANYTHING AT ALL about hypnotic states, you would know that most people go in and out of hypnotic states all the time ... highway hypnosis is a hypnotic state as the classic well known example... so is cramming for an exam ... or time sense,  in times of great danger, being altered, etc.

The Society apparently thinks people getting up on stage and acting like chickens is hypnosis .... and it is.... but you CANNOT MAKE SOMEONE DO SOMETHING AGAINST HIS ETHICS through hypnosis ... that is an ignorant fantasy.  Hypnosis can remove their inhibitions IF ...IF ... they want to do what is suggested.

.... and you would be SURPRISED what a LOT of people really want to do, when given permission.

That is why the operational rule of conduct is as follows:

"Anything that we did not give you specific permission to do ... is forbidden".

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Scientis say television puts you in same state as hypnosis.Thats why its call program...some morrons havent understud that yet.Why do folks pay for internet when they can not even use google.....

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6 hours ago, enrique said:

Scientis say television puts you in same state as hypnosis.Thats why its call program...some morrons havent understud that yet.Why do folks pay for internet when they can not even use google.....


Other than the fact that you misspelled the words, "Scientists", "That's", "morons", "haven't" ( ... "morrons" ... THAT was worth a hearty contextual laugh ! ), and the word  "understood", you are as wrong about television programming as the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.

I am curious... where did you GET your information to support that absurd assertion?

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10 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


Other than the fact that you misspelled the words, "Scientists", "That's", "morons", "haven't" ( ... "morrons" ... THAT was worth a hearty contextual laugh ! ), and the word  "understood", you are as wrong about television programming as the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.

I am curious... where did you GET your information to support that absurd assertion?http://www.psychmechanics.com/2015/03/how-tv-influences-your-mind-through.html?m=1

 Like i said morons need all the help they can get even with google.And by look looks of your photo you have surely spend most of you life watching tv eating chips FAT BOY HAHAHA





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23 hours ago, enrique said:


Other than the fact that you misspelled the words, "Scientists", "That's", "morons", "haven't" ( ... "morrons" ... THAT was worth a hearty contextual laugh ! ), and the word  "understood", you are as wrong about television programming as the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.

I am curious... where did you GET your information to support that absurd assertion?http://www.psychmechanics.com/2015/03/how-tv-influences-your-mind-through.html?m=1

 Like i said morons need all the help they can get even with google.And by look looks of your photo you have surely spend most of you life watching tv eating chips FAT BOY HAHAHA

You can always tell when a person is caught up in the Mass Hysteria of the day, the "nuts du jour" ... they cannot themselves answer a simple question of WHY they believe what they do ( television programming ) and then they try to divert attention from their ignorance to some other person. 

It is so frequent it soon becomes boring in its predictability.

I have not watched television on over a year, now, and being 6'-6" tall and weighing 287 pounds, I am not overweight ... I am undertall. ( ... makes note to Program Director to cue the laugh track ...)

And by the way ... I read the link you posted .. and it is based on MANY false premises ... influence is NOT HYPNOSIS! 

If you had TRIED to explain it in your own words, perhaps you would have realized how goofy it really is.  That is very often the case.

I too, jumped off of porches with a towel around my neck when I was a small boy, imitating Superman ... but I did not leap out of windows from tall buildings.

There is a difference!

Elephant Flautist   600.jpg

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On 8/17/2017 at 2:36 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


I am sorry but you are incorrect on this, James. Please look up involuntary hypnosis online. You will find plenty of examples. People have gone to jail over it. It's a very scary thing. 

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I go back to my statement, (paraphrased) "You cannot make someone do what he ethically would not do ... but you would be surprised what a person WANTS to do, when his inhibitions are removed."

Some people are hypnotizeable... some are not ... and a great majority of people KNOW what they are doing when they get up on stage and act like a chicken, or engage in orgiastic sex, or kill someone ... because their ethics would have allowed them to do that in the first place WITHOUT hypnosis ...

If I gave a person a strong post-hypnotic suggestion to murder Adolph Hitler, as an example ... most people would try and follow through, as an obsession ... because they would do that if they normally could.

... and don't believe what may "experts" say about hypnosis ... they are selling books or scripts or audio "tapes".


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