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ISIS Kills a JW Sister in Finland Terror Attack

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One of them was a 23 year old sister at her witnessing cart, she was stabbed in the throat and died very soon thereafter :   Read more:  

So upsetting As soon as I saw the cart clearly visible in this photograph of the aftermath of this awful attack we wondered if any of the brothers & sisters had been targets. Hardly any coverage i

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Our dear sister, only 23 years of age. Thank you all for the outpouring of love from Jehovah's People as well as many others in the world who too, expressed sincere condolences. I found the photo of the girl playing what looks like some sort of lap stringed instrument and the young man holding the umbrella over her to be very touching.  The legions of demons roaming the earth with nothing on their agenda but violence and their soon to be here end are the cause of all of the earth's pain, injustice and death. We as Jehovah's People will continue to preach and wait on the Kingdom of God led by Jesus Christ.  This dear sister did not die in vain. She died taking a stand for the true God, Jehovah.  My special heartfelt prayers to be with her family and congregation at this time.  The world is truly cruel at this time of the end. 

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On 8/20/2017 at 0:19 PM, Kurt said:


Our sister Krista Härmä died in the attack in Finland. We hope that all those affected by this terrible drama accept our condolences.
May Jehovah support you in this ordeal.


Thank you for posting her name so we may pray with her name for her family, friends and her congregation. Paul wrote from Prison before his death how even this was cause for the good news to be spread because of his imprisonment. And it was true!  The congregations were inspired to preach more due to the incarcerations and deaths of prophets and apostles, as well as many who have died for following Jesus Christ. It breaks my heart. I would trade places with her if I could. But I know how witnesses will respond. We will preach more, we will have her on our hearts and minds . We KNOW who is responsible for her death and so does Jehovah.  Our God will vindicate her death. Let Thy Kingdom Come!  Love to her family at this very difficult time.  Let us know what we may do for you at this time. WE are your brothers and sisters. We are here for you. .

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On 8/20/2017 at 0:19 PM, Kurt said:


Our sister Krista Härmä died in the attack in Finland. We hope that all those affected by this terrible drama accept our condolences.
May Jehovah support you in this ordeal.


Can anyone provide the address of her congregation in Finland for me?  I want to send a card with my support. I will send one from my congregation in USA to her congregation and family in Finland.  

I only speak English. But I will expect her name and congregation address to be in Finnish and I will copy it exactly.  I think many of us around the world would like to send our condolences.  Thank you, Kristy Quail 

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Here the address Kristy:

JEHOVAN TODISTAJAT TURUN SEURAKUNTA    (Jehovah´s Witnesses, Turun congregation and Kingdom Hall in Turku Finland)
Kokkorinne 3, 20100 Turku,Suomi, Finland

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On 8/19/2017 at 9:36 AM, Kurt said:

News Alerts


BREAKING NEWS | Attack in Turku, Finland<<< source JW.org click


We are deeply saddened to inform you that one of our dear sisters was killed in an attack that took place in Turku, Finland, on Friday, August 18, 2017. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends along with the friends and families of the other victims who were affected by this senseless act of violence. We can all take comfort from Jehovah God’s promise to rescue us from violence and to resurrect all those precious in his eyes.—Psalm 72:14

Other sources:

Turku stabbing<<<click

Torghandel, Ã…bo salutorg 2008.jpg

Toinen puukottajan uhreista oli lehtisiä jakanut Jehovan todistaja<<<click


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Hello Kurt, 

I hope I did this right so you see this reply. Thank you so much for the information to send a card to the friends and family for our dear sister. I will make one, a large one, and ask if it is OK to leave it out for other members of our very loving congregation to sign it. I know words cannot change the pain, but knowing that her worldwide association of brothers and sisters care about all of our friends in Finland may bring some comfort. I am new on the site and look forward to reading more of your posts. 

Sincerely & With Christian Love to All, 

Kristy Quail, USA

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In the city of Turku, the government decided to put a little house in the same square where the sister was killed, so that the brothers are protected from rain, their backs and can leave their carts there with the magazines. What a testimony !!!!


Examining the Scriptures Dailys foto.




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Kurt, thank you again!  I love my photo of this! I printed it out to show my friends at the hall.  I also shared it with my husband who is not of my faith.  This is a strong statement that the community and government are not on the side of hurting those practicing our faith. I know we would all prefer it never happened. But it did. I told my husband, if permitted the witnesses will be back right at that spot to preach.  And here they are. Jehovah, will bless the preaching efforts in Finland. This story has saddened yet encouraged us here to keep preaching "the Good News of God's Kingdom!"   We will meet Krista someday, and we will be able to tell her the aftermath of this terrible event.  This little building will truly bring more to the knowledge of Jehovah. Our thanks to the government of Turku, Finland for this memorial and kindness to our brothers and sisters!  We in the USA have taking notice of all of you.  Kristy Quail 

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