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19 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Did I not say you were warm and fuzzy? Nothing slanderous about that.

I am reminded, however, of the same eternal plea apostates make on any Witness board they invade:

19 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Notwithstanding that few points they raise have not been raised, answered, the answer rejected, and the point raised again, countless times all over the internet.

One has to go to one's grave re-inventing the wheel?


I rest my case.

With SELECTIVELY QUOTING your OWN REPLY .... You, yourself have proved what you, yourself are.


1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

To my own astonishment, I am coming to think of him as the house apostate, a warm and fuzzy version of what is really a very bad thing.


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Not to worry. This isn't a real thread. Not exactly anyway. I was asked to try my hand at splitting off some of the diversionary topics from the thread called: Perhaps you heard of it. Well

thank you for all your comments, even though my language is not,  somethings which makes it little hard for me to understand you fully, and read all your words fast. sorry if I make any mistakes. 

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  JTR,  insider and some others on this blog have repeatedly  quoted from apostate books {Ray Franz} and visited and pasted from apostate sites {you can do a search right on this blog for proof}. You wish to associate with apostates since you have read and promote their teachings by QUOTING from them, that IS apostasy and makes one in fact an APOSTATE. {wt 86 3/15}.

 "and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves". Acts 20:30.

"Now I urge you, brothers, to keep your eye on those who create divisions and causes for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them.+ 18  For men of that sort are slaves, not of our Lord Christ, but of their own appetites,* and by smooth talk and flattering speech they seduce the hearts of unsuspecting ones".  Rom 16:17,18. Titus 3:10,11.

    You both have stated in the past that you still go to the meetings and thus pretend to be a brother yet you find you can reveal your true self by hiding your identity in a forum. You of course would say that you love the truth, the brothers and even have a clean conscience. The Bible says apostates would do the same. {Read entire book of Jude}.  Why even Satan had concern for Jesus and quoted Scripture to him as well. That did not prove his LOYALTY  to Jehovah or those taking the lead. But true loyal Christians would not read apostate books and teachings and you both have definitely not hidden the fact that you have read and promoted the teachings of Ray Franz in this very thread! .

   Because of listening to the Devil and not rejecting his lies, the first human pair apostatized. So, then, should we listen to apostates, read their literature, or examine their Web sites on the Internet? If we love God and the truth, we will not do so. We should not allow apostates into our homes {via the Internet} or even greet them, for such actions would make us ‘sharers in their wicked works.’ (2 John 9-11) May we never succumb to the Devil’s wiles by abandoning the Christian “path of truth” to follow false teachers who seek to “introduce ruinous ideologies” and try to ‘exploit us with well-turned phrases.’—2 Peter 2:1-3, Byington. {See also W06 1/15} 

Therefore you as well as insider and your followers are not approved to give any kind of interpretation or teaching of any kind at all on any subject because by your actions against Jehovah you have confessed to be promoting apostate teachings  : "They publicly declare that they know God, but they disown him by their works,  because they are detestable and disobedient and NOT APPROVED FOR GOOD WORK OF ANY SORT."  Titus 1:16.

  So "anything" they now post is now considered as false teaching by your own confession of promoting apostate ideas of Ray Franz and other apostate websites.

  If you believe Jesus did not become King in 1914 or unrepentant ones should not be disfellowshipped then start your own religion, I am sure the 30,000 other apostate "Christian" religions who agree with you will welcome you with open arms as some do here as well.

"Promoting" the apostate teachings of Christendom against the teaching on 1914  does not make one a loyal Witness of Jehovah, it IS apostasy !!!

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On 3/7/2017 at 4:46 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

No. However, in each of the four cases you mention, the person said what he said to the one he said it to - analagous simply to writing Bethel a letter.  He didn't discuss it at length on numerous threads on a public forum.

Yes, I see your point, but , @TrueTomHarley , It seems that it was not very confidential...

Gal 2:14 "But when I saw that they were not walking in step with the truth of the good news,+ I said to Ceʹphas* before them all: “If you, though you are a Jew, live as the nations do and not as Jews do, how can you compel people of the nations to live according to Jewish practice?”+ "

2 Sam 12:12 "Although you acted in secret,+ I will do this in front of all Israel and in broad daylight"


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29 minutes ago, bruceq said:

  insider and some others on this blog...

While I have, at times, been surprised at what @JW Insiderchooses to spill, I have never (after an initial re-assessment) not regarded him as in the camp of the good guys. Some people simply like to rove about.

'Roving about publicly' is another question, for one could simply write Bethel a letter. Nonetheless, I have not had his experiences, nor have I rubbed shoulders with those he has rubbed shoulders with, so I'll leave that matter to others. Not to mention that @ComfortMyPeoplequotes 'before them all' and 'in front of all Israel,' though, here again, it is 'in front of all Israel.'

The internet is not the congregation. That is why Bethel recommends we exercise caution, if not keep our distance,  from places where you cannot know who's who. I've chosen to bypass that counsel (within limits, for I do use caution - and I do have second thoughts about it). So have you, or you would not be here.

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24 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

While I have, at times, been surprised at what @JW Insiderchooses to spill, I have never (after an initial re-assessment) not regarded him as in the camp of the good guys. Some people simply like to rove about.

'Roving about publicly' is another question, for one could simply write Bethel a letter. Nonetheless, I have not had his experiences, nor have I rubbed shoulders with those he has rubbed shoulders with, so I'll leave that matter to others.

The internet is not the congregation. That is why Bethel recommends we exercise caution, if not keep our distance,  from places where you cannot know who's who. I've chosen to bypass that counsel (within limits, for I do use caution). So have you, or you would not be here.

I have had the same experiences as insider but I do not brag about it.Or look haughty by answering people with pages and pages of junk that most just don't have the time to read anyway.  I agree none of us here are really loyal since we are here. Roving about is fine if it is ones foray but some have flagrantly been disloyal by promoting from apostate websites. I just wanted to point out to this community "that" fact as well as the fact that none of the rest of us are to blame for apostates being here except for the owners of this blog, they are allowing it  if they are even Witnesses.

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4 minutes ago, bruceq said:

the owners of this blog, if they are even Witnesses.

I think admin has made it pretty clear that he is not. He has mentioned before how he is unconcerned with our 'corporate agenda.'

@The Librarian, the old hen, is. (I think) She has sat behind me at our Hall from the day before anybody else was born, rapping me whenever I slouch, scolding everyone for the slightest misbehaviour. Brothers have thrown away their prepared funeral talk remarks about her, despairing that she will ever require that service.

Eventually, she will, and "Ding Dong, the witch is dead." will probably suffice.

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2 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


You do of course (hahaHAhaha!) realize that EVERY TIME there is "new light" on any subject ... that by definition that means you are APOSTATIZING from what you believed YESTERDAY!

That is what happens when you search for TRUTH.





Read more  

Sorry James but 

 "anything" they now post is now considered as false teaching by your own confession of promoting apostate ideas of Ray Franz and other apostate websites.

  If you believe Jesus did not become King in 1914 or unrepentant ones should not be disfellowshipped then start your own religion, I am sure the 30,000 other apostate "Christian" religions who agree with you will welcome you with open arms as some do here as well. B|

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24 minutes ago, bruceq said:

Roving about is fine if it is ones foray

I have also come to regard him, I hope not incorrectly, as a provider of accurate information, within the limits of human perception. When he writes about 'out there' topics, he does not do what apostates do: throw as much dirt out there as they can, uncritically, hoping that as much of it as possible will stick.

His sympathies lie with the home team. He does not want to send them back to the showers.

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