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7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I left the picture resolution at 1600 so you can download it for a better look.

You crack me up! xD


P.S. Warning totally off topic:

7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

What evidence do you have to counter my conclusion, Anna?

That's just it! Sometimes there is no absolute proof possible (either way) because of our human limitations. I mean I could call Br. Herd out on it personally, but he could lie. However, logic tells me there is quite a number of other possibilities which are much more likely (and which have already been discussed on an appropriate thread). Actually my statement really should have included the question "was 20K of the society's money spent on Br. Herd's watch?" That's the real issue. So, my motto is, if it doesn't sound right, it probably isn't. And spending 20K of the society's money on a watch does not sound right. And so I will go with that until somebody arranges a break-in to Br. Herds closet, retrieves said watch, and after having it duly analyzed by an expert, breaks into Br. Herds room while he is sleeping, binds him hand and foot and interrogates him under a bright light with the threat of (whatever is most effective) if he doesn't tell the truth. Of course that someone would have to be you, because how can you trust somebody else to be saying the truth about the truth?

I wonder along the lines of Eoin, could there be an illustration in there somewhere?

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Not to worry. This isn't a real thread. Not exactly anyway. I was asked to try my hand at splitting off some of the diversionary topics from the thread called: Perhaps you heard of it. Well

thank you for all your comments, even though my language is not,  somethings which makes it little hard for me to understand you fully, and read all your words fast. sorry if I make any mistakes. 

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2 hours ago, bruceq said:

"Does the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses have the right and authority to interpret to us any given Bible teaching? Yes/No.

Yes, of course I'll go along with that. When I bought my ticket from Holy Bus Lines, it was their photos I saw on the terminal wall. That was never hidden from me.

I also know that they may hit a pothole or three, for the weather is abysmal and the road is uncharted.  Moreover, they do not require me to sit up straight at all times - they allow me to stretch, talk to my neighbor, and use the bathroom.

I'd be surprised if the date goes. It's been around forever and it was reaffirmed at the Regional. The herd is running another way at present, but we all know about running with the herd. Perceptions can change.

Still, if it goes, it goes. It's not why I'm here. Nobody else can explain why God permits suffering. Nobody else can explain what happens to the dead, why we die at all, and what hope for those who have. Nobody else can explain why human governments do nothing but foul the nest, so that I am not stuck with the pathetic hope that the next leader, this time for sure, will fix things. Nobody else preaches the good news of the kingdom, nor unifies those responding. Nobody else would have kept me safe from the new morality.  Perhaps my marriage would not be intact, for few teach the Bible's message of yielding to the other person. The Bible would be an unassembled jigsaw puzzle in my closet were it not for the GB spearheading the work others feel free to criticize but do not offer to do. I owe them loyalty. I will pay it.

If understandings change, you do damage control, hope for the best, and pray for Jehovah's continued goodness.  It has been that way ever since Jesus spoke about 'drinking his blood.' 

You can't change people, Bruce. They'll be what they'll be. To some extent, the more one carries on, the more fuel is added to the fire. The less fuel offered, the quicker it goes out.

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Yes, of course I'll go along with that. When I bought my ticket from Holy Bus Lines, it was their photos I saw on the terminal wall. That was never hidden from me.

I also know that they may hit a pothole or three, for the weather is abysmal and the road is uncharted.  Moreover, they do not require me to sit up straight at all times - they allow me to stretch, talk to my neighbor, and use the bathroom.

I'd be surprised if the date goes. It's been around forever and it was reaffirmed at the Regional. The herd is running another way at present, but we all know about running with the herd. Perceptions can change.

Still, if it goes, it goes. It's not why I'm here. Nobody else can explain why God permits suffering. Nobody else can explain what happens to the dead, why we die at all, and what hope for those who have. Nobody else can explain why human governments do nothing but foul the nest, so that I am not stuck with the pathetic hope that the next leader, this time for sure, will fix things. Nobody else preaches the good news of the kingdom, nor unifies those responding. Nobody else would have kept me safe from the new morality.  Perhaps my marriage would not be intact, for few teach the Bible's message of yielding to the other person. The Bible would be an unassembled jigsaw puzzle in my closet were it not for the GB spearheading the work others feel free to criticize but do not offer to do. I owe them loyalty. I will pay it.

If understandings change, you do damage control, hope for the best, and pray for Jehovah's continued goodness.  It has been that way ever since Jesus spoke about 'drinking his blood.' 

You can't change people, Bruce. They'll be what they'll be. To some extent, the more one carries on, the more fuel is added to the fire. The less fuel offered, the quicker it goes out.

Well I wasn't going to go into a detailed explanation right here, because I was hoping for a new thread, but since you've already carried on, all I have to say is; I go along pretty much the same lines as you.  I like to go by not what they say, so much, but by the testimony and overall history and reputation of what has been achieved while these men have been in office as the FDS, (regardless of whether some believe that or not). Although inevitable blunders and embarrassments have been apparent, on the WHOLE, because of evidence, I believe the organization of Jehovah’s witnesses is definitely keeping itself morally and spiritually clean, seems to have Jehovah’s backing, and last but not least  we owe this organization (with the GB at the helm) our thanks, because without them we might still be believing that we will burn in hell, that God has three heads and no name, and that, if we are lucky, we will float off  someplace to play the harp for all eternity, after dying of lung cancer or some complication due to a dubious life style....I am sure I could think of many more but this will suffice for now...actually True Tom has already mentioned most.

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3 hours ago, Anna said:

And so I will go with that until somebody arranges a break-in to Br. Herds closet, retrieves said watch, and after having it duly analyzed by an expert, breaks into Br. Herds room while he is sleeping, binds him hand and foot and interrogates him under a bright light with the threat of (whatever is most effective) if he doesn't tell the truth. Of course that someone would have to be you, because how can you trust somebody else to be saying the truth about the truth?

One day I was looking at my cloth roll of wax carving tools, on the table, out of their sewn sleeves in the roll (they look a LOT like dental pick instruments), and from behind me, my eldest son asked me what they were ... he knowing I did not do my own dental work.

Over my shoulder I gave him my best Jack Nicholson "Here's Johnny!" look with a maniacal grin, and said "... this is how I get people who lie to me to tell the truth!"

You know, raising three children, I cannot remember any one of them EVER lying to me.



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9 hours ago, bruceq said:

"In your opinion does the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses have the right and authority to interpret to us any given Bible teaching? Yes/No.

Sounds like a shibboleth. Closet apostates would likely let their yes mean no.

But the answer is an obvious YES.

Elders of all stripes should be qualified to teach. But the elders whom we trust the most to teach are the ones included in the "presiding" teaching positions in each of our local congregations. Therefore, by extension, we should also consider it right and organizationally correct, to include our most qualified elders in the the "presiding" teaching positions of the overall worldwide congregation. The Bible does not speak of a separate body within the congregational body, and we cannot speak of this body of elders as our Head or our Leader. Nevertheless, the group of elders whom we refer to as the Governing Body fills a key presiding position in the congregation. Therefore all the following scriptures should apply without hesitation:

(1 Thessalonians 5:12, 13) 12 Now we request you, brothers, to show respect for those who are working hard among you and presiding over you in the Lord and admonishing you; 13 and to give them extraordinary consideration in love because of their work.. . .

(1 Timothy 5:17) 17 Let the elders who preside in a fine way be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard in speaking and teaching. . .

(Hebrews 13:17) 17 Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over you as those who will render an account, . . .

(Hebrews 13:7) 7 Remember those who are taking the lead among you, who have spoken the word of God to you, and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out, imitate their faith.

(Romans 12:4-8) 4 For just as we have in one body many members, but the members do not all have the same function, 5 so we, although many, are one body in union with Christ, but individually we are members belonging to one another. 6 Since, then, we have gifts that differ according to the undeserved kindness given to us, if it is of prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; 7 or if it is a ministry, let us be at this ministry; or the one who teaches, let him be at his teaching; 8 or the one who encourages, let him give encouragement; the one who distributes, let him do it liberally; the one who presides, let him do it diligently; the one who shows mercy, let him do it cheerfully.

(1 Corinthians 12:27-29) 27 Now you are Christ’s body, and each of you individually is a member. 28 And God has assigned the respective ones in the congregation: first, apostles; second, prophets; third, teachers; then powerful works; then gifts of healings; helpful services; abilities to direct; different tongues. 29 Not all are apostles, are they? Not all are prophets, are they? Not all are teachers, are they?

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7 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Unfortunately, one cannot know anything on the internet.

Shiwiii is actually a circuit overseer who is having a bad day.

I have to admit that I thought BibleSpeaks was a gentleman (until Queen Esther said something definite) and that Shiwii was a lady until today.  Well don't blame me. The language of truth is not feminine or masculine and with no photo what am I going to do.

James, that would not have worked.

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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

Sounds like a shibboleth. Closet apostates would likely let their yes mean no.

Yes, reminds me a little of when some elders in the past (I don’t know if they still do it) would ask a “dubious” brother a similar question, as if the answer solved all of the other problems. I don’t think this was necessarily Bruce’s intent, but it’s nice to see, after all the misunderstandings have been cleared, all at the party are mates again! :)

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