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27 minutes ago, bruceq said:

Yes about the web browser thingy I did this test at the Public Library {therefore hopefully a neutral ground browsers not tainted by apostates or Witnesses browsing} and unless most of the people using that particular computer were JW well...you get the idea.

Make them say "Shiboleth" to be sure.

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Not to worry. This isn't a real thread. Not exactly anyway. I was asked to try my hand at splitting off some of the diversionary topics from the thread called: Perhaps you heard of it. Well

thank you for all your comments, even though my language is not,  somethings which makes it little hard for me to understand you fully, and read all your words fast. sorry if I make any mistakes. 

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1 hour ago, bruceq said:

Yes about the web browser thingy I did this test at the Public Library {therefore hopefully a neutral ground browsers not tainted by apostates or Witnesses browsing} and unless most of the people using that particular computer were JW well...you get the idea.

Which test did you do? Did you put in the same search criteria as you said you did in your p. 8 post?

Did you log into your Chrome or Google account on the Library computer?

2 hours ago, bruceq said:

And of course that dosen't negate the facts about the most important fact I mentioned about JW being now the most read website of all religious websites AND being the most translated. 


2 hours ago, bruceq said:

Just look at religioustolerance website and compare the JW with ANY other and you will see we are the MOST hated religion in the world by far.




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5 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:


Which test did you do? Did you put in the same search criteria as you said you did in your p. 8 post? Yes

Did you log into your Chrome or Google account on the Library computer? No


Why are you here? Haters will hate so i've read compare Muslims to Jehovah's Witnesses !!! How do people in general feel?  http://www.religioustolerance.org/aboutus.htm

Don't want to go to jail? Change your faith


Say shibboleth.  :D


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I like the blog test. Write something praiseworthy of Muslims and you get a smattering of protests. Write something praiseworthy about Jehovah's Witnesses and you get so many howls that your ISP carrier threatens to increase your rates.

The Canadian website Bruce mentions has had to post a disclaimer: "We are not Jehovah's Witnesses. We are just trying to  report on them. Leave us in peace. We don't want to hear why you  think they are a cult!" They have not had to do that with Muslims although 1000 times more numerous.

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3 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:


Besides, it is the reason for hatred that must be factored in. If Muslims have found a mixed reception in the West, it is because, in some inexplicable way, the religion produces extremists far more numerous and vicious than anything emerging from the 'Christian' world. Plus, if features sharia law that undoes decades of progress in woman's issues. And at its harshest,  it does considerably more than shun those who run afoul of it.

Ordinary run-of-the-mill Muslims suffer for these perceptions, which, as always, are exaggerated, yet all you have to do is read the paper to see that they are not manufactured out of thin air, as are many of the claims about Jehovah's Witnesses. With them, essentially, it is that they preach a message that few want to hear, and can be overbearing.

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2 hours ago, bruceq said:

Why are you here? Haters will hate

While I endeavor to verbally smash certain ones in the teeth with a baseball bat, I have, with some difficulty and with occasional regressions, learned to fight ideas and not people. The people are merely actors playing a role written out for them long ago. Sometimes in Hollywood, actors who have long played the villain sign on to play a role as a good guy. Hebrews 6:4 puts the damper on that somewhat in a spiritual sense, but you never know for sure who is described therein.

Yes, you are jealous for Jehovah and will tolerate no rivalry, as scripture says you should be. Believe me, I understand. To be sure, I was helped in my 'progress' by @adminslapping an A on me (abuse) and removing an entire thread before you came along.  It is still a challenge to separate the sinner from the sin when the former so obviously relishes the latter role. But I am trying. Even with @BigMouth I am making significant progress.

Though I am completely (well, partly) reformed, @admin has yet to imitate our Lord and Saviour, and extend forgiveness and obliterate my past record of evil. But the night is yet young. The fat lady as not yet sung. (No offense to @The Librarian) If I can restore my pristine reputation with The World Media forum, I will able to die with a smile on my face.

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To tell you the truth I had no intention of posting this again I was just editing a number that was off to update it so I could print it out but when I edited it it "posted" it again. LOL

But as I have noticed apostates often do us a favor in publicizing the Witnesses or rather Jehovah uses them to His advantage as he did with Russian apostates like Dvorkin and the anti-cultists.

Why are they here? I often ask that of others including myself with no ill intention to others or myself.  O.o

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7 hours ago, bruceq said:

, "Who go to heaven", "What happens when you die", "Why does God allow suffering" and so forth...JW.ORG came up FIRST in all these searches

True, one reason is because these are targeted questions, the kind of questions not necessarily asked by the general public, but mainly the questions WE, Jehovah's Witnesses ask the public to think about. To illustrate, if I was a random person, (someone perhaps who has never heard about Jehovah's Witnesses) and I begun to be conscious of a spiritual need, I might wonder where to begin. I might google "getting to know god" .  This search brings up various Christian denominations from the Christadelphians to the Mormons. JWs do not appear even after 3 pages (I didn't look any further). The same results come up after searching for "ways to praise god"  "how to find god"  and "where can I find god".  On the other hand questions such as "Truth about god"  and "Who is god" brings up JWs as the first entry. “Who are true Christians” brings up  6 “Christian websites” first, and  7th one is ours with the slightly curious heading “Origin of the Cross—Why True Christians Do Not Use the Cross”.

8 hours ago, bruceq said:

 WORLDWIDE, the most popular religious website out of 100,000 as of 2017 is now JW.ORG.

Interestingly, according to  this website  the percentage of traffic directed from search is 13.40%.  It is a lot higher in some of the other sites. But it’s pretty cool that we rank  number 1 especially as the most translated website.  We probably also still rank number 1 for most widely distributed magazine in the world (WT 1st, Awake 2nd)




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1 hour ago, Anna said:

True, one reason is because these are targeted questions, the kind of questions not necessarily asked by the general public, but mainly the questions WE, Jehovah's Witnesses ask the public to think about. To illustrate, if I was a random person, (someone perhaps who has never heard about Jehovah's Witnesses) and I begun to be conscious of a spiritual need, I might wonder where to begin. I might google "getting to know god" .  This search brings up various Christian denominations from the Christadelphians to the Mormons. JWs do not appear even after 3 pages (I didn't look any further). The same results come up after searching for "ways to praise god"  "how to find god"  and "where can I find god".  On the other hand questions such as "Truth about god"  and "Who is god" brings up JWs as the first entry. “Who are true Christians” brings up  6 “Christian websites” first, and  7th one is ours with the slightly curious heading “Origin of the Cross—Why True Christians Do Not Use the Cross”.

Interestingly, according to  this website  the percentage of traffic directed from search is 13.40%.  It is a lot higher in some of the other sites. But it’s pretty cool that we rank  number 1 especially as the most translated website.  We probably also still rank number 1 for most widely distributed magazine in the world (WT 1st, Awake 2nd)




   Yes the point I was making if one reads the post was about God's Kingdom and the other facts on Translation and so forth it was not about the "targeted questions". I could care less about those I just added those in originally for other types of search options one can do. Make sure you erase all search caches before doing the search however as I stated in the post which some others apparently did not read. and use a neutral computer like at the library which I also stated in the original post.  With my Bible study I only typed in "God's Kingdom" {what true Christians are SUPPOSE to be preaching about}  to show him and the top was JW and that convinced him. As for the ratings well that was just icing on the cake making that fact concrete and helping that family see that JW have the truth after all.

I just think it is remarkable [not the questions people search for but] that JW are #1 religious website in the world as being most visited when we just got started a few yeas ago. Even in "Catholic" countires like Italy!!!  And being most translated is a given for the True Religion as many Scriptures indicate.

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1 hour ago, Anna said:

True, one reason is because these are targeted questions, the kind of questions not necessarily asked by the general public, but mainly the questions WE, Jehovah's Witnesses ask the public to think about. To illustrate, if I was a random person, (someone perhaps who has never heard about Jehovah's Witnesses) and I begun to be conscious of a spiritual need, I might wonder where to begin. I might google "getting to know god" .  This search brings up various Christian denominations from the Christadelphians to the Mormons. JWs do not appear even after 3 pages (I didn't look any further). The same results come up after searching for "ways to praise god"  "how to find god"  and "where can I find god".  On the other hand questions such as "Truth about god"  and "Who is god" brings up JWs as the first entry. “Who are true Christians” brings up  6 “Christian websites” first, and  7th one is ours with the slightly curious heading “Origin of the Cross—Why True Christians Do Not Use the Cross”.

Good points.

Also, some terminology is more common or even unique to JWs, so if we punch in those terms (e.g. 'God's kingdom' or 'ransom sacrifice'), we are going to get jw.org at the top of the list. Punch in 'Kingdom of God' or 'atonement doctrine' and jw.org will be way down the list if it appears at all on the first page.

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