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3 hours ago, bruceq said:

And being most translated is a given for the True Religion 

Yes, I fully agree with you, one should expect that


3 hours ago, bruceq said:

Even in "Catholic" countires like Italy!!!  

Actually JWs in Italy are one of the largest religions after the Catholics :)

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Not to worry. This isn't a real thread. Not exactly anyway. I was asked to try my hand at splitting off some of the diversionary topics from the thread called: Perhaps you heard of it. Well

thank you for all your comments, even though my language is not,  somethings which makes it little hard for me to understand you fully, and read all your words fast. sorry if I make any mistakes. 

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5 hours ago, bruceq said:

And being most translated is a given for the True Religion as many Scriptures indicate.

I love the fact that the jw.org site is the most translated, too. But I don't really understand the logic of this. Are you saying that during all the time when we were NOT the most translated, that we were NOT the true religion?

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There are Scriptures that show how the work would progress and speed up before the end. I am sure with you background you can find them since there are to many to post. :D  {Also read all the posting I posted many there}. Obviously when the Watchtower was first printed at only 6,000 copies that did not mean it was the true religion just because of the quantity. Obviously many factors involved in identifying the true religion. But near the end of this system [but only if one believe we are at the end] would this make more sense to some

What accounts for the incredible growth in Websites and computer technology and in JW.ORG rising above all the "Mountains and hills". Some say aliens must be involved since that is the best they can come up with. lol. Of course you could say aliens are involved if one means invisible spirit entities such as Jesus and the angels or even Satan takes his part to try and destroy as many as he can since he knows his time is short. But isn't it fascinating how Jehovah can use things from the world to HIS advantage. Remember who is really in charge and HIS purpose will have unfailing succes no matter what any of us actually do. The internet is now the primary way humans communicate. Why everyone now has a "smartphone" on their person 24/7. And it has become global to such an extent a major world power has actually BANNED JW.ORG in 2015 the first to do so ever on earth. And yet we are still at the top tells me all I need to know. Isa Chapter 2

To me it seems very odd the incredible growth in computer and internet technology in such as very short amount of time.

History and Growth of the Internet from 1995 till Today

Today the Internet continues to grow day by day making
 Global Village a reality. The following table
shows the incredibly fast evolution of the Internet from
1995 till the present time:







December, 1995

16 millions
0.4 %


December, 1996

36 millions
0.9 %


December, 1997

70 millions
1.7 %


December, 1998

147 millions
3.6 %

C.I. Almanac

December, 1999

248 millions
4.1 %

Nua Ltd.

March, 2000

304 millions
5.0 %

Nua Ltd.

July, 2000

359 millions
5.9 %

Nua Ltd.

December, 2000

361 millions
5.8 %

Internet World Stats

March, 2001

458 millions
7.6 %

Nua Ltd.

June, 2001

479 millions
7.9 %

Nua Ltd.

August, 2001

513 millions
8.6 %

Nua Ltd.

April, 2002

558 millions
8.6 %

Internet World Stats

July, 2002

569 millions
9.1 %

Internet World Stats

September, 2002

587 millions
9.4 %

Internet World Stats

March, 2003

608 millions
9.7 %

Internet World Stats

September, 2003

677 millions
10.6 %

Internet World Stats

October, 2003

682 millions
10.7 %

Internet World Stats

December, 2003

719 millions
11.1 %

Internet World Stats

February, 2004

745 millions
11.5 %

Internet World Stats

May, 2004

757 millions
11.7 %

Internet World Stats

October, 2004

812 millions
12.7 %

Internet World Stats

December, 2004

817 millions
12.7 %

Internet World Stats

March, 2005

888 millions
13.9 %

Internet World Stats

June, 2005

938 millions
14.6 %

Internet World Stats

September, 2005

957 millions
14.9 %

Internet World Stats

November, 2005

972 millions
15.2 %

Internet World Stats

December, 2005

1,018 millions
15.7 %

Internet World Stats

March, 2006

1,023 millions
15.7 %

Internet World Stats

June, 2006

1,043 millions
16.0 %

Internet World Stats

Sept, 2006

1,086 millions
16.7 %

Internet World Stats

Dec, 2006

1,093 millions
16.7 %

Internet World Stats

Mar, 2007

1,129 millions
17.2 %

Internet World Stats

June, 2007

1,173 millions
17.8 %

Internet World Stats

Sept, 2007

1,245 millions
18.9 %

Internet World Stats

Dec, 2007

1,319 millions
20.0 %

Internet World Stats

Mar, 2008

1,407 millions
21.1 %

Internet World Stats

June, 2008

1,463 millions
21.9 %

Internet World Stats

Sept, 2008

1,504 millions
22.5 %

Internet World Stats

Dec, 2008

1,574 millions
23.5 %

Internet World Stats

Mar, 2009

1,596 millions
23.8 %

Internet World Stats

June, 2009

1,669 millions
24.7 %

Internet World Stats

Sept, 2009

1,734 millions
25.6 %

Internet World Stats

Dec, 2009

1,802 millions
26.6 %

Internet World Stats

June, 2010

1,966 millions
28.7 %

Internet World Stats

Sept, 2010

1,971 millions
28.8 %

Internet World Stats

Mar, 2011

2,095 millions
30.2 %

Internet World Stats

Jun, 2011

2,110 millions
30.4 %

Internet World Stats

Sept, 2011

2,180 millions
31.5 %

Internet World Stats

Dec, 2011

2,267 millions
32.7 %

Internet World Stats

Mar, 2012

2,336 millions
33.3 %

Internet World Stats

June, 2012

2,405 millions
34.3 %

Internet World Stats

Sept, 2012

2,439 millions
34.8 %

Internet World Stats

Dec, 2012

2,497 millions
35.7 %


Dec, 2013

2,802 millions
39.0 %

Internet World Stats

June, 2014

3,035 millions
42.3 %

Internet World Stats

Dec, 2014

3,079 millions
42.4 %

Internet World Stats

June, 2015

3,270 millions
45.0 %

Internet World Stats

Dec, 2015

3,366 millions
46.4 %

Internet World Stats

Jun. 2016

3,631 millions
49.5 %

Internet World Stats

Dec. 2016

3,696 millions
49.5 %

Internet World Stats

Mar. 2017

3,739 millions
49.6 %

Internet World Stats

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Also here is a list of the total number of actual Websites on earth since the beginning:

Websites Change Internet Users Users per
Websites launched
2015 863,105,652 -11% 3,185,996,155* 3.7  
2014 968,882,453 44% 2,925,249,355 3.0  
2013 672,985,183 -3% 2,756,198,420 4.1  
2012 697,089,489 101% 2,518,453,530 3.6  
2011 346,004,403 67% 2,282,955,130 6.6  
2010 206,956,723 -13% 2,045,865,660 9.9 Pinterest
2009 238,027,855 38% 1,766,206,240 7.4  
2008 172,338,726 41% 1,571,601,630 9.1 Dropbox
2007 121,892,559 43% 1,373,327,790 11.3 Tumblr
2006 85,507,314 32% 1,160,335,280 13.6 Twttr
2005 64,780,617 26% 1,027,580,990 16 YouTube, Reddit
2004 51,611,646 26% 910,060,180 18 Thefacebook, Flickr
2003 40,912,332 6% 778,555,680 19 WordPress, LinkedIn
2002 38,760,373 32% 662,663,600 17  
2001 29,254,370 71% 500,609,240 17 Wikipedia
2000 17,087,182 438% 413,425,190 24 Baidu
1999 3,177,453 32% 280,866,670 88 PayPal
1998 2,410,067 116% 188,023,930 78 Google
1997 1,117,255 334% 120,758,310 108 Yandex
1996 257,601 996% 77,433,860 301  
1995 23,500 758% 44,838,900 1,908 Altavista, Amazon, AuctionWeb
1994 2,738 2006% 25,454,590 9,297 Yahoo
1993 130 1200% 14,161,570 108,935  
1992 10 900%      
Aug. 1991 1       World Wide Web Project
Source: NetCraft and Internet Live Stats (elaboration of data by Matthew Gray of MIT and Hobbes' Internet Timeline and Pingdom)
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And yet out of all those JW.ORG is the most translated of all 1.2 Billion and the #1 of all religious websites on earth. Since Jesus said the True faith would be the ones preaching in ALL the inhabited earth obviously we see that as being true since a few years after 2012 when the website first launched.

Of course I still use Love as the predominant factor in identifying true religion but it is because of this love that the brothers did all this work in order to reach as many people as they can with the message. So it is connected to Jn. 13:35. We are the only one actually doing the WORK of Kingdom preaching. Why even the Roman Catholic Churches website [with over a billion members] is only translated in 10 languages whereas ours is 904 and climbing. And that is with all volunteer labor.

You see before 2012 we could say we have the truth and give evidence to back it up from Scripture like the worldwide preaching work which many would need faith to see but these facts on the internet are secular quantitative facts that are supportive and undeniable as to where JW.org stands in relation to all the rest. And EVERYONE can now see it with their own eyes. The small one becoming a thousand and a mighty nation Jehovah would speed it up in His time. Could that time be now, just a few years before the beginning of the Great Tribulation?

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Okay, @The Librarian, I have worked through today's backlog.

FROM NOW ON I WILL CONFORM - MORE OR LESS - TO YOUR NEW IMPROVED SYSTEM. You can even blow this comment to smithereens if you want.

DO YOU HEAR THAT, BIG BOY? @James Thomas Rook Jr.LET'S TAKE IT OUT ON THE STREET! YOU AND ME, BIG FELLA! NO MORE PUBLIC FIGHTING! Let the poor librarian repair her busted furniture, tape up spines on the damaged books, put the 33 rpm records away that you have hurled at me as frisbees, and start afresh!

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Funny you mention that ... Years ago I was at my Father's house in Richmond, Virginia, and  I had an Elder call me up and tell me was going to destroy me ... and I said "You are welcome to try ... you know where I am ... I will meet you in the street out in front of the house, and we will shoot it out."  That was the last time I ever heard from him.

I realize you are only funnin', so let's take it to the area we are supposed to go to.

( checks his supply of graphic Memes and cartoons...)

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What about the effects of the website on those lands where people are poor and neither have computers nor the Internet, including JWs?  I remember an Article in the Watchtower recently wherein the Gov Body was asked if whose Witnesses who don't have access to the Website are well fed and they said Yes.  


Here is the quote:

*** w14 8/15 p. 5 Are You Receiving “Food at the Proper Time”? ***
3. If you do not have access in your language to all the publications that are produced, will you become spiritually undernourished?
The answer is no. And it should not surprise us that some of Jehovah’s servants might, at times, have access to more spiritual food than others do. Why not? Consider the apostles. They received more instruction than many other disciples in the first century did. (Mark 4:10; 9:35-37) Even so, the other disciples were not spiritually undernourished; they received what they needed.—Eph. 4:20-24; 1 Pet. 1:8.
It is also worth noting that much of what Jesus said and did while on earth is not recorded in the Gospel accounts. The apostle John wrote: “There are also, in fact, many other things that Jesus did, which if ever they were written in full detail, I suppose the world itself could not contain the scrolls written.” (John 21:25) Even though Jesus’ first-century followers had more information about the perfect man Jesus than we do, we are not deprived. Jehovah has made sure that we know enough about Jesus for us to be his footstep followers.—1 Pet. 2:21.
Think, too, of the letters sent by the apostles to the first-century congregations. At least one letter written by Paul was not preserved in the Bible. (Col. 4:16) Is our spiritual food inadequate because we do not have access to that letter? No. Jehovah knows what we need and has given us enough to keep us spiritually strong.—Matt. 6:8.
Today, some groups of Jehovah’s servants have more spiritual food available to them than others have. Do you speak a language in which only a few publications are available? If so, know that Jehovah cares for you. Study the material you have, and if possible, attend the meetings in a language that you understand. And be assured that Jehovah will keep you spiritually strong.—Ps. 1:2; Heb. 10:24, 25.
4. If you do not have access to material that is published on jw.org, will you become spiritually weak?
On our Web site, we publish copies of our magazines and other Bible-study publications. The Web site also provides material that helps couples, teenagers, and those with young children. Families benefit by considering this material in their Family Worship sessions. In addition, our Web site reports on special programs, such as Gilead graduations and the annual meeting, and it keeps our global brotherhood informed about natural disasters and legal developments that affect Jehovah’s people. (1 Pet. 5:8, 9) The Web site is also a powerful preaching tool, making the good news available even in lands where our work is restricted or banned.
However, you can remain spiritually strong whether you have access to our Web site or not. The slave has worked hard to provide enough printed material to keep each domestic spiritually well-fed. Therefore, you should not feel obligated to buy a device just to access jw.org. Some may make private arrangements to print a limited amount of material published on our Web site and give it personally to those who do not have Internet access, but congregations are not required to do this.
We are grateful to Jesus for keeping his promise to care for our spiritual needs. As these difficult last days rapidly draw to a close, we can be confident that Jehovah will continue to provide spiritual “food at the proper time.”

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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Okay, @The Librarian, I have worked through today's backlog.

FROM NOW ON I WILL CONFORM - MORE OR LESS - TO YOUR NEW IMPROVED SYSTEM. You can even blow this comment to smithereens if you want.

DO YOU HEAR THAT, BIG BOY? @James Thomas Rook Jr.LET'S TAKE IT OUT ON THE STREET! YOU AND ME, BIG FELLA! NO MORE PUBLIC FIGHTING! Let the poor librarian repair her busted furniture, tape up spines on the damaged books, put the 33 rpm records away that you have hurled at me as frisbees, and start afresh!

Well I won't be making any comments down there since I have no idea how to log in. I seems I have to create another account? I am not doing that, I have enough accounts. @The Librarian I use firefox as my browser....

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4 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I log into the "comments area" with my Facebook user name and password.

Thanks JTR.

But I don't want to log in with my FB.That has my whole name, and I don't want to use that here :D

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